开 ⇒
开始 kāishǐ, [開始], to begin/beginning/to start/initial/CL:個|个[gè]
开 kāi, [開], to open/to start/to turn on/to boil/to write out (a prescription, check, invoice...
离开 líkāi, [離開], to depart/to leave
开心 kāixīn, [開心], to feel happy/to rejoice/to have a great time/to make fun of sb
打开 dǎkāi, [打開], to open/to show (a ticket)/to turn on/to switch on
开枪 kāiqiāng, [開槍], to open fire/to shoot a gun
放开 fàngkāi, [放開], to let go/to release
开玩笑 kāiwánxiào, [開玩笑], to play a joke/to make fun of/to joke
开车 kāichē, [開車], to drive a car
走开 zǒukāi, [走開], to leave/to walk away/to beat it/to move aside
开门 kāimén, [開門], to open a door (lit. and fig.)/to open for business
分开 fēnkāi, [分開], to separate/to part
开除 kāichú, [開除], to expel (a member of an organization)/to fire (an employee)
开口 kāikǒu, [開口], to open one's mouth/to start to talk
滚开 gǔnkāi, [滾開], to boil (of liquid)/boiling hot/Get out!/Go away!/fuck off (rude)
公开 gōngkāi, [公開], public/to publish/to make public
开火 kāihuǒ, [開火], to open fire
解开 jiěkāi, [解開], to untie/to undo/to solve (a mystery)
开会 kāihuì, [開會], to hold a meeting/to attend a meeting
开头 kāitóu, [開頭], beginning/to start
展开 zhǎnkāi, [展開], to unfold/to carry out/to be in full swing/to launch
开放 kāifàng, [開放], to bloom/to open/to be open (to the public)/to open up (to the outside)/to be op...
敞开 chǎngkāi, [敞開], to open wide/unrestrictedly
避开 bìkāi, [避開], to avoid/to evade/to keep away from
开场 kāichǎng, [開場], to begin/to open/to start/beginning of an event
开通 kāitōng/kāitong, [開通], to open up (windows for air, ideas for discussion, transportation routes etc), o...
开拍 kāipāi, [開拍], to begin shooting (a movie, a scene of a movie etc)/to start the bidding (auctio...
张开 zhāngkāi, [張開], to open up/to spread/to extend
开发 kāifā, [開發], to exploit (a resource)/to open up (for development)/to develop
开工 kāigōng, [開工], to begin work (of a factory or engineering operation)/to start a construction jo...
闪开 shǎnkāi, [閃開], to get out of the way
躲开 duǒkāi, [躲開], to stay out of (hot water, trouble, awkward situation etc)/to avoid (sb)
开庭 kāitíng, [開庭], to begin a (judicial) court session
开启 kāiqǐ, [開啟], to open/to start/(computing) to enable
让开 ràngkāi, [讓開], to get out of the way/to step aside
开战 kāizhàn, [開戰], to start a war/to make war/to battle against
切开 拉开 lākāi, [拉開], to pull open/to pull apart/to space out/to increase
松开 sōngkāi, [鬆開], to release/to let go/to loosen/to untie/to come loose
开动 kāidòng, [開動], to start/to set in motion/to move/to march/to dig in (eating)/to tuck in (eating...
召开 zhàokāi, [召開], to convene (a conference or meeting)/to convoke/to call together
开张 kāizhāng, [開張], to open a business/first transaction of a business day
开关 kāiguān, [開關], power switch/gas valve/to open the city (or frontier) gate/to open and close/to ...
抛开 pāokāi, [拋開], to throw out/to get rid of
开膛 揭开 jiēkāi, [揭開], to uncover/to open
散开 sànkāi, [散開], to separate/to disperse
开胃 kāiwèi, [開胃], to whet the appetite/appetizing/to amuse oneself at sb's expense/to tease
挪开 nuókāi, [挪開], to move (sth) aside/to step aside/to move over (when sitting on a bench)/to shif...
开支 kāizhī, [開支], expenditures/expenses/CL:筆|笔[bǐ], 項|项[xiàng]/to spend money/(coll.) to pay wages
开端 kāiduān, [開端], start/beginning
开业 kāiyè, [開業], to open a business/to open a practice/open (for business)
开诚布公 kāichéngbùgōng, [開誠佈公]/[開誠布公], variant of 開誠布公|开诚布公[kāi chéng bù gōng], lit. deal sincerely and fairly (idiom);...
推开 tuīkāi, [推開], to push open (a gate etc)/to push away/to reject/to decline
开价 kāijià, [開價], to quote a price/seller's first offer
拆开 chāikāi, [拆開], to dismantle/to disassemble/to open up (sth sealed)/to unpick
离不开 líbukāi, [離不開], inseparable/inevitably linked to
裂开 lièkāi, [裂開], to split open
开销 kāixiāo, [開銷], to pay (expenses)/expenses/(old) to dismiss (an employee)
开展 kāizhǎn, [開展], to launch/to develop/to unfold/(of an exhibition etc) to open
撕开 开学 kāixué, [開學], foundation of a University or College/school opening/the start of a new term
开创 kāichuàng, [開創], to initiate/to start/to found
开幕式 kāimùshì, [開幕式], opening ceremony
开饭 kāifàn, [開飯], to serve a meal
开阔 kāikuò, [開闊], wide/open (spaces)/to open up
开门见山 kāiménjiànshān, [開門見山], lit. to open the door and see the mountain; fig. to get right to the point (idio...
开机 kāijī, [開機], to start an engine/to boot up (a computer)/to press Ctrl-Alt-Delete/to begin sho...
开场白 kāichǎngbái, [開場白], prologue of play/opening remarks/preamble (of speeches, articles etc)
开脱 kāituō, [開脫], to exculpate/to absolve/to exonerate
开花 kāihuā, [開花], to bloom/to blossom/to flower/fig. to burst open/to feel happy or elated/new dev...
开幕 kāimù, [開幕], to open (a conference)/to inaugurate
开罗 Kāiluó, [開羅], Cairo, capital of Egypt
甩开 shuǎikāi, [甩開], to shake off/to get rid of
大开眼界 传开 chuánkāi, [傳開], (of news) to spread/to get around
开朗 kāilǎng, [開朗], spacious and well-lit/open and clear/(of character) optimistic/cheerful/carefree
撇开 piēkāi, [撇開], to disregard/to leave aside
开炮 kāipào, [開砲], to open fire
开进 开船 kāichuán, [開船], to set sail
开办 kāibàn, [開辦], to open/to start (a business etc)/to set up
开采 kāicǎi, [開採], to extract (ore or other resource from a mine)/to exploit/to mine
翻开 fānkāi, [翻開], to open up
开路 kāilù, [開路], to open up a path/to make one's way through/to construct a road/(electricity) op...
不可开交 bùkěkāijiāo, [不可開交], to be awfully (busy etc)
公开赛 gōngkāisài, [公開賽], (sports) open championship/open (as in "the US Open")
开发商 kāifāshāng, [開發商], developer (of real estate, a commercial product etc)
开开 开刀 kāidāo, [開刀], (of a surgeon) to perform an operation/(of a patient) to have an operation/to de...
开曼群岛 KāimànQúndǎo, [開曼群島], Cayman Islands
开设 kāishè, [開設], to offer (goods or services)/to open (for business etc)
异想天开 yìxiǎngtiānkāi, [異想天開], to imagine the wildest thing/to indulge in fantasy
盛开 shèngkāi, [盛開], blooming/in full flower
寻开心 xúnkāixīn, [尋開心], to make fun of/to seek diversion
开局 kāijú, [開局], opening (chess etc)/early stage of game, match, work, activity etc
开窍 kāiqiào, [開竅], to get it straight/to start to understand things properly/enlightenment dawns
开播 剖开 开演 kāiyǎn, [開演], (of a play, movie etc) to begin
开明 kāimíng, [開明], enlightened/open-minded/enlightenment
开怀 kāihuái, [開懷], to one's heart's content/without restraint
断开 duànkāi, [斷開], to break/to sever/to turn off (electric switch)
开走 kāizǒu, [開走], to go (of car, train etc)/to drive off
开拓 kāituò, [開拓], to break new ground (for agriculture)/to open up (a new seam)/to develop (border...
开怀大笑 开拓者 kāituòzhě, [開拓者], pioneer
开辟 kāipì, [開闢], to open up/to set up/to establish
掀开 xiānkāi, [掀開], to lift open/to tear open
开赛 kāisài, [開賽], to start a match/the kick-off
开眼 kāiyǎn, [開眼], to open one's eyes/to widen one's horizons
开曼 开导 kāidǎo, [開導], to talk sb round/to straighten sth out/to enlighten
信口开河 xìnkǒukāihé, [信口開河], to speak without thinking (idiom)/to blurt sth out
开水 kāishuǐ, [開水], boiled water/boiling water
开外 kāiwài, [開外], over and above (some amount)/beyond (budget)
米开朗基罗 Mǐkāilǎngjīluó, [米開朗基羅], Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564), Renaissance painter and sculptor
开瓶器 kāipíngqì, [開瓶器], bottle opener
开天窗 kāitiānchuāng, [開天窗], to leave a blank to mark censored area
网开一面 wǎngkāiyīmiàn, [網開一面], open the net on one side (idiom); let the caged bird fly/to give one's opponent ...
拨开 bōkāi, [撥開], to push aside/to part/to brush away
开阔地 开小差 kāixiǎochāi, [開小差], to be absent-minded/to desert/to abscond from the army/absent without leave (AWO...
岔开 chàkāi, [岔開], to diverge/to branch off the road/to change (the subject)
开化 kāihuà, [開化], to become civilized/to be open-minded/(of ice) to thaw
开户 kāihù, [開戶], to open an account (bank etc)
开释 kāishì, [開釋], to release (a prisoner)
掰开 bāikāi, [掰開], to pull apart/to pry open with the hands
开来 开足马力 kāizúmǎlì, [開足馬力], to accelerate at full power (idiom); at full speed/fig. to work as hard as possi...
除开 chúkāi, [除開], besides/except/to get rid of (sb)/(math.) to divide
开放式 开天辟地 kāitiānpìdì, [開天闢地], to split heaven and earth apart (idiom); refers to the Pangu 盤古|盘古[Pán gǔ] creat...
开篇 kāipiān, [開篇], start of literary work/opening song of ballad in Tanci style 彈詞|弹词[tán cí]
开放性 kāifàngxìng, [開放性], openness
开夜车 kāiyèchē, [開夜車], to burn the midnight oil/to work late into the night
劈开 pīkāi, [劈開], to cleave/to split open/to spread open (fingers, legs)
开课 kāikè, [開課], school begins/give a course/teach a subject
开房间 kāifángjiān, [開房間], to take a hotel room/to rent a room
开国 kāiguó, [開國], to found a state/to open a closed country
开春 kāichūn, [開春], beginning of spring/the lunar New Year
开恩 kāiēn, [開恩], to give a favor (used of Christian God)
开封 Kāifēng, [開封], Kaifeng prefecture-level city in Henan, old capital of Northern Song, former pro...
开后门 kāihòumén, [開後門], to open the back door/fig. under the counter/to do a secret or dishonest deal/to...
开普敦 Kāipǔdūn, [開普敦], Cape Town (city in South Africa)
丢开 diūkāi, [丟開], to cast or put aside/to forget for a while
开花结果 豁然开朗 huòránkāilǎng, [豁然開朗], suddenly opens up to a wide panorama (idiom); to come to a wide clearing/fig. ev...
开尔文 Kāiěrwén, [開爾文], Lord Kelvin 1824-1907, British physicist (William Thomson)/Kelvin (temperature s...
想开 xiǎngkāi, [想開], to get over (a shock, bereavement etc)/to avoid dwelling on unpleasant things/to...
开裂 kāiliè, [開裂], to split open/to dehisce (of fruit or cotton bolls, to split open)
开裆裤 kāidāngkù, [開襠褲], open-crotch pants (for toddlers)
开挖 kāiwā, [開挖], to dig out/to excavate/to scoop out
开赴 kāifù, [開赴], (of troops) to depart for/to head for
开间 kāijiān, [開間], alcove/bay in a room/unit of length used for rooms, approx. 3.3 meters
开道 kāidào, [開道], to clear the way
吃得开 chīdekāi, [吃得開], to be popular/to be getting on well/much in demand
对外开放 开司米 kāisīmǐ, [開司米], cashmere (loanword)
开审 开门红 kāiménhóng, [開門紅], a good beginning
扒开 bākāi, [扒開], to pry open or apart/to spread (sth) open with both hands
左右开弓 zuǒyòukāigōng, [左右開弓], lit. to shoot from both sides (idiom)/fig. to display ambidexterity/to slap with...
开凿 kāizáo, [開鑿], to cut (a canal, tunnel, well etc)
开快车 kāikuàichē, [開快車], an express train sets off/fig. to work in haste/to rush
公开化 gōngkāihuà, [公開化], to publicize/openness (of government, PRC equivalent of "glasnost")
铺开 开垦 kāikěn, [開墾], to clear a wild area for cultivation/to put under the plow
迈开 开闸 茅塞顿开 máosèdùnkāi, [茅塞頓開], murky darkness suddenly opens (idiom); a sudden flash of insight and all is clea...
挣开 开发区 kāifāqū, [開發區], development zone
春暖花开 喜笑颜开 xǐxiàoyánkāi, [喜笑顏開], grinning from ear to ear (idiom)/beaming with happiness
洞开 dòngkāi, [洞開], to be wide open
开拔 kāibá, [開拔], to set out (of troops)/departure/start date (of military expedition)
米开朗琪罗 开锅 kāiguō, [開鍋], (of a pot) to boil
开路先锋 kāilùxiānfēng, [開路先鋒], pioneer/trailbreaker
绽开 zhànkāi, [綻開], to burst forth
阿尔布开克 开具 kāijù, [開具], to draw up (a document)
开箱 kāixiāng, [開箱], unboxing/to unbox
开矿 kāikuàng, [開礦], to mine/to open a seam
开盘 kāipán, [開盤], to commence trading (stock market)
开腔 kāiqiāng, [開腔], to speak out/to start speaking
开荒 kāihuāng, [開荒], to open up land (for agriculture)
想得开 xiǎngdekāi, [想得開], to not take to heart/to be free of worried thoughts/to adopt a lighthearted pers...
开创性 kāichuàngxìng, [開創性], innovative
开屏 kāipíng, [開屏], (a peacock) spreads its tail
金石为开 开绿灯 kāilǜdēng, [開綠燈], to give the green light/to give the go-ahead
错开 cuòkāi, [錯開], to stagger (times)
摆开 开山 kāishān, [開山], to cut into a mountain (to open a mine)/to open a monastery
开市 kāishì, [開市], (of a store, stock market etc) to open for trading/to make the first transaction...
开发部 公开信 gōngkāixìn, [公開信], open letter
开行 白开水 báikāishuǐ, [白開水], plain boiled water
想不开 xiǎngbukāi, [想不開], cannot figure out/to be unable to take a lighter view/to take things too hard/to...
掘开 兰开斯特 Lánkāisītè, [蘭開斯特], Lancaster
车开来 撩开 liāokai, [撩開], to push aside (clothing, curtain etc) to reveal something/to toss aside
旗开得胜 qíkāidéshèng, [旗開得勝], lit. to win a victory on raising the flag (idiom); fig. to start on sth and have...
米开朗基罗的大卫 吃不开 chībukāi, [吃不開], be unpopular/won't work
开式 开班 冲开 南开 Nánkāi, [南開], Nankai district of Tianjin municipality 天津市[Tiān jīn shì]
开讲 kāijiǎng, [開講], to begin a lecture/to start on a story
开诊 笑逐颜开 xiàozhúyánkāi, [笑逐顏開], smile spread across the face (idiom); beaming with pleasure/all smiles/joy writt...
开小灶 kāixiǎozào, [開小灶], to give preferential treatment/to give special attention
脱开 tuōkāi, [脫開], to withdraw
皮开肉绽 píkāiròuzhàn, [皮開肉綻], flesh lacerated from corporal punishment (idiom)
对开 duìkāi, [對開], running in opposite direction (buses, trains, ferries etc)
开锁器 开席 开票 kāipiào, [開票], to open ballot boxes/to count votes/to make out a voucher or invoice etc/to writ...
半公开 bàngōngkāi, [半公開], semiovert/more or less open
开发权 开金 kāijīn, [開金], carated gold (alloy containing stated proportion of gold)
开远 Kāiyuǎn, [開遠], Kaiyuan county level city in Honghe Hani and Yi autonomous prefecture, Yunnan
开航 抹不开 继往开来 jìwǎngkāilái, [繼往開來], to follow the past and herald the future (idiom); part of a historical transitio...
开盘价 开创者 铁树开花 tiěshùkāihuā, [鐵樹開花], lit. the iron tree blooms (idiom)/a highly improbable or extremely rare occurren...
开平 Kāipíng, [開平], Kaiping county level city in Jiangmen 江門|江门, Guangdong/Kaiping district of Tangs...
公开课 亚开玛 先开 栗树开 东开才 开拓性 kāituòxìng, [開拓性], pioneering/groundbreaking
车开成 罗德开 罗开特斯 开幕词 kāimùcí, [開幕詞], opening speech (at a conference)
重开 chóngkāi, [重開], to reopen
兰开夏 兰开斯 开方 kāifāng, [開方], to extract a square root
开本 kāiběn, [開本], book format, similar to in-4°, in-8° etc (a 16-kai format 16開|16开[shí liù kāi] i...
开炉 kāilú, [開爐], to open a furnace/to start up a furnace
开幕会 花开花 西开普 别开 开堂 kāitáng, [開堂], to open a law court/to set up a mourning hall
开卷 kāijuàn, [開卷], to open a book/open-book (exam)
开仓 开瑜 开氏 遍地开花 biàndìkāihuā, [遍地開花], to blossom everywhere/to spring up all over the place/to flourish on a large sca...
别开生面 biékāishēngmiàn, [別開生面], to start sth new or original (idiom); to break a new path/to break fresh ground
开庆生 转换开关 开倒车 kāidàochē, [開倒車], to drive in reverse/fig. to take a backward step/retrogressive/trying to turn th...
张开来 开场戏 门开成 乐开花 lèkāihuā, [樂開花], to burst with joy
张开双 米开朗其罗 人来开 开发署 东开来 开馆 开锁 kāisuǒ, [開鎖], to unlock
开阳 Kāiyáng, [開陽], zeta Ursae Majoris in the Big Dipper/Kaiyang county in Guiyang 貴陽|贵阳[Guì yáng], ...
开蓬 公开性 云开日出 窦初开 开信器 草开花 王开 开工率 邹易开
平 ⇒
公平 gōngpíng, fair/impartial
和平 Hépíng/hépíng, Heping district of Shenyang city 瀋陽市|沈阳市, Liaoning/Hoping township in Taichung c...
平 Píng/píng, surname Ping, flat/level/equal/to tie (make the same score)/to draw (score)/calm...
水平 shuǐpíng, level (of achievement etc)/standard/horizontal
平静 píngjìng, [平靜], tranquil/undisturbed/serene
平常 píngcháng, ordinary/common/usually/ordinarily
平时 píngshí, [平時], ordinarily/in normal times/in peacetime
平衡 pínghéng, balance/equilibrium
平安 píngān, safe and sound/well/without mishap/quiet and safe/at peace
平民 píngmín, ordinary people/commoner/civilian
摆平 bǎipíng, [擺平], to be fair/to be impartial/to settle (a matter etc)
平等 píngděng, equal/equality
太平洋 TàipíngYáng, Pacific Ocean
平均 píngjūn, average/on average/evenly/in equal proportions
平凡 píngfán, commonplace/ordinary/mediocre
平台 píngtái, [平臺], platform/terrace/flat-roofed building
平息 píngxī, to settle (a dispute)/to quieten down/to suppress
平行 píngxíng, parallel/of equal rank/simultaneous
平安无事 píngānwúshì, [平安無事], safe and sound (idiom)
平方 píngfāng, square (as in square foot, square mile, square root)
平局 píngjú, a draw (in competition)/a tie
平原 píngyuán, field/plain/CL:個|个[gè]
平面 píngmiàn, plane (flat surface)/print media
平分 píngfēn, to divide evenly/to bisect (geometry)/deuce (tennis)/tied score
太平间 tàipíngjiān, [太平間], mortuary/morgue
平庸 píngyōng, mediocre/indifferent/commonplace
平和 Pínghé/pínghé, Pinghe county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhāng zhōu], Fujian, gentle/mild/moderate/placid
太平 Tàipíng/tàipíng, place name, peace and security
平手 píngshǒu, (sports) draw/tie
平稳 píngwěn, [平穩], smooth/steady
平淡 píngdàn, flat/dull/ordinary/nothing special
地平线 dìpíngxiàn, [地平線], horizon
平壤 Píngrǎng, Pyongyang, capital of North Korea
生平 shēngpíng, life (a person's whole life)/in one's entire life
夷为平地 yíwéipíngdì, [夷為平地], to level/to raze to the ground
平平 píngpíng, average/mediocre
心平气和 xīnpíngqìhé, [心平氣和], tranquil and even-tempered (idiom); calmly and without stress
平面图 píngmiàntú, [平面圖], a plan/a planar graph/a plane figure
平地 píngdì, to level the land/level ground/plain
天平 tiānpíng, scales (to weigh things)
平头 píngtóu, [平頭], flattop/crew cut/common (people)
和平共处 hépínggòngchǔ, [和平共處], peaceful coexistence of nations, societies etc
平衡木 pínghéngmù, beam (gymnastics)/balance beam
雪平 抚平 fǔpíng, [撫平], to flatten/to smooth down/to unwrinkle/(fig.) to soothe (emotional wounds)/to he...
平坦 píngtǎn, level/even/smooth/flat
平板 píngbǎn, slab/plate/dull/monotonous/tablet (computer)
平整 píngzhěng, smooth/level/to level off/to flatten (remove bumps)
平复 píngfù, [平復], to pacify/to calm down/to be cured/to be healed
平日 píngrì, ordinary day/everyday/ordinarily/usually
平滑 pínghuá, flat and smooth
平淡无奇 píngdànwúqí, [平淡無奇], ordinary and mediocre (idiom); nothing to write home about
平平安安 风平浪静 fēngpínglàngjìng, [風平浪靜], lit. breeze is still, waves are quiet (idiom); tranquil environment/all is quiet...
平易近人 píngyìjìnrén, amiable and approachable (idiom); easy-going/modest and unassuming/(of writing) ...
平房 Píngfáng/píngfáng, Pingfang district of Harbin 哈爾濱|哈尔滨[Hā ěr bīn] in Heilongjiang, bungalow/single-...
平方根 píngfānggēn, square root
平克士 平白 píngbái, for no reason/gratuitously
平生 píngshēng, all one's life
平步青云 píngbùqīngyún, [平步青雲], to rapidly go up in the world/meteoric rise (of a career, social position etc)
扁平 biǎnpíng, flat/planar
公平交易 gōngpíngjiāoyì, fair dealing
平心静气 拉平 lāpíng, to bring to the same level/to even up/to flare out/to flatten out
平躺 海平面 hǎipíngmiàn, sea level
平定 Píngdìng/píngdìng, Pingding county in Yangquan 陽泉|阳泉[Yáng quán], Shanxi, to pacify
平底锅 píngdǐguō, [平底鍋], frying pan
铺平 pūpíng, [鋪平], to spread out (material)/to pave (the way, a road etc)
不平 bùpíng, uneven/injustice/unfairness/wrong/grievance/indignant/dissatisfied
皮平 平起平坐 píngqǐpíngzuò, to be on an equal footing
平角 平底鞋 男女平等 nánnǚpíngděng, equality of the sexes
修平 平塔 持平 chípíng, to stay level (of exchange rate, market share etc)/fair/unbiased
平方米 píngfāngmǐ, square meter
平田 水平线 平克顿 平反 píngfǎn, to redress (an injustice)/to rehabilitate (sb whose reputation was unjustly sull...
平平淡淡 扫平 打抱不平 dǎbàobùpíng, to come to the aid of sb suffering an injustice/to fight for justice/also writte...
卢平 克里斯平 平奇 愤愤不平 fènfènbùpíng, [憤憤不平], to feel indignant/to feel aggrieved
一平君 天下太平 tiānxiàtàipíng, the whole world at peace (idiom); peace and prosperity
平摊 píngtān, [平攤], to spread out/(fig.) to share equally
平方英寸 平均值 píngjūnzhí, average value
踏平 平心而论 píngxīnérlùn, [平心而論], to be honest, ...
特平 填平 素昧平生 sùmèipíngshēng, to have never met sb before (idiom); entirely unacquainted/a complete stranger/n...
阳平 yángpíng, [陽平], evenly rising tone, the second tone of putonghua
打平 平底 píngdǐ, flat bottomed/low heeled
平缓 pínghuǎn, [平緩], level/almost flat/not strongly sloping/fig. moderate/mild-mannered/gentle
泛太平洋 平滑肌 pínghuájī, smooth muscle (anatomy)/non-striated muscle
周平 兰平顿 平山 Píngshān, Pingshan county in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shí jiā zhuāng], Hebei/Pingshan district...
平移 píngyí, translation (geometry)
平成 Píngchéng, Heisei, Japanese era name, corresponding to the reign (1989-2019) of emperor Aki...
扁平足 和平谈判 hépíngtánpàn, [和平談判], peace negotiations
乐平 Lèpíng, [樂平], Leping county level city in Jingdezhen 景德鎮|景德镇, Jiangxi
十平 超水平 素平 歌舞升平 gēwǔshēngpíng, lit. to celebrate peace with songs and dance (idiom)/fig. to make a show of happ...
平均数 píngjūnshù, [平均數], mean (statistics)
平行线 píngxíngxiàn, [平行線], parallel lines
平方尺 平常心 平价 píngjià, [平價], reasonably priced/inexpensive/to keep prices down/(currency exchange) parity
平纹 píngwén, [平紋], plain weave
平方公里 píngfānggōnglǐ, square kilometer
忿忿不平 fènfènbùpíng, variant of 憤憤不平|愤愤不平[fèn fèn bù píng]
平叛 píngpàn, to put down a revolt/to pacify a rebellion
松平 叶甫盖尼·茨平 低平 平民化 平实 píngshí, [平實], simple and unadorned/plain/(of land) level/even
平塔·拉莫斯 平添 平飞 露平塔·拉莫斯 平分秋色 píngfēnqiūsè, to both share the limelight/to both have an equal share of
洋平 扳平 bānpíng, to equalize/to level the score/to pull back the advantage
水平面 shuǐpíngmiàn, horizontal plane/level surface/water level
一马平川 yīmǎpíngchuān, [一馬平川], flat land one could gallop straight across (idiom); wide expanse of flat country
水平仪 shuǐpíngyí, [水平儀], level (device to determine horizontal)/spirit level/surveyor's level
海平线 平平静静 人平 伟平 平基 平米 píngmǐ, square meter/short for 平方米
阿平 东平 Dōngpíng, [東平], Dongping county in Tai'an 泰安[Tài ān], Shandong
平克·弗洛伊德 平视 平足 平谷 Pínggǔ, Pinggu rural district of Beijing, formerly Pinggu county
莫平 抱不平 bàobùpíng, to be outraged by an injustice
西平 Xīpíng, Xiping county in Zhumadian 駐馬店|驻马店[Zhù mǎ diàn], Henan
四平八稳 sìpíngbāwěn, [四平八穩], everything steady and stable (idiom); overcautious and unimaginary
大平 木幸平 于平成 斯特平·费 重平 和平乡 Hépíngxiāng, [和平鄉], Hoping township in Taichung county 臺中縣|台中县[Tái zhōng xiàn], Taiwan
平方和 端平 平顶山 Píngdǐngshān, [平頂山], Pingdingshan prefecture level city in Henan
电平 凹凸不平 āotūbùpíng, uneven (surface)/bumpy (road)
平素 píngsù, usually/habitually/ordinarily/normally
詹姆斯·平克顿 承平 chéngpíng, (periods of) peace and prosperity/peaceful
鸣不平 míngbùpíng, [鳴不平], to cry out against injustice/to protest unfairness
平顺 Píngshùn/píngshùn, [平順], Pingshun, county in Shanxi, smooth/smooth-going/plain sailing
一平 露平塔·马丁·拉莫斯 玛丽·波平斯 平奇·麦考伊 平等互利 píngděnghùlì, mutual benefit/to share profits equitably
野平 平子 开平 Kāipíng, [開平], Kaiping county level city in Jiangmen 江門|江门, Guangdong/Kaiping district of Tangs...
邓小平 DèngXiǎopíng, [鄧小平], Deng Xiaoping (1904-1997), Chinese communist leader, de facto leader of PRC 1978...
杨平郡 泰德·莫平 卢平顿 平坦坦 和伟平 迪克特平 平俊 佩平 平仄 píngzè, level and oblique tones (technical term for Classical Chinese rhythmic poetry)
纯平 贝斯平 平顿 向雪平 平仓洞 猜平 平野教 恩平 Ēnpíng, Enping county level city in Jiangmen 江門|江门, Guangdong
平装 píngzhuāng, [平裝], paperback/paper-cover
和平号 平贺 亚平宁山脉 康平 Kāngpíng/kāngpíng, Kangping county in Shenyang 瀋陽|沈阳, Liaoning, peace and prosperity
马科斯·平卡斯基 平假名 píngjiǎmíng, hiragana (Japanese script)
平乃明 平江 Píngjiāng, Pingjiang district of Suzhou city 蘇州市|苏州市[Sū zhōu shì], Jiangsu/Pingjiang county...
兰普平原 一方平安 动态平衡 从和平 衡平法 平放 平行面 会震平 延平 Yánpíng, Yanping district of Nanping city 南平市[Nán píng shì] Fujian/Yanping township in Ta...
西本修平 平基·斯坦 削平 平声 píngshēng, [平聲], level or even tone/first and second tones in modern Mandarin
平川 Píngchuān/píngchuān, Pingchuan district of Baiyin city 白銀市|白银市[Bái yín shì], Gansu, an expanse of fla...
平展 平卧 平克 平四 周永平 平版 píngbǎn, lithographic plate
平湖 Pínghú, Pinghu county level city in Jiaxing 嘉興|嘉兴[Jiā xīng], Zhejiang
平浪 平野家 平斯 路齐平 平克佛洛伊德 平衡杆 源平 正如平 平直球 佩妮·平顿 原平 Yuánpíng, Yuanping county level city in Xinzhou 忻州[Xīn zhōu], Shanxi
祝平安 平锋 平光镜 九平 丕平 平克·佛洛依德 让斯特平·费 四平 Sìpíng, Siping prefecture level city in Jilin province 吉林省 in northeast China
高平 Gāopíng, Gaoping, city in 山西[Shān xī]/Cao Bang, Vietnam
坎坷不平 kǎnkěbùpíng, potholed and bumpy road (idiom); fig. full of disappointment and dashed hopes
风平 平铺直叙 和平鸽 hépínggē, [和平鴿], dove of peace
太平梯 埃伦·平斯基 平板车 píngbǎnchē, [平板車], handcart/trolley/flatbed truck
太平门 tàipíngmén, [太平門], emergency exit
平野 Píngyě, Hirano (Japanese surname)
平平稳稳 平装本 píngzhuāngběn, [平裝本], paperback (book)
玛丽珀平斯 过平