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[當月] dāngyuè on that month
dàngyuè the same month

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Word Compounds

        dāng/dàng, [噹]/[當], (onom.) dong/ding dong (bell), to be/to act as/manage/withstand/when/during/ough...
        dāngrán, [當然], only natural/as it should be/certainly/of course/without doubt
        dāngshí/dàngshí, [當時], then/at that time/while, at once/right away
        xiāngdāng, [相當], equivalent to/appropriate/considerably/to a certain extent/fairly/quite
        dàngzuò, [當作], to treat as/to regard as
        dàngchéng, [當成], to consider as/to take to be
        dāngdì, [當地], local
        dāngzhōng, [當中], among/in the middle/in the center
        dāngshìrén, [當事人], persons involved or implicated/party (to an affair)
        dāngchū, [當初], at that time/originally
        dāngxīn, [當心], to take care/to look out
        Yàdāng, [亞當], Adam
        dāngwǎn/dàngwǎn, [當晚], on that evening, the same evening
        dāngnián/dàngnián, [當年], in those days/then/in those years/during that time, that very same year
        zhèngdāng/zhèngdàng, [正當], timely/just (when needed), honest/reasonable/fair/sensible
        měidāng, [每當], whenever/every time/on every
        shìdàng, [適當], suitable/appropriate
        dàngzhēn, [當真], to take seriously/serious/No joking, really!
        yīngdāng, [應當], should/ought to
        dāngtiān/dàngtiān, [當天], on that day, the same day
        qiàdàng, [恰當], appropriate/suitable
        dāngchǎng, [當場], at the scene/on the spot
        dāngmiàn, [當面], to sb's face/in sb's presence
        dāngjú, [當局], authorities
        dāngxuǎn, [當選], to be elected/to be selected
        lǐsuǒdāngrán, [理所當然], as it should be by rights (idiom); proper and to be expected as a matter of cour...
        dàngzuò, [當做], to treat as/to regard as/to look upon as
        gòudàng, [勾當], shady business
        dāngqián, [當前], current/today's/modern/present/to be facing (us)
        shàngdàng, [上當], taken in (by sb's deceit)/to be fooled/to be duped
        tuǒdang, [妥當], appropriate/proper/ready
        dāngbīng, [當兵], to serve in the army/to be a soldier
        dāngjīn, [當今], current/present/now/nowadays
        bùdàng, [不當], unsuitable/improper/inappropriate
        Màidāngláo, [麥當勞], MacDonald or McDonald (name)/McDonald's (fast food company)
        dāngbān, [當班], to work one's shift
        dāngzhòng, [當眾], in public/in front of everybody
        dāngzhe, [當著], in front of/in the presence of
        chōngdāng, [充當], to serve as/to act as/to play the role of
        dīngdāng, [叮噹], (onom.) ding dong/jingling of bells/clanking sound
        zhèngdàngfángwèi, [正當防衛], reasonable self-defense/legitimate defense
        dāngdài, [當代], the present age/the contemporary era
        hángdang, [行當], profession/role (acting)
        dāndāng, [擔當], to take upon oneself/to assume
        dāngxià, [當下], immediately/at once/at that moment/at the moment
        zhíjiéliǎodàng, [直截了當], direct and plainspoken (idiom); blunt/straightforward
便         biàndāng, [便當], convenient/handy/easy/bento (a meal in a partitioned box)/lunchbox
        dàngpù, [當舖], pawn shop/CL:家[jiā],間|间[jiān]
        dédàng, [得當], appropriate/suitable
        jiādàng, [家當], familial property/belongings
        diǎndàng, [典當], to pawn/pawnshop
        dāngwùzhījí, [當務之急], top priority job/matter of vital importance
        dāngzhīwúkuì, [當之無愧], fully deserving, without any reservations (idiom); entirely worthy (of a title, ...
        Yàdāngsī, [亞當斯], Adams
        Màidāngnà, [麥當娜], Madonna (1958-), US pop singer
        dāngtóu/dàngtou, [當頭], coming right into one's face/imminent/to put first, (coll.) pledge/surety
        xiǎngdāngrán, [想當然], to take sth for granted
        lìngdāngbiélùn, [另當別論], to treat differently/another cup of tea
        dāngjiā, [當家], to manage the household/to be the one in charge of the family/to call the shots/...
        dāngrì/dàngrì, [當日], on that day, that very day/the same day
        dāngdāng/Dāngdāng/dàngdàng, [噹噹]/[當當], (onom.) ding dong, Dangdang (online retailer), to pawn
        xiāngdāngyú, [相當於], equivalent to
        qígǔxiāngdāng, [旗鼓相當], lit. two armies have equivalent banners and drums (idiom); fig. evenly matched/r...
        dāngquán, [當權], to hold power
        dāngquánzhě, [當權者], ruler/those in power/the authorities
        kòngdāng, [空當], gap/interval
        wěndang, [穩當], reliable/secure/stable/firm
        dīngdīngdāngdāng, [叮叮噹噹], (onom.) ding dong/jingling of bells/clanking sound
        yīmǎdāngxiān, [一馬當先], to take the lead
        shǒudāngqíchōng, [首當其衝], to bear the brunt
        shīdàng, [失當], inappropriate/improper
        bùgǎndāng, [不敢當], lit. I dare not (accept the honor); fig. I don't deserve your praise/you flatter...
        xiǎngdāngdāng, [響噹噹], resounding/loud/well known/famous
        dāngjí, [當即], at once/on the spot
        dāngjīlìduàn, [當機立斷], to make prompt decisions (idiom)
        dāngshì/dàngshì, [當事], to be in charge/to be confronted (with a matter)/involved (in some matter), to c...
        dāngdào, [當道], in the middle of the road/to be in the way/to hold power/(fig.) to predominate/t...
        lǐdāng, [理當], should/ought
        dāngzhèng, [當政], to come to power/to hold power/in office
        dāngr, [當兒], the very moment/just then/during (that brief interval)
        dāngliàng, [當量], equivalent/yield
        lǎodāngyìzhuàng, [老當益壯], old but vigorous (idiom); hale and hearty despite the years
        dāngyuè/dàngyuè, [當月], on that month, the same month
        dúdāngyīmiàn, [獨當一面], to assume personal responsibility (idiom); to take charge of a section
        méndānghùduì, [門當戶對], the families are well-matched in terms of social status (idiom)/(of a prospectiv...
        bùjiǎndāngnián, [不減當年], (of one's skills, appearance etc) not to have deteriorated a bit/to be as (good,...
        guāngdāng, [咣當], crash/bang
        dāngjiāzuòzhǔ, [當家作主], to be in charge in one's own house (idiom)/to be the master of one's own affairs
        dāngyè/dàngyè, [當夜], on that night, that very night/the same night
        huǐbùdāngchū, [悔不當初], to regret one's past deeds (idiom)
        dāngshìzhě, [當事者], the person involved/the people holding power
        dàdídāngqián, [大敵當前], facing a powerful enemy (idiom); fig. confronting grave difficulties/Enemy at th...
        mǎndāngdāng, [滿當當], brim full/completely packed
        Dāngxióng, [當雄], Damxung county, Tibetan: 'Dam gzhung rdzong in Lhasa 拉薩|拉萨[Lā sà], Tibet
        ruìbùkědāng, [銳不可當], unstoppable/hard to hold back
        mǎnmǎndāngdāng, [滿滿當當], brim full/completely packed
        zhèngdāngzhōng, [正當中], right in the midpoint/a bull's eye/to hit the nail on the head
        dāngquánpài, [當權派], persons or faction in authority
        dāngguī, [當歸], Angelica sinensis
        shìbùkědāng, [勢不可當], impossible to resist (idiom); an irresistible force
        dāngrénbùràng, [當仁不讓], to be unwilling to pass on one's responsibilities to others
        tíngdàng, [停當], settled/accomplished/ready
        zhèngdāngnián, [正當年], to be in the prime of life
        shùndang, [順當], smoothly

        yuè, moon/month/monthly/CL:個|个[gè],輪|轮[lún]
        mìyuè, honeymoon
        yuèliang, the moon
        yuèqiú, the moon
        shànggèyuè, [上個月], last month
        yuèguāng, moonlight
        měiyuè, each month
        suìyuè, [歲月], years/time
        Wǔyuè, May/fifth month (of the lunar year)
        Liùyuè, June/sixth month (of the lunar year)
        yuèjīng, [月經], menstruation/a woman's period
        Sìyuè, April/fourth month (of the lunar year)
        yuèfèn, month
        Jiǔyuè, September/ninth month (of the lunar year)
        Yīyuè, January/first month (of the lunar year)
        Shíyuè, October/tenth month (of the lunar year)
        Sānyuè, March/third month (of the lunar year)
        běnyuè, this month/the current month
        Bāyuè, August/eighth month (of the lunar year)
        Èryuè, February/second month (of the lunar year)
        Qīyuè, July/seventh month (of the lunar year)
        mǎnyuè, [滿月], full moon/whole month/baby's one-month old birthday
        yuèdǐ, end of the month
        Shíyīyuè, November/eleventh month (of the lunar year)
        Shíèryuè, December/twelfth month (of the lunar year)
        yuètái, [月臺], railway platform
        yuèyè, moonlit night
        yīyuèfèn, January
        shàngyuè, last month
        míngyuè, bright moon/refers to 夜明珠, a legendary pearl that can glow in the dark/CL:輪|轮[lú...
        xiàyuè, next month
        xīnyuè, new moon/crescent
        yuèsè, moonlight
        niányuè, months and year/time/days of one's life
        sānyuèfèn, March
        yuèkān, monthly magazine
        jiǔyuèfèn, September/ninth month
        yuèshí, lunar eclipse/eclipse of the moon
        wǔyuèfèn, May
        liùyuèfèn, June
        fēngyuè, [風月], romance/beautiful scenery/small or petty (of talk etc)
        yuèpiào, monthly ticket
        èryuèfèn, February
        yuèlì, [月曆], monthly calendar
        yuèdù, monthly
        wàngyuè, full moon
        rìxīnyuèyì, [日新月異], daily renewal, monthly change (idiom)/every day sees new developments/rapid prog...
        sìyuèfèn, April
        shíyuèfèn, October
        rìyuè, the sun and moon/day and month/every day and every month/season/life and livelih...
        bāyuèfèn, August
        huāqiányuèxià, see 月下花前[yuè xià huā qián]
        Zhēngyuè, first month of the lunar year
        yuèmò, end of month/late in the month
        dāngyuè/dàngyuè, [當月], on that month, the same month
        dēngyuè, to go (up) to the moon
        yuèchū, start of month/early in the month
        qīyuèfèn, July
        Zhāiyuè, [齋月], Ramadan (Islam)
        yuèxīn, monthly income (in kind)
        rìjīyuèlěi, [日積月累], to accumulate over a long period of time
        cányuè, [殘月], waning moon
        chángniánlěiyuè, [長年累月], year in, year out (idiom)/(over) many years
        yuèyá, crescent moon
        yuèxiàng, phases of moon, namely: new moon 朔[shuò], first quarter or waxing moon 上弦[shàng ...
        shíèryuèfèn, December
        shǎngyuè, [賞月], to admire the full moon
        chéngniánlěiyuè, year in, year out (idiom)
        yuèlǎo, matchmaker/go-between/same as 月下老人[yuè xià lǎo rén]
        yuèyán, moon rock
        zhòngxīngpěngyuè, [眾星捧月], lit. all the stars cup themselves around the moon (idiom, from Analects); fig. t...
        yuèzhōng, middle of month
        bènyuè, to fly to the moon
        Wǔyuèjié, [五月節], Dragon Boat Festival (the 5th day of the 5th lunar month)
        yuèbǐng, [月餅], mooncake (esp. for the Mid-Autumn Festival)
        yuègōng, [月宮], Palace in the Moon (in folk tales)
        yuèzi, traditional one-month confinement period following childbirth/puerperium
        jìnshuǐlóutáixiāndéyuè, [近水樓臺先得月], the pavilion closest to the water enjoys moonlight first (idiom)/to benefit from...
        xiányuè, half-moon/the 7th and 8th and 22nd and 23rd of the lunar month
        bìyuèxiūhuā, [閉月羞花], lit. hiding the moon, shaming the flowers (idiom)/fig. female beauty exceeding e...
        yuèqiúchē, [月球車], moon buggy
        Yuányuè, first month (of either lunar or Western calendars)
        Làyuè, [臘月], twelfth lunar month
        yuèquánshí, total lunar eclipse
        yuèpiānshí, partial eclipse of the moon
        yuèhuá, [月華], moonlight
        yuèjì, Chinese rose (Rosa chinensis)
        yuèyáxíng, crescent
        yuèbào, [月報], monthly (used in names of publications)/monthly bulletin
        jīngniánlěiyuè, [經年累月], for years/over the years
        shíyīyuèfèn, November

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