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bìxiū a required course

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        bìxū, [必須], to have to/must/compulsory/necessarily
        bìyào, necessary/essential/indispensable/required
        bùbì, need not/does not have to/not necessarily
        bì, certainly/must/will/necessarily
        bìxū, to need/to require/essential/indispensable
        hébì, there is no need/why should
        bìrán, inevitable/certain/necessity
        wèibì, not necessarily/maybe not
        bìdìng, to be bound to/to be sure to
        wùbì, [務必], must/to need to/to be sure to
        xiǎngbì, presumably/probably/in all likelihood/surely
        bìshèng, [必勝], to be certain of victory/to be bound to prevail
        bìjiāng, [必將], inevitably
        bìxūpǐn, necessity/essential (thing)
        bìbèi, [必備], essential
        bùbìyào, needless/unnecessary
        bìjīng, [必經], unavoidable/the only (road, entrance etc)
        bìbùkěshǎo, absolutely necessary/indispensable/essential
        shìbì, [勢必], to be bound to/undoubtedly will
        fēnmiǎobìzhēng, [分秒必爭], seize every minute and second (idiom); not a minute to lose/every moment counts
        bìyàoxìng, necessity
        shìzàibìxíng, [勢在必行], circumstances require action (idiom); absolutely necessary/imperative
        yǒuqiúbìyìng, [有求必應], to grant whatever is asked for/to accede to every plea
        chēdàoshānqiánbìyǒulù, [車到山前必有路], lit. When we get to the mountain, there'll be a way through. (idiom)/fig. Everyt...
        bìyàotiáojiàn, [必要條件], requirement/necessary condition (math)
        Hūbìliè, Khubilai Khan (1215-1294), grandson of Genghis Khan 成吉思汗, first Yuan dynasty emp...
        shìbìgōngqīn, [事必躬親], to attend to everything personally
        bìxiūkè, [必修課], required course/compulsory course
        bìděi, must/have to
        wùjíbìfǎn, [物極必反], when things reach an extreme, they can only move in the opposite direction (idio...
        bìxiū, a required course
        jiāobīngbìbài, [驕兵必敗], lit. an arrogant army is bound to lose (idiom)/fig. pride goes before a fall
        zìbùbìshuō, [自不必說], to not need dwell on (idiom)
        bìyóuzhīlù, the road one must follow or take/the only way
        zīzhūbìjiào, [錙銖必較], to haggle over every cent (idiom)
        yánduōbìshī, if you say too much, you're bound to slip up at some point (idiom)
        bìbùkěquē, see 必不可少[bì bù kě shǎo]

        Xiū/xiū, [脩], surname Xiu, to decorate/to embellish/to repair/to build/to write/to cultivate/t...
        xiūhǎo, to repair (sth broken)/to restore (sth damaged)/to establish friendly relations ...
        xiūnǚ, nun or sister (of the Roman Catholic or Greek Orthodox churches)
        xiūlǐ, to repair/to fix/to prune/to trim/(coll.) to sort sb out/to fix sb
        xiūgǎi, to amend/to alter/to modify
        xiūfù, [修復], to restore/to renovate/restoration/(computing) to fix (a bug)
        zhuāngxiū, [裝修], to decorate/interior decoration/to fit up/to renovate
        wéixiū, [維修], maintenance (of equipment)/to protect and maintain
        xiūdàoyuàn, monastery/convent
        xiūzhèngàn, amendment/revised draft
        xiūbǔ, [修補], to mend
        xiūchē, [修車], to repair a bike (car etc)
        xiūzhèng, to revise/to amend
        xiūjiǎn, to prune/to trim
        xiūshì, member of religious order/frater
        xiūjiàn, to build/to construct
        zhǔxiū, to major in
        xiūshì, [修飾], to decorate/to adorn/to dress up/to polish (a written piece)/to qualify or modif...
        zhěngxiū, to repair/to refurbish/to renovate/to refit/to mend/to rebuild
        xiūzhěng, to spruce up/to renovate/to tend (a garden)/to groom (one's hair)/to finish (a r...
        dàxiū, overhaul
        xiūxíng, to devote oneself to spiritual development (esp. Buddhism or Daoism)/to devote o...
        fānxiū, to rebuild (house or road)/to overhaul
        xiūyǎng, [修養], accomplishment/training/self-cultivation
        Xiūwǔ, Xiuwu county in Jiaozuo 焦作[Jiāo zuò], Henan
        xiūshàn, [修繕], to renovate/to repair (a building)
        xiūcháng, [修長], slender/lanky/tall and thin
        xiūlǐchǎng, [修理廠], repair shop
        Āxiūluó, [阿修羅], Asura, malevolent spirits in Indian mythology
        xiūcí, [修辭], rhetoric
        jìnxiū, [進修], to undertake advanced studies/to take a refresher course
        jiǎnxiū, [檢修], to overhaul/to examine and fix (a motor)/to service (a vehicle)
        xiūdìng, [修訂], to revise
        xiūdào, to practice Daoism
        xiūlù, to repair a road
        xiūliàn, [修煉], (of Taoists) to practice austerities/to practice asceticism
        xuǎnxiū, [選修], optional course (in school)/to take an optional course
        bǎoxiū, to promise to keep sth in good repair/guarantee/warranty
        qiǎngxiū, [搶修], to repair in a rush/rush repairs
        xiūjiǎo, [修腳], pedicure
        xiūqì, to repair/to renovate
        bùxiūbiānfú, [不修邊幅], not care about one's appearance (idiom)/slovenly in dress and manner
        zìxiū, to study on one's own/self-study
        xiūshēn, to cultivate one's moral character/(fashion) slim-fit/body-hugging
        xuǎnxiūkè, [選修課], optional course (in school)
        Àodéxiūsī, [奧德修斯], Odysseus
        bìxiūkè, [必修課], required course/compulsory course
        niánjiǔshīxiū, old and in a state of disrepair (idiom)/dilapidated
        xiūjiǎoshī, [修腳師], pedicurist
稿         xiūgǎigǎo, revised draft/new version (of a document)
        xiūzhèngzhǔyì, [修正主義], revisionism
        xiūzhù, [修築], to build
        qìxiū, auto repair
        bǎoxiūqī, guarantee period/warranty period
        bìxiū, a required course
        jìngxiū, [靜修], contemplation/meditation
        fǔxiū, [輔修], to minor in/minor
        chánxiū, [禪修], to practice Zen (esp. meditation)
        xiūdìngbǎn, [修訂版], revised edition/revised version
        chóngxiū, to reconstruct/to repair/to revamp/to revise/to retake a failed course
        xiūzhèngyè, correction fluid
        xiūzào, to build/to repair
        xiūxiàn, [修憲], to amend the constitution
        shīxiū, disrepair

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