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Word: freq index 52869
nùchì to angrily rebuke
to indignantly denounce

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        fènnù, [憤怒], angry/indignant/wrath/ire
        nù, anger/fury/flourishing/vigorous
        jīnù, to infuriate/to enrage/to exasperate
        nùhuǒ, rage/fury/hot anger
        nùqì, [怒氣], anger
        fānù, [發怒], to get angry
        kuángnù, furious
        bàonù, to fly into a rage/to rage violently
        nùhǒu, to bellow/to rave/to snarl
        nǎonù, [惱怒], resentful/angry/to enrage sb
        nùqìchōngchōng, [怒氣沖沖], spitting anger (idiom); in a rage
        qiānnù, [遷怒], to take one's anger out on sb (who does not deserve it)
        nùbùkěè, unable to restrain one's anger (idiom); in a towering rage
        chùnù, [觸怒], to anger sb/to enrage
        zhènnù, to be furious
        dòngnù, [動怒], to get angry
        nǎoxiūchéngnù, [惱羞成怒], to fly into a rage out of humiliation/to be ashamed into anger (idiom)
        shèngnù, rage/a raging temper
        xǐnùāilè, [喜怒哀樂], four types of human emotions, namely: happiness 歡喜|欢喜[huān xǐ], anger 憤怒|愤怒[fèn ...
        xīnù, to calm down/to quell one's anger
        xīnhuānùfàng, to burst with joy (idiom)/to be over the moon/to be elated
        nùshì, [怒視], to glower (at sb)/to cast an angry look
        nùfàchōngguān, [怒髮衝冠], lit. hair stands up in anger and tips off one's hat (idiom)/fig. seething in ang...
        nùfàng, in full bloom
        nùmà, [怒罵], to verbally abuse
忿         fènnù, variant of 憤怒|愤怒[fèn nù]
        nùchì, to angrily rebuke/to indignantly denounce
        xīxiàonùmà, [嬉笑怒罵], lit. laughs, jeers, anger and invective (idiom)/fig. all kinds of emotions/to mo...
        nùróng, angry look
        yùnnù, [慍怒], inwardly angry/indignant/sulking/sullen
        nùchōngchōng, [怒沖沖], furiously

        páichì, to reject/to exclude/to eliminate/to remove/to repel
        chōngchì, to be full of/to flood/to congest
        xùnchì, [訓斥], to reprimand/to rebuke/to berate/stern criticism
        chìzé, [斥責], to lash out/to reprimand
        bóchì, [駁斥], to refute/to debunk/to deny/to denounce
        chì, to blame/to reprove/to reprimand/to expel/to oust/to reconnoiter/(of territory) ...
        hēchì, to berate/to excoriate/to chide/also written 喝斥[hē chì]
        tòngchì, to criticize harshly/to denounce/to attack viciously
        xiāngchì, mutual repulsion (e.g. electrostatic)/to repel one another
        nùchì, to angrily rebuke/to indignantly denounce
        hùchì, mutually exclusive
        shēnchì, to rebuke/to blame/to denounce
        chìzī, [斥資], to spend/to allocate funds
        chìlì, repulsion (in electrostatics)/repulsive force
        chìmà, [斥罵], to scold

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