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[懸賞] xuánshǎng to offer a reward

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Word Compounds

        xuán, [懸], to hang or suspend/to worry/public announcement/unresolved/baseless/without foun...
        xuányá, [懸崖], precipice/overhanging cliff
        xuánshǎng, [懸賞], to offer a reward/bounty
        xuánniàn, [懸念], suspense in a movie, play etc/concern for sb's welfare
        xuánàn, [懸案], unresolved question/unresolved case
        xuánguà, [懸掛], to suspend/to hang/(vehicle) suspension
        xuánfú, [懸浮], to float (in the air etc)/suspension
        xuánérwèijué, [懸而未決], pending a decision/hanging in the balance
        xuánshū, [懸殊], widely different/large disparity
        kǒuruòxuánhé, [口若懸河], mouth like a torrent (idiom)/eloquent/glib/voluble/have the gift of the gab
        xuántíng, [懸停], to hover (helicopter, computer mouse etc)
        xuánkōng, [懸空], to hang in the air/suspended in midair/(fig.) uncertain
        xuányálèmǎ, [懸崖勒馬], lit. to rein in the horse at the edge of the precipice (idiom)/fig. to act in th...
        xuányáqiàobì, [懸崖峭壁], sheer cliffs and precipitous rock faces (idiom)
        xuányōngchuí, [懸雍垂], uvula (biology)
        cíxuánfú, [磁懸浮], magnetic levitation (train)/maglev
        xuánbì, [懸臂], cantilever
        dàoxuán, [倒懸], lit. to hang upside down/fig. in dire straits

        xīnshǎng, [欣賞], to appreciate/to enjoy/to admire
        jiǎngshǎng, [獎賞], reward/prize/award
        shǎng, [賞], to bestow (a reward)/to give (to an inferior)/to hand down/a reward (bestowed by...
        zànshǎng, [讚賞], to admire/to praise/to appreciate
        guānshǎng, [觀賞], to look at sth with pleasure/to watch (sth marvelous)/ornamental
        xuánshǎng, [懸賞], to offer a reward/bounty
        shǎngshí, [賞識], to appreciate/to recognize the worth of sth/appreciation
        shǎngliǎn, [賞臉], (polite) do me the honor
        shǎngxīnyuèmù, [賞心悅目], warms the heart and delights the eye (idiom)/pleasing/delightful
        shǎngguāng, [賞光], to do sb the honor (of attending etc)/to put in an appearance/to show up
        shǎngcì, [賞賜], to bestow/to confer (a reward for service)/a reward
        jiànshǎng, [鑑賞], to appreciate (as a connoisseur)
        shǎngqian, [賞錢], tip/gratuity/monetary reward/bonus
        jiànshǎngjiā, [鑒賞家], connoisseur/appreciative person/fan
        kàoshǎng, [犒賞], reward/to reward
        shǎngyuè, [賞月], to admire the full moon
        wánshǎng, [玩賞], to appreciate/to take pleasure in/to enjoy
        shǎngfá, [賞罰], reward and punishment
        yǎsúgòngshǎng, [雅俗共賞], can be enjoyed by scholars and lay-people alike (idiom)

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