感 ⇒
感觉 gǎnjué, [感覺], to feel/to become aware of/feeling/sense/perception/CL:個|个[gè]
感谢 gǎnxiè, [感謝], (express) thanks/gratitude/grateful/thankful/thanks
感到 gǎndào, to feel/to sense/to have the feeling that/to think that/to move/to affect
感 gǎn, to feel/to move/to touch/to affect/feeling/emotion/(suffix) sense of ~
性感 xìnggǎn, sex appeal/eroticism/sexuality/sexy
感受 gǎnshòu, to sense/perception/to feel (through the senses)/to experience/a feeling/an impr...
感情 gǎnqíng, emotion/sentiment/affection/feelings between two persons/CL:個|个[gè],種|种[zhǒng]
感激 gǎnjī, to be grateful/to appreciate/thankful
感染 gǎnrǎn, infection/to infect/to influence
情感 qínggǎn, feeling/emotion/to move (emotionally)
敏感 mǐngǎn, sensitive/susceptible
灵感 línggǎn, [靈感], inspiration/insight/a burst of creativity in scientific or artistic endeavor
感动 gǎndòng, [感動], to move (sb)/to touch (sb emotionally)/moving
感恩节 Gǎnēnjié, [感恩節], Thanksgiving Day
预感 yùgǎn, [預感], to have a premonition/premonition
感冒 gǎnmào, to catch cold/(common) cold/CL:場|场[cháng],次[cì]/(coll.) to be interested in (oft...
感应 gǎnyìng, [感應], response/reaction/interaction/irritability (biol.)/induction (elec.)/inductance
安全感 ānquángǎn, sense of security
感人 gǎnrén, touching/moving
幽默感 yōumògǎn, sense of humor
伤感 shānggǎn, [傷感], sad/emotional/sentimental/pathos
快感 kuàigǎn, pleasure/thrill/delight/joy/pleasurable sensation/a high
流感 liúgǎn, flu/influenza
反感 fǎngǎn, to be disgusted with/to dislike/bad reaction/antipathy
好感 hǎogǎn, good opinion/favorable impression
感想 gǎnxiǎng, impressions/reflections/thoughts/CL:通[tòng],個|个[gè]
感恩 gǎnēn, to be grateful
负罪感 深感 shēngǎn, to feel deeply
感激不尽 gǎnjībùjìn, [感激不盡], can't thank sb enough (idiom)
传感器 chuángǎnqì, [傳感器], sensor/transducer
感知 gǎnzhī, perception/awareness
感性 gǎnxìng, perception/perceptual/sensibility/sensitive/emotional/sentimental
同感 tónggǎn, (have the) same feeling/similar impression/common feeling
感情用事 gǎnqíngyòngshì, to act impetuously (idiom); on an impulse
责任感 zérèngǎn, [責任感], sense of responsibility
动感 dònggǎn, [動感], sense of movement (often in a static work of art)/dynamic/vivid/lifelike
感官 gǎnguān, sense/sense organ
恶感 ègǎn, [惡感], malice/ill will
感染力 gǎnrǎnlì, inspiration/infectious (enthusiasm)
感触 gǎnchù, [感觸], one's thoughts and feelings/emotional stirring/moved/touched
感同身受 gǎntóngshēnshòu, to feel as if it had happened to oneself/to sympathize/(polite expression of gra...
感冒药 gǎnmàoyào, [感冒藥], medicine for colds
神秘感 成就感 感伤 gǎnshāng, [感傷], sad/downhearted/sentimental/pathos/melancholy
倍感 bèigǎn, to feel even more/to be extremely (sad, lonely, delighted etc)
感兴趣 gǎnxìngqù, [感興趣], to be interested
节奏感 方向感 fāngxiànggǎn, sense of direction
口感 kǒugǎn, taste/texture (of food)/how food feels in the mouth
感谢信 真实感 zhēnshígǎn, [真實感], the feeling that sth is genuine/sense of reality/in the flesh
归属感 guīshǔgǎn, [歸屬感], sense of belonging
新鲜感 恐惧感 手感 shǒugǎn, the feel (of sth touched with the hand)/(textiles) handle
感化 gǎnhuà, corrective influence/to reform (a criminal)/redemption (of a sinner)/to influenc...
质感 zhìgǎn, [質感], realism (in art)/sense of reality/texture/tactile quality
美感 měigǎn, sense of beauty/aesthetic perception
禽流感 qínliúgǎn, bird flu/avian influenza
正义感 感言 感染者 gǎnrǎnzhě, infected person
乐感 遥感 yáogǎn, [遙感], remote sensing
自豪感 zìháogǎn, pride in sth/self-esteem
荣誉感 痛感 tònggǎn, to feel deeply/acute suffering
感叹 gǎntàn, [感嘆], to sigh (with feeling)/to lament
优越感 动感情 真情实感 现代感 感受器 gǎnshòuqì, sensory receptor
读后感 dúhòugǎn, [讀後感], impression of a book/opinion expressed in a book review
百感交集 bǎigǎnjiāojí, all sorts of feelings well up in one's heart
危机感 感叹号 gǎntànhào, [感嘆號], exclamation mark ! (punct.)
信任感 挫折感 cuòzhégǎn, frustration
感慨 gǎnkǎi, to sigh with sorrow, regret etc/rueful/deeply moved
敏感度 感人至深 感人肺腑 幸福感 感悟 gǎnwù, to come to realize/to appreciate (feelings)
深有感触 紧迫感 感召 gǎnzhào, to move and appeal/to rally to a cause/to impel/to inspire
使命感 感恩戴德 gǎnēndàidé, deeply grateful
交感神经 jiāogǎnshénjīng, [交感神經], sympathetic nervous system
孤独感 令人感动 距离感 肉感 ròugǎn, sexiness/sexy/sensuality/sensual/voluptuous
观感 guāngǎn, [觀感], one's impressions/observations
感化院 gǎnhuàyuàn, reformatory/reform school
亲切感 感光 gǎnguāng, light-sensitive
认同感 立体感 电感 diàngǎn, [電感], inductance
感怀 gǎnhuái, [感懷], to recall with emotion/to feel sentiments
感叹词 gǎntàncí, [感嘆詞], interjection (part of speech)/exclamation
羞耻感 感慨万千 不适感 历史感 观后感 guānhòugǎn, [觀後感], impression or feeling after visiting or watching (movies, museums etc)
有感 压力感 感召力 gǎnzhàolì, appeal/attraction/charisma
备感 感应场 失落感 敏感区 时代感 自卑感 沧桑感 cāngsānggǎn, [滄桑感], a sense of having been through good times and bad/a weathered and worn look
沉重感 参与感 现场感 感念 gǎnniàn, to recall fondly/to remember with emotion
感觉神经 语感 yǔgǎn, [語感], a feel for language/instinctive understanding
不信任感 亲近感 感受力 犯罪感 震感 zhèngǎn, tremors (from an earthquake)
现实感 感谢状 层次感
想 ⇒
想 xiǎng, to think/to believe/to suppose/to wish/to want/to miss (feel wistful about the a...
想到 xiǎngdào, to think of/to call to mind/to anticipate
想法 xiǎngfǎ, way of thinking/opinion/notion/to think of a way (to do sth)/CL:個|个[gè]
想象 xiǎngxiàng, to imagine/to fancy/CL:個|个[gè]
想想 梦想 mèngxiǎng, [夢想], (fig.) to dream of/dream
想起 xiǎngqǐ, to recall/to think of/to call to mind
想念 xiǎngniàn, to miss/to remember with longing/to long to see again
幻想 huànxiǎng, delusion/fantasy
思想 sīxiǎng, thought/thinking/idea/ideology/CL:個|个[gè]
想见 xiǎngjiàn, [想見], to infer/to gather
理想 lǐxiǎng, an ideal/a dream/ideal/perfect
想像 xiǎngxiàng, to imagine/to conceive of/to visualize/imagination
妄想 wàngxiǎng, to attempt vainly/a vain attempt/delusion
回想 huíxiǎng, to recall/to recollect/to think back
着想 zhuóxiǎng, [著想], to give thought (to others)/to consider (other people's needs)/also pr. [zháo xi...
想不到 xiǎngbudào, unexpected/hard to imagine/it had not occurred to me/who could have thought that
猜想 cāixiǎng, to guess/to conjecture/to suppose/to suspect
休想 xiūxiǎng, don't think (that)/don't imagine (that)
想象力 xiǎngxiànglì, imagination
设想 shèxiǎng, [設想], to imagine/to assume/to envisage/tentative plan/to have consideration for
感想 gǎnxiǎng, impressions/reflections/thoughts/CL:通[tòng],個|个[gè]
梦想成真 意想不到 yìxiǎngbùdào, unexpected/previously unimagined
预想 yùxiǎng, [預想], to anticipate/to expect
想方设法 xiǎngfāngshèfǎ, [想方設法], to think up every possible method (idiom); to devise ways and means/to try this,...
心想 xīnxiǎng, to think to oneself/to think/to assume
联想 Liánxiǎng/liánxiǎng, [聯想], abbr. for 聯想集團|联想集团[Lián xiǎng Jí tuán], to associate (cognitively)/to make an a...
想必 xiǎngbì, presumably/probably/in all likelihood/surely
冥想 míngxiǎng, to meditate/meditation
想来 xiǎnglái, [想來], it may be assumed that
构想 gòuxiǎng, [構想], to conceive/concept
试想 shìxiǎng, [試想], just think!/imagine that!
想像力 xiǎngxiànglì, conception/imagination
假想 jiǎxiǎng, imaginary/virtual/to imagine/hypothesis
异想天开 yìxiǎngtiānkāi, [異想天開], to imagine the wildest thing/to indulge in fantasy
料想 liàoxiǎng, to expect/to presume/to think (sth is likely)
空想 kōngxiǎng, daydream/fantasy/to fantasize
想得到 奇想 心想事成 xīnxiǎngshìchéng, to have one's wishes come true/wish you the best!
想当然 xiǎngdāngrán, [想當然], to take sth for granted
想尽 思想家 sīxiǎngjiā, thinker
想入非非 xiǎngrùfēifēi, to indulge in fantasy (idiom); to let one's imagination run wild
不堪设想 bùkānshèxiǎng, [不堪設想], too horrible to contemplate/unthinkable/inconceivable
痴心妄想 chīxīnwàngxiǎng, to be carried away by one's wishful thinking (idiom)/to labor under a delusion/w...
臆想 yìxiǎng, subjective idea
朝思暮想 zhāosīmùxiǎng, to yearn for sth day and night (idiom)
理想化 lǐxiǎnghuà, to idealize
可想而知 kěxiǎngérzhī, it is obvious that.../as one can well imagine...
空想家 kōngxiǎngjiā, impractical dreamer
遐想 xiáxiǎng, reverie/daydream/to be lost in wild and fanciful thoughts
非分之想 想开 xiǎngkāi, [想開], to get over (a shock, bereavement etc)/to avoid dwelling on unpleasant things/to...
狂想曲 kuángxiǎngqǔ, rhapsody (music)
想当初 想当年 理想国 Lǐxiǎngguó/lǐxiǎngguó, [理想國], Plato's "The Republic" (c. 380 BC), ideal state/utopia
浮想联翩 fúxiǎngliánpiān, [浮想聯翩], to let one's imagination roam
思前想后 sīqiánxiǎnghòu, [思前想後], to consider past cause and future effect (idiom); to think over the past and fut...
暗想 ànxiǎng, think to oneself
想得开 xiǎngdekāi, [想得開], to not take to heart/to be free of worried thoughts/to adopt a lighthearted pers...
幻想曲 假想敌 想不开 xiǎngbukāi, [想不開], cannot figure out/to be unable to take a lighter view/to take things too hard/to...
推想 tuīxiǎng, to reckon/to infer/to imagine
意想 苦思冥想 kǔsīmíngxiǎng, to consider from all angles (idiom); to think hard/to rack one's brains
畅想 chàngxiǎng, [暢想], to think freely/unfettered imagination
思想解放 理想家 随想 想想也是 痴想 chīxiǎng, to daydream/wishful thinking/pipe dream
思来想去 解放思想