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[願望] yuànwàng desire

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Word Compounds

        yuànyì, [願意], to wish/to want/ready/willing (to do sth)
        yuàn, [願], honest/prudent/variant of 願|愿[yuàn], to hope/to wish/to desire/hoped-for/ready/w...
        nìngyuàn, [寧願], would rather/better
        dànyuàn, [但願], if only (sth were possible)/I wish (that)
        yuànwàng, [願望], desire/wish
        zìyuàn, [自願], voluntary
        yìyuàn, [意願], aspiration/wish (for)/desire
        qíngyuàn, [情願], willingness/would rather (agree to X than Y)
        zhìyuànzhě, [志願者], volunteer
        xǔyuàn, [許願], to make a wish/to make a vow/to promise a reward
        xīnyuàn, [心願], cherished desire/dream/craving/wish/aspiration
        zhùyuàn, [祝願], to wish
        zhìyuàn, [志願], aspiration/ambition/to volunteer
        rúyuàn, [如願], to have one's wishes fulfilled
        yíyuàn, [遺願], final wishes of the departed
        rúyuànyǐcháng, [如願以償], to have one's wish fulfilled
        qǐngyuànshū, [請願書], petition
        xīngānqíngyuàn, [心甘情願], delighted to (do sth, idiom)/perfectly happy to do/most willing to do
        gānyuàn, [甘願], willingly
        yīxiāngqíngyuàn, [一廂情願], one's own wishful thinking
        shìyǔyuànwéi, [事與願違], things turn out contrary to the way one wishes (idiom)
        qǐngyuàn, [請願], petition (for action to be taken)
        sùyuàn, [夙願], long-cherished wish
        qíyuàn, [祈願], to pray/to pray for sth/to wish sth/prayer/wish
        zhìyuànbīng, [志願兵], volunteer soldier/CL:名[míng]
        zhìyuànjūn, [志願軍], volunteer army
宿         sùyuàn, [宿願], long-cherished wish
        gānxīnqíngyuàn, [甘心情願], willingly and gladly (idiom)
        suìyuàn, [遂願], to have one's wish fulfilled
        hóngyuàn, [宏願], great aspiration/great ambition
        huányuàn, [還願], to redeem a vow (to a deity)/to fulfill a promise/votive

        xīwàng, to wish for/to desire/hope/CL:個|个[gè]
        shīwàng, disappointed/to lose hope/to despair
        zhǐwàng, to hope for sth/to count on/hope
        kěwàng, to thirst for/to long for
        qīwàng, to have expectations/to earnestly hope/expectation/hope
        juéwàng, [絕望], to despair/to give up all hope/desperate/desperation
        yuànwàng, [願望], desire/wish
        yùwàng, [慾望], desire/longing/appetite/craving
        wàng, [朢], full moon/to hope/to expect/to visit/to gaze (into the distance)/to look towards...
        tànwàng, to visit/to call on sb/to look around
        wàngyuǎnjìng, [望遠鏡], binoculars/telescope/CL:付[fù],副[fù],部[bù]
        kànwàng, to visit/to pay a call to
        pànwàng, to hope for/to look forward to
        shēwàng, an extravagant hope/to have excessive expectations
        shēngwàng, [聲望], popularity/prestige
        yǎngwàng, to look up at/to look up to sb hopefully
        zhǎnwàng, outlook/prospect/to look ahead/to look forward to
        míngwàng, renown/prestige
        shǒuwàng, to keep watch/on guard
        zhāngwàng, [張望], to look around/to peep (through a crack)/to peer at/to throw a look at
        wúwàng, [無望], without hope/hopeless/without prospects
        guānwàng, [觀望], to wait and see/to watch from the sidelines/to look around/to survey
        yǒuwàng, hopeful/promising
        níngwàng, to gaze at/to stare fixedly at
        wàngfēng, [望風], to be on the lookout/to keep watch
        qīwàngzhí, expectations/(math) expected value
        wēiwàng, prestige
        dàshīsuǒwàng, greatly disappointed
        yáowàng, [遙望], to look into the distance
        yīwàngwújì, [一望無際], as far as the eye can see (idiom)
        hòuwàng, great hopes/great expectations
        xǐchūwàngwài, to be pleased beyond one's expectations (idiom)/overjoyed at the turn of events
        tiàowàng, to survey the scene from an elevated position
西         dōngzhāngxīwàng, [東張西望], to look in all directions (idiom)/to glance around
        dégāowàngzhòng, a person of virtue and prestige/a person of good moral standing and reputation
        qiánwàngjìng, [潛望鏡], periscope
        wàngyuè, full moon
        wàngzú, distinguished or prominent family/influential clan (old)
        wàngchénmòjí, [望塵莫及], lit. to see only the other rider's dust and have no hope of catching up (idiom)/...
        zhòngwàng, [眾望], people's expectations
        HǎowàngJiǎo, Cape of Good Hope
        qǐwàng, hope/to hope/to look forward to
        kěwàngérbùkějí, in sight but unattainable (idiom)/inaccessible
        kěwàng, can be expected (to)/to be expected (to)/hopefully (happening)
        qíwàng, to hope/to wish/hope/wish/(old) name of an official post
        wàngjiàn, [望見], to espy/to spot
        shǒuwàngxiāngzhù, to keep watch and defend one another (idiom, from Mencius); to join forces to de...
        wàngzǐchénglóng, [望子成龍], lit. to hope one's son becomes a dragon (idiom); fig. to long for one' s child t...
        rèwàng, [熱望], to aspire
        yīwàngwúyín, [一望無垠], to stretch as far as the eye can see (idiom)
        bāwàng, to look forward to
        wàngérquèbù, [望而卻步], to shrink back/to flinch
        dàxǐguòwàng, [大喜過望], overjoyed at unexpected good news (idiom)
穿         wàngyǎnyùchuān, to anxiously await
        shuòwàng, the new moon/the first day of the lunar month
        wàngérshēngwèi, intimidate at the first glance (idiom); awe-inspiring/terrifying/overwhelming
        xiāngwàng, to look at one another/to face each other
        yuǎnwàng, [遠望], to gaze afar/to look into the distance
        kuīwàng, [窺望], to peep/to spy on
        zhǔwàng, [矚望], to look forward to

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