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[批駁] pībó to criticize
to refute

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Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        pī, to ascertain/to act on/to criticize/to pass on/classifier for batches, lots, mil...
        pīzhǔn, to approve/to ratify
        pīpíng, [批評], to criticize/criticism/CL:個|个[gè]
        pīpàn, to criticize/critique/CL:個|个[gè]
        pīpíngjiā, [批評家], critic
        dàpī, large quantities of
        pīfāshāng, [批發商], a wholesale business/distributor
        shěnpī, [審批], to examine and approve/to endorse
        pīfā, [批發], wholesale/bulk trade/distribution
        pīliàng, batch/lot
        pīzhù, [批註], to annotate/to add marginal comments on/criticism/marginalia
        pīwén, official written ruling in response to a submission/official approval in writing
        fēnpī, to do sth in batches or groups
        pīdòu, [批鬥], to drag sb before a public meeting to denounce, humiliate and physically abuse t...
        áipī, to be criticized/to suffer blame
        pīfājià, [批發價], wholesale price
        pīgǎi, to mark (homework, exam scripts etc)/to correct and criticize (an article)/to ch...
        pīshì, to write comments on a report submitted by a subordinate/written comments from a...
        zìwǒpīpíng, [自我批評], self-criticism
        pībó, [批駁], to criticize/to refute
        pīfù, [批復], to reply officially to a subordinate
        pīhào, [批號], lot number/batch number
        chéngpī, in batches/in bulk
        pīyuè, [批閱], to read through to evaluate/to referee
        pībǔ, to authorize an arrest

        bóhuí, [駁回], to reject/to turn down/to overrule
        fǎnbó, [反駁], to retort/to refute
        bó, [駁]/[駮], variegated/heterogeneous/to refute/to contradict/to ship by barge/a barge/a ligh...
        biànbó, [辯駁], to dispute/to refute
        bóchuán, [駁船], barge/lighter
        bódǎo, [駁倒], to refute/to demolish (an argument, theory etc)
        bóchì, [駁斥], to refute/to debunk/to deny/to denounce
        bānbó, [斑駁], mottled/motley
        pībó, [批駁], to criticize/to refute

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