抢 ⇒
抢 qiāng/qiǎng, [搶], see 搶風|抢风[qiāng fēng], to fight over/to rush/to scramble/to grab/to rob/to snatc...
抢劫 qiǎngjié, [搶劫], to rob/looting
抢走 qiǎngzǒu, [搶走], to snatch (esp related to a robbery)
抢救 qiǎngjiù, [搶救], to rescue
抢先 qiǎngxiān, [搶先], to rush (to do sth urgent)/to try to be the first/to forestall
抢劫犯 抢手 qiǎngshǒu, [搶手], (of goods) popular/in great demand
抢眼 qiǎngyǎn, [搶眼], eye-catching
抢夺 qiǎngduó, [搶奪], to plunder/to pillage/to forcibly take
抢断 抢购 qiǎnggòu, [搶購], to buy frenetically/to snap up (bargains, dwindling supplies etc)
抢占 qiǎngzhàn, [搶佔], to seize (the strategic high ground)
抢掠 qiǎnglüè, [搶掠], to loot/looting
抢修 qiǎngxiū, [搶修], to repair in a rush/rush repairs
抢答 qiǎngdá, [搶答], to compete to be the first to answer a question (as on a quiz show)
抢光 争抢 zhēngqiǎng, [爭搶], to fight over/to scramble for
抢镜头 qiǎngjìngtóu, [搶鏡頭], to scoop the best camera shots/to grab the limelight
抢点 抢滩 qiǎngtān, [搶灘], to make an amphibious assault/to seize a beachhead/to gain a foothold in (a new ...
抢手货 qiǎngshǒuhuò, [搶手貨], a best-seller/a hot property
打砸抢 抢枪 抢险 qiǎngxiǎn, [搶險], emergency (measures)/to react to an emergency
拼抢 pīnqiǎng, [拼搶], to fight desperately (at the risk of one's life)
哄抢 hōngqiǎng, [哄搶], looting
抢亲 qiǎngqīn, [搶親], marriage by capture/bride kidnapping
抢道 抢白 qiǎngbái, [搶白], to rebuke/to reprimand
一抢而空 抢购一空
占 ⇒
占 zhàn/zhān, [佔], variant of 占[zhàn], to observe/to divine, to take possession of/to occupy/to tak...
占领 zhànlǐng, [佔領], to occupy (a territory)/to hold
占据 zhànjù, [佔據], to occupy/to hold
占有 zhànyǒu, [佔有], to have/to own/to hold/to occupy/to possess/to account for (a high proportion et...
占用 zhànyòng, [佔用], to occupy
占卜 zhānbǔ, to divine
霸占 bàzhàn, [霸佔], to occupy by force/to seize/to dominate
独占 dúzhàn, [獨佔], to monopolize/to control/to dominate
侵占 qīnzhàn, [侵佔], to invade and occupy (territory)
占便宜 zhànpiányi, [佔便宜], advantageous/favorable/to benefit at others' expense/to take unfair advantage
攻占 gōngzhàn, to seize control of (an enemy position)/(fig.) to take by storm/to gain (awards,...
占上风 zhànshàngfēng, [佔上風], to take the lead/to gain the upper hand
占线 zhànxiàn, [佔線], busy (telephone line)
占士邦 抢占 qiǎngzhàn, [搶佔], to seize (the strategic high ground)
占地 zhàndì, to take up space/to occupy (space)
拜占庭 Bàizhàntíng, Byzantium/Byzantine or Eastern Roman empire (395-1453)
占星术 zhānxīngshù, [占星術], astrology
强占 qiángzhàn, [強佔], to occupy by force
占领区 占领军 市场占有率 shìchǎngzhànyǒulǜ, [市場佔有率], market share
敌占区 dízhànqū, [敵佔區], enemy occupied territory
独占鳌头 dúzhànáotóu, [獨佔鰲頭], to come first in triennial palace examinations (idiom, refers to the carved ston...
占先 zhànxiān, [佔先], to take precedence
占有权 占有率 占星 zhānxīng, to divine by astrology/horoscope
占美 被占 挤占 jǐzhàn, [擠占], to seize/to push aside and occupy
占优势 zhànyōushì, [佔優勢], to predominate/to occupy a dominant position