招 ⇒
招 zhāo, to recruit/to provoke/to beckon/to incur/to infect/contagious/a move (chess)/a m...
招呼 zhāohu, to call out to/to greet/to say hello to/to inform/to take care of/to take care t...
招待 zhāodài, to receive (guests)/to entertain/reception
打招呼 dǎzhāohu, to greet sb by word or action/to give prior notice
招供 zhāogòng, to confess
女招待 招募 zhāomù, to recruit/to enlist
招待会 zhāodàihuì, [招待會], reception/CL:個|个[gè],次[cì]
招牌 zhāopai, signboard/shop sign/reputation of a business
花招 huāzhāo, trick/maneuver/razzle-dazzle/(martial arts) fancy move/flourish
耍花招 shuǎhuāzhāo, to play tricks on sb
招惹 zhāorě, to provoke/to tease
招数 zhāoshù, [招數], move (in chess, on stage, in martial arts)/gambit/trick/scheme/movement/same as ...
招聘 zhāopìn, to invite applications for a job/to recruit
招手 zhāoshǒu, to wave/to beckon
招摇 zhāoyáo, [招搖], to act ostentatiously/to brag/to show off
绝招 juézhāo, [絕招], unique skill/unexpected tricky move (as a last resort)/masterstroke/finishing bl...
招揽 zhāolǎn, [招攬], to attract (customers)/to drum up (trade)
招领 zhāolǐng, [招領], to advertise for the owner of lost property
招来 zhāolái, [招來], to attract/to incur
招致 zhāozhì, to recruit (followers)/to scout for (talent etc)/to incur/to lead to
招认 zhāorèn, [招認], to confess
招收 zhāoshōu, to hire/to recruit
招架 zhāojià, to resist/to ward off/to hold one's own/to receive guests
招生 zhāoshēng, to enroll new students/to get students
高招 gāozhāo, wise move/masterstroke/bright ideas
招摇过市 zhāoyáoguòshì, [招搖過市], to parade oneself ostentatiously about town (idiom)
应招 招待员 zhāodàiyuán, [招待員], usher/greeter
招架不住 招风 zhāofēng, [招風], lit. to invite the wind/fig. conspicuous and inviting criticism
招集 zhāojí, to recruit/to gather together (volunteers)
招标 zhāobiāo, [招標], to invite bids
花枝招展 huāzhīzhāozhǎn, lit. lovely scene of blossoming plants swaying in the breeze (idiom)/fig. gorgeo...
招摇撞骗 实招 招魂 招租 zhāozū, (of a house or room) to be for rent
招兵买马 zhāobīngmǎimǎ, [招兵買馬], to recruit soldiers and buy horses (idiom); to raise a large army/fig. to expand...
玩花招 wánhuāzhāo, to play tricks
招聘会 zhāopìnhuì, [招聘會], recruitment meeting/job fair
招子 招工 招待所 zhāodàisuǒ, guest house/small hotel
招生办 招徕 zhāolái, [招徠], to canvass (for customers)/to solicit/to recruit
招兵 zhāobīng, to recruit soldiers
招待券 招安 zhāoān, to enlist enemy or rebel soldiers by offering amnesty
招降 招贤纳士 zhāoxiánnàshì, [招賢納士], invite the talented and call the valorous (idiom); to recruit talent
招蜂引蝶 zhāofēngyǐndié, (of a flower) to attract bees and butterflies/(fig.) to attract the opposite sex...
招用 招引 zhāoyǐn, to attract
金字招牌 招贴 zhāotiē, [招貼], poster/placard/bill
招进来 招财树 招展 zhāozhǎn, to flutter/to sway
招我来 招商 zhāoshāng, to seek investment or funding/investment promotion
蜂 ⇒
蜜蜂 mìfēng, bee/honeybee/CL:隻|只[zhī],群[qún]
蜂 fēng, [䗬]/[蠭], variant of 蜂[fēng], bee/wasp, old variant of 蜂[fēng]
蜂蜜 fēngmì, honey
黄蜂 huángfēng, [黃蜂], wasp
蜂鸟 fēngniǎo, [蜂鳥], hummingbird
蜂窝 fēngwō, [蜂窩], bee's nest/honeycomb/fig. honeycomb figure
蜂巢 fēngcháo, beehive/wasp's nest/honeycomb/fig. honeycomb figure
蜂拥而至 蜂房 fēngfáng, hive/honeycomb
马蜂窝 蜂拥 fēngyōng, [蜂擁], to flock (to see)/to mill/to throng
雄蜂 xióngfēng, drone (bee)
蜂群 fēngqún, bee colony/swarm/CL:隊|队[duì]
工蜂 gōngfēng, worker bee
蜂鸣器 fēngmíngqì, [蜂鳴器], buzzer
一窝蜂 yīwōfēng, [一窩蜂], like a swarm of bees/everyone swarms around pushing and shouting/a hornet's nest
蜂箱 fēngxiāng, beehive
马蜂 mǎfēng, [馬蜂], hornet
蜂刺 蜂蜡 fēnglà, [蜂蠟], beeswax
招蜂引蝶 zhāofēngyǐndié, (of a flower) to attract bees and butterflies/(fig.) to attract the opposite sex...
蜂拥而来 蜂王 fēngwáng, queen bee
树蜂 养蜂场 雌蜂 母蜂 mǔfēng, queen bee
蜂窝煤 fēngwōméi, [蜂窩煤], hexagonal household coal briquet
寄生蜂 蜂拥而上
引 ⇒
引起 yǐnqǐ, to give rise to/to lead to/to cause/to arouse
吸引 xīyǐn, to attract (interest, investment etc)/CL:個|个[gè]
引 yǐn, to draw (e.g. a bow)/to pull/to stretch sth/to extend/to lengthen/to involve or ...
引擎 yǐnqíng, engine (loanword)/CL:臺|台[tái]
引爆 yǐnbào, to cause to burn/to ignite/to detonate/a fuse
引发 yǐnfā, [引發], to lead to/to trigger/to initiate/to cause/to evoke (emotions)
勾引 gōuyǐn, to seduce/to tempt
指引 zhǐyǐn, to guide/to show/to point (the way)/directions/guidance/guidelines
引导 yǐndǎo, [引導], to guide/to lead (around)/to conduct/to boot/introduction/primer
吸引力 xīyǐnlì, attractive force (such as gravitation)/sex appeal/attractiveness
引诱 yǐnyòu, [引誘], to coerce (sb into doing sth bad)/to lure (into a trap)/to seduce
引用 yǐnyòng, to quote/to cite/to recommend/to appoint/(computing) reference
引人注目 yǐnrénzhùmù, to attract attention/eye-catching/conspicuous
引力 yǐnlì, gravitation (force)/attraction
引来 引出 yǐnchū, to extract/to draw out
引人注意 yǐnrénzhùyì, to attract attention/eye-catching/conspicuous
引渡 yǐndù, to extradite
引进 yǐnjìn, [引進], to recommend/to introduce (from outside)
引入 yǐnrù, to draw into/to pull into/to introduce
引见 yǐnjiàn, [引見], to introduce (sb)/(esp.) to present to the emperor
牵引 qiānyǐn, [牽引], to pull/to draw (a cart)/to tow
引荐 yǐnjiàn, [引薦], to recommend sb/to give a referral
引人入胜 yǐnrénrùshèng, [引人入勝], to enchant/fascinating
索引 suǒyǐn, index
引擎盖 yǐnqínggài, [引擎蓋], (car) hood/bonnet
引燃 引路 yǐnlù, to guide/to show the way
引产 yǐnchǎn, [引產], to induce labor (childbirth)
引信 yǐnxìn, a detonator
引线 yǐnxiàn, [引線], fuse (for an explosive device)/electrical lead/intermediary/catalyst/(dialect) s...
引以为荣 yǐnyǐwéiróng, [引以為榮], to regard it as an honor (idiom)
引向 yǐnxiàng, to lead to/to draw to/to steer towards
搜索引擎 sōusuǒyǐnqíng, search engine
引述 yǐnshù, to quote
引号 yǐnhào, [引號], quotation mark (punct.)
引退 yǐntuì, to retire from office/to resign
引火烧身 yǐnhuǒshāoshēn, [引火燒身], to invite trouble
引蛇出洞 yǐnshéchūdòng, lit. to pull a snake from its hole/to expose a malefactor (idiom)
援引 yuányǐn, to quote/to cite/to recommend (one's friend's, associates etc)
引流 yǐnliú, to drain/(medicine) drainage
引经据典 yǐnjīngjùdiǎn, [引經據典], lit. to quote the classics/to quote chapter and verse (idiom)
穿针引线 chuānzhēnyǐnxiàn, [穿針引線], lit. to thread a needle (idiom); fig. to act as a go-between
引以自豪 引以为戒 引人瞩目 万有引力 wànyǒuyǐnlì, [萬有引力], gravity
引语 yǐnyǔ, [引語], quotation
引言 yǐnyán, foreword/introduction
引子 yǐnzi, introduction/primer/opening words
牵引力 qiānyǐnlì, [牽引力], motive force/traction
引航 引证 yǐnzhèng, [引證], to cite/to quote/to cite as evidence
引申 yǐnshēn, to extend (the meaning of a word, an analogy etc)/derivation
引文 yǐnwén, quotation/citation
引咎辞职 yǐnjiùcízhí, [引咎辭職], to admit responsibility and resign
引力场 yǐnlìchǎng, [引力場], gravitational field
招蜂引蝶 zhāofēngyǐndié, (of a flower) to attract bees and butterflies/(fig.) to attract the opposite sex...
引吭高歌 yǐnhánggāogē, to sing at the top of one's voice (idiom)
抛砖引玉 pāozhuānyǐnyù, [拋磚引玉], lit. throw out a brick and get jade thrown back (idiom)/fig. to attract others' ...
引得 yǐndé, index (loanword)
旁征博引 引申义 yǐnshēnyì, [引申義], extended meaning (of an expression)/derived sense
招引 zhāoyǐn, to attract
逗引 dòuyǐn, to make fun of
引水渠 引桥 引咎 yǐnjiù, to take the blame/to accept responsibility (for a mistake)
引资 引航道
蝶 ⇒
蝴蝶 húdié, butterfly/CL:隻|只[zhī]
蝴蝶结 húdiéjié, [蝴蝶結], bow/bowknot
蝶 dié, [蜨], variant of 蝶[dié], butterfly/CL:隻|只[zhī]
蝶泳 diéyǒng, butterfly stroke (swimming)
蝶形 蝶骨 diégǔ, sphenoid bone (front of the temple)
招蜂引蝶 zhāofēngyǐndié, (of a flower) to attract bees and butterflies/(fig.) to attract the opposite sex...
蝶蛹 彩蝴蝶 蝴蝶斑 胡蝶 húdié, variant of 蝴蝶[hú dié]