拿 ⇒
拿 ná, [㧱]/[拏], old variant of 拿[ná], variant of 拿[ná], to hold/to seize/to catch/to apprehend/t...
拿走 názǒu, to take away
加拿大 Jiānádà, Canada/Canadian
拿下 náxià, to arrest/to capture/to seize/to win (a set, a game etc)
拿到 拿手 náshǒu, expert in/good at
拿破仑 Nápòlún, [拿破侖]/[拿破崙], variant of 拿破崙|拿破仑[Ná pò lún], Napoleon (name)/Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821), E...
巴拿马 Bānámǎ, [巴拿馬], Panama
桑拿 sāngná, sauna (loanword)
蒙大拿 Méngdàná, Montana, US state
捉拿 zhuōná, to arrest/to catch a criminal
拿撒勒 Násǎlè, Nazareth (in Biblical Palestine)
拿手好戏 缉拿 jīná, [緝拿], to arrest/to seize
蒙大拿州 Méngdànázhōu, Montana, US state
拿骚 Násāo, [拿騷], Nassau, capital of The Bahamas
拿药 拿出 náchū, to take out/to put out/to provide/to put forward (a proposal)/to come up with (e...
加拿大人 十拿九稳 shínájiǔwěn, [十拿九穩], to be a cinch/in the bag/(of a person) confident of success
捉拿归案 zhuōnáguīàn, [捉拿歸案], to bring to justice
推拿 tuīná, tui na (form of Chinese manual therapy)
墨西拿 Mòxīná, Messina, Sicilian city
桑拿浴 巴拿马人 巴拿马城 BānámǎChéng, [巴拿馬城], Panama City
拿破仑·波 拿人 nárén, making things awkward/to cause difficulties/to exert influence/to attract
擒拿 拿手戏 拿破仑·克罗斯
骚 ⇒
骚扰 sāorǎo, [騷擾], to disturb/to cause a commotion/to harass
性骚扰 xìngsāorǎo, [性騷擾], sexual harassment
骚 sāo, [騷], trouble/disturbance/rumpus/flirty/coquettish/abbr. for 離騷|离骚[Lí Sāo]/literary wr...
骚乱 sāoluàn, [騷亂], disturbance/riot/to create a disturbance
发牢骚 fāláosāo, [發牢騷], to whine/to be grouchy
骚动 sāodòng, [騷動], disturbance/uproar/CL:陣|阵[zhèn]/to become restless
风骚 fēngsāo, [風騷], literary excellence/flirtatious behavior
牢骚 láosāo, [牢騷], discontent/complaint/to complain
拿骚 Násāo, [拿騷], Nassau, capital of The Bahamas
满腹牢骚 mǎnfùláosāo, [滿腹牢騷], lit. belly full of complaints (idiom)/discontent/always moaning and complaining
独领风骚 dúlǐngfēngsāo, [獨領風騷], most outstanding/par excellence
骚客 sāokè, [騷客], (literary) poet/literati