授 ⇒
教授 jiàoshòu, professor/to instruct/to lecture on/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi]
授权 shòuquán, [授權], to authorize
授予 shòuyǔ, to award/to confer
传授 chuánshòu, [傳授], to impart/to pass on/to teach
授 shòu, to teach/to instruct/to award/to give
人工授精 réngōngshòujīng, artificial insemination
授课 shòukè, [授課], to teach/to give lessons
授意 shòuyì, to inspire/to incite
讲授 jiǎngshòu, [講授], to lecture/to teach (a college course)
授勋 shòuxūn, [授勛], to award an honor
授粉 shòufěn, pollination
函授 hánshòu, to teach by correspondence
客座教授 kèzuòjiàoshòu, visiting professor/guest professor
授命 shòumìng, to give orders
追授 授职 授受不亲 口授 授奖 shòujiǎng, [授獎], to award a prize
传道授业 授权证 授人以柄 shòurényǐbǐng, to hand someone the swordhilt (idiom)/to give someone a hold on oneself
副教授 fùjiàoshòu, associate professor (university post)
授衔 shòuxián, [授銜], rank of professor/academic title
授业 shòuyè, [授業], to teach/to bequeath
奖 ⇒
奖 jiǎng, [獎], prize/award/encouragement/CL:個|个[gè]
奖励 jiǎnglì, [獎勵], to reward/reward (as encouragement)
奖金 jiǎngjīn, [獎金], premium/award money/bonus
奖学金 jiǎngxuéjīn, [獎學金], scholarship/CL:筆|笔[bǐ]
奖品 jiǎngpǐn, [獎品], award/prize
颁奖 bānjiǎng, [頒獎], to confer an award
奖杯 jiǎngbēi, [獎杯], trophy cup
夸奖 kuājiǎng, [誇獎], to praise/to applaud/to compliment
奖赏 jiǎngshǎng, [獎賞], reward/prize/award
获奖 huòjiǎng, [獲獎], to win an award
奖章 jiǎngzhāng, [獎章], medal/CL:枚[méi]
大奖 dàjiǎng, [大獎], prize/award
奖项 jiǎngxiàng, [獎項], award/prize/CL:項|项[xiàng]
中奖 zhòngjiǎng, [中獎], to win a prize/a successful gamble
奖牌 jiǎngpái, [獎牌], medal (awarded as a prize)
诺贝尔奖 NuòbèiěrJiǎng, [諾貝爾獎], Nobel Prize
奥斯卡奖 嘉奖 jiājiǎng, [嘉獎], to award/commendation/citation
获奖者 huòjiǎngzhě, [穫獎者], prize-winner/laureate
领奖 lǐngjiǎng, [領獎], to accept a prize/a prize-winner
抽奖 chōujiǎng, [抽獎], to draw a prize/a lottery/a raffle
大奖赛 得奖 déjiǎng, [得獎], to win a prize
褒奖 一等奖 yīděngjiǎng, [一等獎], first prize
奖状 jiǎngzhuàng, [獎狀], prize certificate/certificate of merit
文学奖 奖券 jiǎngquàn, [獎券], raffle or lottery ticket
领奖台 lǐngjiǎngtái, [領獎臺], (winner's) podium
二等奖 金奖 jīnjiǎng, [金獎], gold medal/first prize
新闻奖 金像奖 发奖 fājiǎng, [發獎], to award a prize
星光奖 过奖 guòjiǎng, [過獎], to overpraise/to flatter
三等奖 该奖 颁奖会 科学奖 特别奖 评奖 píngjiǎng, [評獎], to determine the recipient of an award through discussion
纪念奖 jìniànjiǎng, [紀念獎], trophy
年终奖 niánzhōngjiǎng, [年終獎], year-end bonus
荣誉奖 图书奖 金鸡奖 授奖 shòujiǎng, [授獎], to award a prize
提名奖 兑奖 受奖 摸奖 重奖 金星奖 人物奖 银质奖 yínzhìjiǎng, [銀質獎], silver medal
设计奖 优胜奖 进步奖 优秀奖 特等奖