摄 ⇒
拍摄 pāishè, [拍攝], to film/to shoot (a picture)
摄像机 shèxiàngjī, [攝像機], video camera/CL:部[bù]
摄影师 shèyǐngshī, [攝影師], photographer/cameraman
摄像头 shèxiàngtóu, [攝像頭], webcam/surveillance camera
摄影 shèyǐng, [攝影], to take a photograph/photography/to shoot (a movie)
摄影机 shèyǐngjī, [攝影機], camera/movie camera
摄影棚 shèyǐngpéng, [攝影棚], film studio/television studio
摄 shè, [攝], to take in/to absorb/to assimilate/to act for/to take a photo/photo shoot/photo/...
摄像 shèxiàng, [攝像], to videotape
摄入 shèrù, [攝入], to take in/to absorb/to consume/intake/consumption
摄氏度 Shèshìdù, [攝氏度], °C (degrees Celsius)
摄氏 Shèshì, [攝氏], Celsius/centigrade
摄像师 摄取 shèqǔ, [攝取], to absorb (nutrients etc)/to assimilate/intake/to take a photograph of (a scene)
摄制 shèzhì, [攝製], to produce (a TV show etc)
摄政王 shèzhèngwáng, [攝政王], regent
摄制组 摄影展 摄影家 shèyǐngjiā, [攝影家], photographer
摄影室 摄政 shèzhèng, [攝政], to act as regent
摄录 摄影者 摄食 shèshí, [攝食], to consume
摄影集 摄谱仪
像 ⇒
像 xiàng, to resemble/to be like/to look as if/such as/appearance/image/portrait/image und...
好像 hǎoxiàng, as if/to seem like
偶像 ǒuxiàng, idol
录像 lùxiàng, [錄像], to videotape/to videorecord/video recording/CL:盤|盘[pán]
神像 shénxiàng, image of a God
摄像机 shèxiàngjī, [攝像機], video camera/CL:部[bù]
摄像头 shèxiàngtóu, [攝像頭], webcam/surveillance camera
录像带 lùxiàngdài, [錄像帶], video cassette/CL:盤|盘[pán]
图像 túxiàng, [圖像], image/picture/graphic
想像 xiǎngxiàng, to imagine/to conceive of/to visualize/imagination
影像 yǐngxiàng, image
雕像 diāoxiàng, sculpture/(carved) statue/CL:尊[zūn]
像样 xiàngyàng, [像樣], presentable/decent/up to par
画像 huàxiàng, [畫像], portrait/to do a portrait of sb
摄像 shèxiàng, [攝像], to videotape
成像 chéngxiàng, to form an image/imaging
肖像 xiàoxiàng, portrait (painting, photo etc)/(in a general sense) representation of a person/l...
录像机 lùxiàngjī, [錄像機], video recorder/VCR
头像 tóuxiàng, [頭像], portrait/bust
相像 xiāngxiàng, to resemble one another/to be alike/similar
塑像 sùxiàng, (molded or modeled) statue
幻像 想像力 xiǎngxiànglì, conception/imagination
音像 yīnxiàng, audio and video/audiovisual
镜像 jìngxiàng, [鏡像], mirror image
不像话 bùxiànghuà, [不像話], unreasonable/shocking/outrageous
像话 xiànghuà, [像話], proper
女神像 摄像师 半身像 bànshēnxiàng, half-length photo or portrait/bust
活像 huóxiàng, to look exactly like/to be the spitting image of
佛像 fóxiàng, Buddhist image/statue of Buddha or Bodhisattva/CL:尊[zūn], 張|张[zhāng]
肖像画 蜡像 人像 像模像样 xiàngmóxiàngyàng, [像模像樣], solemn/presentable/decent
石像 shíxiàng, stone statue
蜡像馆 làxiàngguǎn, [蠟像館], waxworks/museum of waxwork figures
自画像 zìhuàxiàng, [自畫像], self-portrait
金像奖 铜像 tóngxiàng, [銅像], bronze statue/CL:座[zuò]
圣像 shèngxiàng, [聖像], icon/iconic/religious image/figure (of Confucius, Buddha, Jesus Christ, the Virg...
遗像 yíxiàng, [遺像], portrait of the deceased
狮身人面像 shīshēnrénmiànxiàng, [獅身人面像], sphinx
声像 shēngxiàng, [聲像], audio-visual/(ultrasonography etc) acoustic image
胸像 石膏像 金像 倒像 dàoxiàng, inverted image/reversed image (e.g. upside down)
座像 群像 显像管 xiǎnxiàngguǎn, [顯像管], CRT used in TV or computer monitor/picture tube/kinescope
标准像 biāozhǔnxiàng, [標準像], official portrait
雕像头 录像厅 录像片 像章 xiàngzhāng, badge/insignia/lapel badge (e.g. with miniature portrait of great national leade...
虚像 xūxiàng, [虛像], virtual image
物像 实像