HSK东西 Scripts Advanced Search Radicals [collapse definitions]
HSK 4 word: freq index 1437
shōushi to put in order
to tidy up
to pack
to repair
(coll.) to sort sb out
to fix sb

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        shōudào, to receive
        shōu, to receive/to accept/to collect/to put away/to restrain/to stop/in care of (used...
        shōushi, to put in order/to tidy up/to pack/to repair/(coll.) to sort sb out/to fix sb
        shōují, to gather/to collect
        shōuhuí, to regain/to retake/to take back/to withdraw/to revoke
        shōuyǎng, [收養], to take in and care for (an elderly person, a dog etc)/to adopt (a child)/adopti...
        shōurù, to take in/income/revenue/CL:筆|笔[bǐ],個|个[gè]
        shōukàn, to watch (a TV program)
        shōuyīnjī, [收音機], radio/CL:臺|台[tái]
        shōucáng, to hoard/to collect/collection/to bookmark (Internet)
        shōuhuò, [收獲]/[收穫], variant of 收穫|收获[shōu huò], to harvest/to reap/to gain/crop/harvest/profit/gain/...
        jiēshōu, reception (of transmitted signal)/to receive/to accept/to admit/to take over (e....
        mòshōu, [沒收], to confiscate/to seize
        shōujù, [收據], receipt/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        xīshōu, to absorb/to assimilate/to ingest/to recruit
        shōushìlǜ, [收視率], ratings (of a TV show)
        huíshōu, to recycle/to reclaim/to retrieve/to recover/to recall (a defective product)
        shōufèi, [收費], to charge a fee
        shōumǎi, [收買], to purchase/to bribe
        shōugòu, [收購], to purchase (from various places)/to acquire (a company)
        shōuyì, earnings/profit
        shōuchǎng, [收場], the end/an ending/to wind down/to conclude
        shōuliú, to offer shelter/to have sb in one's care
        shōusuō, [收縮], to pull back/to shrink/to contract/(physiology) systole
        shōuróngsuǒ, temporary shelter/hospice/refuge (e.g. for animals)/detention center
        shōuyín, [收銀], to receive payment
        shōutīng, [收聽], to listen to (a radio broadcast)
        shōugōng, to stop work for the day (generally of laborers)/to knock off
        shōucángjiā, a collector (e.g. of artworks)
        shōuliǎn, [收斂], to dwindle/to vanish/to make vanish/to exercise restraint/to curb (one's mirth, ...
        shuìshōu, [稅收], taxation
        shōuqǔ, to receive/to collect
        bùkěshōushí, irremediable/unmanageable/out of hand/hopeless
        shōuyā, in custody/to keep sb in detention
        jiēshōuqì, receiver
        shōuwěi, to wind up/to bring to an end/to finish
        qiānshōu, [簽收], to sign for the acceptance of sth (e.g. a delivery etc)
        shōugē, to harvest/to reap/to gather in crops
        shōuróng, to provide a place to stay/to house/to accommodate/(of an institution etc) to ta...
        shōufā, [收發], to receive and send/to receive and transmit
        shōuyínjī, [收銀機], cash register/check out counter
        shōufèizhàn, [收費站], tollbooth
        shōuchéng, harvest
        fēngshōu, [豐收], bumper harvest
        shōujǐn, [收緊], to tighten up (restrictions etc)
        shōuzhī, cash flow/financial balance/income and expenditure
        shōufāshì, [收發室], mail room/radio room (i.e. reception and transmission)
        shōujiǎo, [收繳], to recover (illegally obtained property)/to seize/to capture/to force sb to hand...
        shōulù, [收錄], to include (in a collection)/to put together (stories, poems etc)/to record/to e...
        zhāoshōu, to hire/to recruit
        dīshōurù, low income
        jùshōu, to reject/to refuse to accept
        shōushuì, [收稅], to collect tax
        zhēngshōu, [徵收], to levy (a fine)/to impose (a tariff)
        shōuyīn, to receive a radio signal/to make an audio recording/(of an auditorium etc) to h...
        shōushòu, to receive/to accept
        zǒngshōurù, [總收入], gross income
        yànshōu, [驗收], to inspect and accept/acceptance
        niánshōurù, annual income
        mínglìshuāngshōu, [名利雙收], both fame and fortune (idiom)/both virtue and reward
        shōutiáo, [收條], receipt
        shōuxià, to accept/to receive
        shōufù, [收復], to recover (lost territory etc)/to recapture
        shōujiān, [收監], to imprison/to take into custody
        shōufú, to subdue/to force to capitulate/to reduce to submission/to soothe
        měibùshèngshōu, [美不勝收], nothing more beautiful can be imagined (idiom)
        shōulùjī, [收錄機], radio-tape recorder
        shōulǒng, [收攏], to draw to oneself/to gather up/to collect/to fold up (an umbrella, wings etc)/t...
        qiūshōu, fall harvest/to reap
        chuàngshōu, [創收], to generate revenue/extra income
        zuòshōuyúlì, [坐收漁利], benefit from others' dispute (idiom)
        qiànshōu, crop failure/poor harvest
        shōupán, [收盤], market close
        shōuxiào, to yield results
        jìngshōurù, [淨收入], net income/net profit
        jìnshōuyǎndǐ, [盡收眼底], to take in the whole scene at once/to have a panoramic view
        máoshōurù, gross income/gross profit
        cǎocǎoshōuchǎng, [草草收場], to rush to conclude a matter/to end up abruptly
        shōuyìlǜ, earnings rate/earnings yield (finance)
        dàishōu, to receive sth on another's behalf
        shōubīng, to retreat/to withdraw troops/to recall troops/fig. to finish work/to wind up/to...
        shōunà, [收納], to receive/to accept/to take in/to hold
        shōubiān, [收編], to incorporate into one's troops/to weave in
        jiēshōujī, [接收機], receiver/TV or radio receiver
        shōuqì, [收訖], received in full (goods, payment)
        shōulǎn, [收攬], to win the support of/to get over to one's side/to keep control of
        shōuxīn, to concentrate on the task/to curb one's evil instincts
        shōuluó, [收羅], to gather (people)/to collect (talent)/to come to an end

        shōushi, to put in order/to tidy up/to pack/to repair/(coll.) to sort sb out/to fix sb
        shè/shí, to ascend in light steps, to pick up/to collate or arrange/ten (banker's anti-fr...
        bùkěshōushí, irremediable/unmanageable/out of hand/hopeless
        shíduo, to clear up/to tidy up/to pick up/to repair
        shíhuāng, to glean/to collect scraps/to eke out a meager living
        shíqǔ, to pick up/to collect
        jiǎnshí, [撿拾], to pick up/to gather
        zhòngrénshícháihuǒyàngāo, [眾人拾柴火焰高], when everybody gathers fuel, the flames are higher (idiom)/the more people, the ...
        fǔshíjiēshì, lit. so numerous that one could just bend down and pick them up (idiom)/fig. ext...
        shíyí, [拾遺], to pocket a lost article/(fig.) to correct others' errors/to remedy omissions (i...
        shíjīnbùmèi, to pick up money and not hide it (idiom); to return property to its owner

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