故 ⇒
故事 gùshì/gùshi, old practice/CL:個|个[gè], narrative/story/tale
故意 gùyì, deliberately/on purpose
事故 shìgù, accident/CL:樁|桩[zhuāng],起[qǐ],次[cì]
故障 gùzhàng, malfunction/breakdown/defect/shortcoming/fault/failure/impediment/error/bug (in ...
缘故 yuángù, [緣故], reason/cause
无缘无故 wúyuánwúgù, [無緣無故], no cause, no reason (idiom); completely uncalled for
故乡 gùxiāng, [故鄉], home/homeland/native place/CL:個|个[gè]
故 gù, happening/instance/reason/cause/intentional/former/old/friend/therefore/hence/(o...
已故 yǐgù, the late/deceased
无故 wúgù, [無故], without cause or reason
何故 hégù, what for?/what's the reason?
世故 shìgù/shìgu, the ways of the world, sophisticated/worldly-wise
变故 biàngù, [變故], an unforeseen event/accident/misfortune
欲擒故纵 yùqíngùzòng, [欲擒故縱], In order to capture, one must let loose./to loosen the reins only to grasp them ...
典故 diǎngù, classical story or quote from the literature
故人 gùrén, old friend/the deceased
故事会 故技 故土 gùtǔ, native country/one's homeland
故居 gùjū, former residence
故里 gùlǐ, hometown/native place
一见如故 yījiànrúgù, [一見如故], familiarity at first sight
故弄玄虚 gùnòngxuánxū, [故弄玄虛], deliberately mystifying/to make sth unnecessarily complicated
故地重游 gùdìchóngyóu, [故地重遊], to revisit old haunts (idiom); down memory lane
故去 gùqù, to die/death
故友 gùyǒu, old friend/deceased friend
明知故犯 míngzhīgùfàn, deliberate violation (idiom); intentional crime
故伎重演 gùjìchóngyǎn, to repeat an old stratagem/up to one's old tricks
非亲非故 fēiqīnfēigù, [非親非故], lit. neither a relative nor a friend (idiom)/fig. unrelated to one another in an...
故国 gùguó, [故國], country with an ancient history
故态复萌 gùtàifùméng, [故態復萌], to revert to old ways
如故 rúgù, as before/as usual/(to be) like old friends
因故 yīngù, for some reason
故事片 gùshipiàn, fictional film/feature film
故态 依然如故 yīránrúgù, back to where we were (idiom); absolutely no improvement/Things haven't changed ...
故伎 gùjì, usual trick/old tactics
借故 jiègù, to find an excuse
故园 gùyuán, [故園], one's hometown
故而 gùér, therefore
亡故 wánggù, to die/to pass away
温故知新 wēngùzhīxīn, [溫故知新], to review the old and know the new (idiom, from the Analects)/to recall the past...
故此 gùcǐ, therefore
故地 gùdì, once familiar places/former haunts
故址 gùzhǐ, old site/site of sth (palace, ancient state etc) that no longer exists
故宅 gùzhái, former home
吐故纳新 tǔgùnàxīn, [吐故納新], lit. to breathe out stale air and breathe in fresh (idiom, from Zhuangzi 庄子); fi...
故技重演 故交 gùjiāo, former acquaintance/old friend
责任事故 zérènshìgù, [責任事故], accident occurring due to negligence
原故 yuángù, variant of 緣故|缘故[yuán gù]
他乡遇故知 tāxiāngyùgùzhī, [他鄉遇故知], meeting an old friend in a foreign place (idiom)
病故 bìnggù, to die of an illness
弄 ⇒
弄 lòng/nòng, [挵]/[衖], lane/alley, to do/to manage/to handle/to play with/to fool with/to mess with/to ...
玩弄 wánnòng, to play with/to toy with/to dally with/to engage in/to resort to
弄清 nòngqīng, to clarify/to fully understand
愚弄 yúnòng, to make a fool out of/to fool/to dupe
捉弄 zhuōnòng, to tease
糊弄 hùnong, to fool/to deceive/to go through the motions
摆弄 bǎinòng, [擺弄], to move back and forth/to fiddle with
戏弄 xìnòng, [戲弄], to play tricks on/to make fun of/to tease
嘲弄 cháonòng, to tease/to poke fun at/to make fun of
卖弄 màinong, [賣弄], to show off/to make a display of
里弄 lǐlòng, lanes and alleys/neighborhood/lane neighborhoods in parts of Shanghai, with modi...
作弄 zuònòng, to tease/to play tricks on
弄垮 耍弄 shuǎnòng, to play with/to engage in/to resort to/to dally with
拨弄 bōnòng, [撥弄], to move to and fro (with hand, foot, stick etc)/to fiddle with/to stir up
弄巧成拙 nòngqiǎochéngzhuō, to overreach oneself/to try to be clever and end up with egg on one's face
搔首弄姿 sāoshǒunòngzī, to stroke one's hair coquettishly (idiom)
搬弄是非 bānnòngshìfēi, to incite a quarrel (idiom); to sow discord between people/to tell tales/to make...
装神弄鬼 zhuāngshénnòngguǐ, [裝神弄鬼], lit. dress up as God, play the devil (idiom); fig. to mystify/to deceive people/...
故弄玄虚 gùnòngxuánxū, [故弄玄虛], deliberately mystifying/to make sth unnecessarily complicated
抚弄 弄虚作假 nòngxūzuòjiǎ, [弄虛作假], to practice fraud (idiom); by trickery
弄僵 nòngjiāng, to bring to deadlock/to result in a stalemate
逗弄 dòunòng, to tease/to provoke/to play with (a child, animal etc)
挤眉弄眼 jǐméinòngyǎn, [擠眉弄眼], to make eyes/to wink
舞文弄墨 弄堂 lòngtáng, (dialect) alley/lane
班门弄斧 Bānménnòngfǔ, [班門弄斧], to display one's slight skill before an expert (idiom)
弄潮儿 弄臣 nòngchén, emperor's favorite courtier
含饴弄孙 hányínòngsūn, [含飴弄孫], lit. to play with one's grandchildren while eating candy (idiom)/fig. to enjoy a...
舞弄 wǔnòng, to wave/to brandish
盘弄 pánnòng, [盤弄], to play around with/to fidget/to fondle
要弄成 唐弄来 布弄醒 调弄 tiáonòng, [調弄], to tease/to make fun of/to provoke/to stir up (trouble)
单弄来 雪貂弄来
玄 ⇒
玄 xuán, black/mysterious
玄瑞 玄机 xuánjī, [玄機], profound theory (in Daoism and Buddhism)/mysterious principles
玄乎 xuánhū, unreliable/incredible
玄妙 xuánmiào, mysterious/profound/abstruse
故弄玄虚 gùnòngxuánxū, [故弄玄虛], deliberately mystifying/to make sth unnecessarily complicated
吴玄宇 小玄 玄武岩 xuánwǔyán, basalt (geology)/lava
玄苏扬 玄学 xuánxué, [玄學], Wei and Jin philosophical school amalgamating Daoist and Confucian ideals/transl...
玄宇 玄关前 董玄 玄奇 玄琴 玄武湖 玄之又玄 xuánzhīyòuxuán, mystery within a mystery/the mysteries of the Dao according to Laozi 老子[Lǎo zǐ]
童玄 玄宗 玄白 玄进 玄雨 玄彬 玄在旭 玄素 玄孙 xuánsūn, [玄孫], great-great-grandson
虚 ⇒
虚构 xūgòu, [虛構], to make up/fabrication/fictional/imaginary
虚弱 xūruò, [虛弱], weak/in poor health
虚伪 xūwěi, [虛偽], false/hypocritical/artificial/sham
空虚 kōngxū, [空虛], hollow/emptiness/meaningless
虚 xū, [虛], emptiness/void/abstract theory or guiding principles/empty or unoccupied/diffide...
谦虚 qiānxū, [謙虛], modest/self-effacing/to make modest remarks
虚假 xūjiǎ, [虛假], false/phony/pretense
虚拟 xūnǐ, [虛擬], to imagine/to make up/fictitious/theoretical/hypothetical/(computing) to emulate...
虚张声势 xūzhāngshēngshì, [虛張聲勢], (false) bravado/to bluff
虚幻 xūhuàn, [虛幻], imaginary/illusory
虚无 xūwú, [虛無], nothingness
虚度 xūdù, [虛度], to fritter away (one's time)
虚荣 xūróng, [虛榮], vanity
心虚 xīnxū, [心虛], lacking in confidence/diffident/to have a guilty conscience
虚荣心 xūróngxīn, [虛榮心], vanity
子虚乌有 虚惊 xūjīng, [虛驚], false alarm/panic rumor/CL:場|场[cháng]
虚情假意 xūqíngjiǎyì, [虛情假意], false friendship/hypocritical show of affection
名不虚传 míngbùxūchuán, [名不虛傳], lit. name is not in vain (idiom); a fully justified reputation/enjoys a well-des...
乘虚而入 chéngxūérrù, [乘虛而入], to enter by exploiting a weak spot (idiom); to take advantage of a lapse
虚名 xūmíng, [虛名], false reputation
虚脱 xūtuō, [虛脫], to collapse (from dehydration or loss of blood)/heat exhaustion
座无虚席 zuòwúxūxí, [座無虛席], lit. a banquet with no empty seats/full house/capacity crowd/standing room only
不虚此行 bùxūcǐxíng, [不虛此行], the trip has not been made in vain/the trip has been well worthwhile/it's been a...
虚心 xūxīn, [虛心], open-minded/humble
虚报 xūbào, [虛報], to misreport/fraudulent report
虚无主义 xūwúzhǔyì, [虛無主義], nihilism
徒有虚名 túyǒuxūmíng, [徒有虛名], with an undeserved reputation (idiom); unwarranted fame/nowhere near as good as ...
故弄玄虚 gùnòngxuánxū, [故弄玄虛], deliberately mystifying/to make sth unnecessarily complicated
弄虚作假 nòngxūzuòjiǎ, [弄虛作假], to practice fraud (idiom); by trickery
虚空 xūkōng, [虛空], void/hollow/empty
虚设 虚无飘渺 虚数 xūshù, [虛數], imaginary number
弹无虚发 形同虚设 xíngtóngxūshè, [形同虛設], to exist in name only/empty shell/useless (idiom)
虚线 xūxiàn, [虛線], dotted line/dashed line/(math.) imaginary line
虚掩 虚实 xūshí, [虛實], what is true and what is false/(to get to know) the real situation
虚夸 xūkuā, [虛誇], to boast/to brag/boastful/exaggerative/pompous/bombastic
虚浮 耳听为虚 虚妄 xūwàng, [虛妄], fabricated
谦虚谨慎 虚胖 虚像 xūxiàng, [虛像], virtual image
虚虚实实 xūxūshíshí, [虛虛實實], hard to tell if it's real or sham