敌 ⇒
敌人 dírén, [敵人], enemy/CL:個|个[gè]
敌 dí, [敵], enemy/to be a match for/to rival/to resist/to withstand
无敌 wúdí, [無敵], unequalled/without rival/a paragon
敌意 díyì, [敵意], enmity/hostility
敌军 díjūn, [敵軍], enemy troops/hostile forces/CL:股[gǔ]
敌对 díduì, [敵對], hostile/enemy (factions)/combative
敌方 dífāng, [敵方], enemy
敌机 díjī, [敵機], enemy plane
树敌 shùdí, [樹敵], to antagonize people/to make an enemy of sb
敌舰 公敌 gōngdí, [公敵], public enemy
仇敌 chóudí, [仇敵], enemy
死敌 sǐdí, [死敵], mortal enemy/arch-enemy
势均力敌 shìjūnlìdí, [勢均力敵], evenly matched (idiom)
杀敌 shādí, [殺敵], to attack the enemy
敌视 díshì, [敵視], hostile/malevolence/antagonism/to view as enemy/to stand against
所向无敌 suǒxiàngwúdí, [所向無敵], to be invincible/unrivalled
情敌 qíngdí, [情敵], rival in love
通敌 匹敌 pǐdí, [匹敵], to be equal to/to be well-matched/rival
天敌 tiāndí, [天敵], predator/natural enemy
敌手 díshǒu, [敵手], opponent/substantial adversary/worthy match/antagonist/in the enemy's hands
敌国 díguó, [敵國], enemy country
敌后 大敌 敌我 díwǒ, [敵我], the enemy and us
轻敌 qīngdí, [輕敵], to underestimate the enemy
劲敌 jìngdí, [勁敵], formidable opponent
敌情 díqíng, [敵情], the situation of the enemy positions/intelligence about the enemy
强敌 qiángdí, [強敵], powerful enemy
宿敌 sùdí, [宿敵], old enemy
外敌 对敌 duìdí, [對敵], to confront/to face the enemy
诱敌 寡不敌众 guǎbùdízhòng, [寡不敵眾], the few are no match for the many/heavily outnumbered/facing impossible odds (id...
政敌 zhèngdí, [政敵], political enemy/opponent
敌区 假想敌 敌占区 dízhànqū, [敵佔區], enemy occupied territory
受敌 夙敌 sùdí, [夙敵], old foe/long-standing enemy
敌营 díyíng, [敵營], enemy camp
腹背受敌 克敌制胜 敌群 敌阵 dízhèn, [敵陣], the enemy ranks
大敌当前 dàdídāngqián, [大敵當前], facing a powerful enemy (idiom); fig. confronting grave difficulties/Enemy at th...
如临大敌 敌敌畏 dídíwèi, [敵敵畏], dichlorvos CH7ClPÒ, organic phosphate used as insecticide (loanword)/also called...
歼敌 应敌 yìngdí, [應敵], to face the enemy/to meet an attack
敌酋 残敌 cándí, [殘敵], defeated enemy
敌友 投敌 tóudí, [投敵], to go over to the enemy/to defect
阵 ⇒
一阵子 yīzhènzi, [一陣子], a while/a spell/a short time/a burst
一阵 yīzhèn, [一陣], a burst/a fit/a peal/a spell (period of time)
阵 zhèn, [陣], disposition of troops/wave/spate/burst/spell/short period of time/classifier for...
阵营 zhènyíng, [陣營], group of people/camp/faction/sides in a dispute
阵地 zhèndì, [陣地], position/front
阵子 zhènzi, [陣子], period of time
阵亡 zhènwáng, [陣亡], to die in battle
上阵 shàngzhèn, [上陣], to go into battle
对阵 duìzhèn, [對陣], poised for battle/to square up for a fight
阵线 zhènxiàn, [陣線], a front (militant group)/line of battle/alignment (towards a political party etc...
阵容 zhènróng, [陣容], troop arrangement/battle formation/lineup (of a sports team etc)
矩阵 jǔzhèn, [矩陣], array/matrix (math.)
严阵以待 打头阵 阵脚 阵痛 zhèntòng, [陣痛], labor pains
联阵 阵阵 布阵 阵风 zhènfēng, [陣風], gust
助阵 zhùzhèn, [助陣], to cheer/to root for
阵雨 zhènyǔ, [陣雨], shower
阵列 zhènliè, [陣列], (computing) array (data structure)/(hardware) array (photovoltaic cells, radio t...
方阵 fāngzhèn, [方陣], square-shaped formation (military)/phalanx/(math.) matrix
冲锋陷阵 chōngfēngxiànzhèn, [衝鋒陷陣], to charge and break through enemy lines
阵势 zhènshì, [陣勢], battle array/disposition of forces/situation/circumstance
那阵子 nàzhènzi, [那陣子], at that time/then
临阵磨枪 巨石阵 jùshízhèn, [巨石陣], giant stone arrangement/Stonehenge
一阵风 阵前 败阵 bàizhèn, [敗陣], to be defeated on the battlefield/to be beaten in a contest
出阵 赤膊上阵 chìbóshàngzhèn, [赤膊上陣], lit. to go into battle bare-breasted (idiom)/fig. to go all out/to come out in t...
雷阵雨 léizhènyǔ, [雷陣雨], thunder shower
敌阵 dízhèn, [敵陣], the enemy ranks
点阵 diǎnzhèn, [點陣], lattice/dot matrix/bitmap
迷魂阵 míhúnzhèn, [迷魂陣], stratagem to trap sb/to bewitch and trap
相控阵 压阵 yāzhèn, [壓陣], to bring up the rear/to provide support/to hold the lines
怯阵 阵雪 疑阵 yízhèn, [疑陣], a diversion/a feint attack to mislead the enemy
阵法 门阵列