散 ⇒
散 sàn/sǎn, [㪚], variant of 散[sàn], scattered/loose/to come loose/to fall apart/leisurely/powdere...
散步 sànbù, to take a walk/to go for a walk
分散 fēnsàn, to scatter/to disperse/to distribute
解散 jiěsàn, to dissolve/to disband
疏散 shūsàn, to scatter/to disperse/to evacuate/scattered/to relax
扩散 kuòsàn, [擴散], to spread/to proliferate/to diffuse/spread/proliferation/diffusion
散发 sànfā, [散發], to distribute/to emit/to issue
散开 sànkāi, [散開], to separate/to disperse
散布 sànbù, [散佈], to disseminate
散播 sànbō, to spread/to disperse/to disseminate
拆散 chāisàn, to break up (a marriage, family etc)
懒散 lǎnsǎn, [懶散], inactive/careless/lazy/indolent/negligent
散心 sànxīn, to drive away cares/to relieve boredom
烟消云散 yānxiāoyúnsàn, [煙消雲散], to vanish like smoke in thin air/to disappear
驱散 qūsàn, [驅散], to disperse/to break up
消散 xiāosàn, to dissipate
失散 shīsàn, to lose touch with/missing/scattered/separated from
散落 sànluò, to disperse/to fall scattered/to sprinkle
走散 zǒusàn, to wander off/to stray/to get lost
散架 sǎnjià, to fall apart/exhaustion
松散 sōngsan, [鬆散], to relax/loose/not consolidated/not rigorous
散文 sǎnwén, prose/essay
散热器 sànrèqì, [散熱器], radiator (for heating a room)/radiator (for cooling an engine)
散会 sànhuì, [散會], to disperse a meeting/to adjourn/finished
发散 fāsàn, [發散], to disperse/to diverge
不欢而散 bùhuānérsàn, [不歡而散], to part on bad terms/(of a meeting etc) to break up in discord
散漫 sǎnmàn, undisciplined/unorganized
四散 sìsàn, to disperse/to scatter in all directions
散伙 sànhuǒ, to disband/(of a partnership, group etc) to break up
散热 sànrè, [散熱], to dissipate heat
涣散 huànsàn, [渙散], to slacken/lax/slack/disorganized
遣散 qiǎnsàn, to disband/to dismiss/demobilization
散兵 sǎnbīng, loose and disorganized soldiers/stragglers/fig. a loner
魂飞魄散 húnfēipòsàn, [魂飛魄散], lit. the soul flies away and scatters (idiom)/fig. to be frightened stiff/spooke...
零散 língsǎn, scattered
卡散德 散场 sànchǎng, [散場], (of a theater) to empty/(of a show) to end
一盘散沙 yīpánsǎnshā, [一盤散沙], lit. like a sheet of loose sand/fig. unable to cooperate (idiom)
遣散费 离散 lísàn, [離散], (of family members) separated from one another/scattered about/dispersed/(math.)...
飘散 piāosàn, [飄散], to waft (through the air)/to drift
打散 dǎsàn, to scatter/to break sth up/to beat (an egg)
冲散 散兵游勇 sǎnbīngyóuyǒng, [散兵遊勇], lit. straggling and disbanded soldiers (idiom); fig. disorganized uncoordinated ...
散打 sàndǎ, mixed martial arts
散乱 sànluàn, [散亂], in disorder/messy
弥散 mísàn, [彌散], to dissipate everywhere (of light, sound, gas etc)
散射 sǎnshè, scattering
集散地 jísàndì, distribution center
作鸟兽散 zuòniǎoshòusàn, [作鳥獸散], lit. scatter like birds and beasts (idiom)/fig. to head off in various direction...
散装 sǎnzhuāng, [散裝], loose goods/goods sold open/draft (of beer, as opposed to bottled)
闲散 xiánsǎn, [閑散], idle/unused/at leisure
溃散 kuìsǎn, [潰散], defeated/routed
天女散花 披散 阿散蒂 散光 sǎnguāng/sànguāng, astigmatism/see also 散光[sàn guāng], to diffuse light/see also 散光[sǎn guāng]
流散 核扩散 hékuòsàn, [核擴散], nuclear proliferation
逃散 散记 sǎnjì, [散記], random jottings/travel notes
散庭 集散 jísàn, to collect for distribution
散兵线 时散儿 散货 分散剂 散石 散居 sǎnjū, (of a group of people) to live scattered over an area
散失 sànshī, to squander/lost
散客 sǎnkè, FIT (free independent traveler)/individual traveler (as opposed to traveling wit...
漫 ⇒
浪漫 làngmàn, romantic
漫画 mànhuà, [漫畫], caricature/cartoon/Japanese manga
漫长 màncháng, [漫長], very long/endless
漫步 mànbù, to wander/to ramble/recreational hiking/to perambulate
漫漫 mànmàn, long/endless/boundless
漫 màn, free/unrestrained/to inundate
漫游 mànyóu, [漫遊], to travel around/to roam/(mobile telephony) roaming
弥漫 mímàn, [彌漫]/[瀰漫], to pervade/to fill the air/diffuse/everywhere present/about to inundate (water)/...
浪漫史 漫画家 mànhuàjiā, [漫畫家], cartoon writer (from Japanese mangaka)
浪漫主义 làngmànzhǔyì, [浪漫主義], romanticism
漫天 màntiān, lit. to fill the whole sky/everywhere/as far as the eye can see
浪漫主义者 散漫 sǎnmàn, undisciplined/unorganized
漫不经心 mànbùjīngxīn, [漫不經心], careless/heedless/absent-minded/indifferent
漫天要价 màntiānyàojià, [漫天要價], to ask for sky-high prices
漫无边际 mànwúbiānjì, [漫無邊際], extremely vast/boundless/limitless/digressing/discursive/going off on tangents/s...
烟雾弥漫 硝烟弥漫 漫游费 天真烂漫 tiānzhēnlànmàn, [天真爛漫], innocent and unaffected
漫谈 漫山遍野 mànshānbiànyě, lit. covering the mountains and the plains (idiom)/fig. as far as the eye can se...
烂漫 lànmàn, [爛漫], brightly colored/unaffected (i.e. behaving naturally)