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zhěngróng plastic surgery

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Word Compounds

        zhěnggè, [整個], whole/entire/total
        zhěng, exactly/in good order/whole/complete/entire/in order/orderly/to repair/to mend/t...
        zhěngtiān, all day long/whole day
        zhěnglǐ, to arrange/to tidy up/to sort out/to straighten out/to list systematically/to co...
        zhěngzhěng, whole/full
        wánzhěng, complete/intact
        tiáozhěng, [調整], to adjust/adjustment/revision/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhěngxíng, shaping/reshaping/plastic surgery or orthopedics (abbr. of 整形外科[zhěng xíng wài k...
        zhěngróng, plastic surgery
        zhěngyè, the whole night/all through the night
        zhěngtǐ, [整體], whole entity/entire body/synthesis/as a whole (situation, construction, team etc...
        zhěngqí, [整齊], orderly/neat/even/tidy
        zhěngjié, [整潔], neatly/tidy
        zhěngxiū, to repair/to refurbish/to renovate/to refit/to mend/to rebuild
        zhěnghé, to conform/to integrate
        zhěngtào, entire set
        xiūzhěng, to spruce up/to renovate/to tend (a garden)/to groom (one's hair)/to finish (a r...
        zhěngdùn, [整頓], to tidy up/to reorganize/to consolidate/to rectify
        zhěngzhuāngdàifā, [整裝待發], to get ready (for a journey)/ready and waiting
        píngzhěng, smooth/level/to level off/to flatten (remove bumps)
        wánzhěngxìng, integrity/completeness
        chóngzhěng, to restructure/to reorganize/to revamp
        chóngzhěngqígǔ, lit. to reorganize flags and drums (idiom); to regroup after a setback/to prepar...
        xiūzhěng, to rest and reorganize (military)
        zhěngshù, [整數], whole number/integer (math.)/round figure
        zhěngzhěngqíqí, [整整齊齊], neat and tidy
        zhěngzhì, to bring under control/to regulate/to restore to good condition/(coll.) to fix (...
        gōngzhěng, fine work/carefully and neatly done
        zhěngqíhuàyī, [整齊劃一], to be adjusted to uniformity (usually of weights and measures) (idiom)
        zhěnggǎi, to reform/to rectify and improve
        zhěngdì, to prepare the soil (agriculture)
        zhěngsù, [整肅], strict/serious/solemn/dignified/to tidy up/to clean up/to purge/to adjust
        zhěngchú, to divide exactly without remainder (in integer arithmetic)/exact division
        guīzhěng, [規整], according to a pattern/regular/orderly/structured/neat and tidy
        zhěngliúqì, rectifier (transforming alternating electric current to direct current)
        huàzhěngwéilíng, [化整為零], to break up the whole into pieces (idiom); dealing with things one by one/divide...
        zhěngliú, to rectify (alternating current to direct current)
        zhěngbèi, [整備], preparedness/to bring sth to a state of readiness
        yánzhěng, [嚴整], (of troops) in neat formation/(fig.) orderly
        áizhěng, to be the target of an attack
        zhěngfēng, [整風], Rectification or Rectifying incorrect work styles, Maoist slogan/cf Rectificatio...

        róngyì, easy/likely/liable (to)
        nèiróng, [內容], content/substance/details/CL:個|个[gè],項|项[xiàng]
        xíngróng, to describe/description/appearance/look
        Róng/róng, surname Rong, to hold/to contain/to allow/to tolerate/appearance/look/countenanc...
        xiàoróng, smile/smiling expression/CL:副[fù]
        róngrěn, to put up with/to tolerate
        róngqì, receptacle/vessel/(computing) container
        zhěngróng, plastic surgery
        kuānróng, [寬容], lenient/tolerant/indulgent/charitable/to forgive
        hǎobùróngyì, with great difficulty/very difficult
        měiróng, to improve one's appearance (using cosmetics or cosmetic surgery)/to make onesel...
        shōuróngsuǒ, temporary shelter/hospice/refuge (e.g. for animals)/detention center
        róngxǔ, [容許], to permit/to allow
        bùróng, must not/cannot/to not allow/cannot tolerate
        zòngróng, [縱容], to indulge/to connive at
        bāoróng, to pardon/to forgive/to show tolerance/to contain/to hold/inclusive
        róngnà, [容納], to hold/to contain/to accommodate/to tolerate (different opinions)
        róngmào, one's appearance/one's aspect/looks/features
        róngguānghuànfā, [容光煥發], face glowing (idiom); looking radiant/all smiles
        cóngróng, [從容], to go easy/unhurried/calm/Taiwan pr. [cōng róng]
        miànróng, appearance/facial features
        xíngróngcí, [形容詞], adjective
        shōuróng, to provide a place to stay/to house/to accommodate/(of an institution etc) to ta...
        zhènróng, [陣容], troop arrangement/battle formation/lineup (of a sports team etc)
        měiróngyuàn, beauty salon/lady's hair parlor
        róngliàng, capacity/volume/quantitative (science)
        wúdìzìróng, [無地自容], ashamed and unable to show one's face
        róngshēn, to find a place where one can fit in/to make one's home/to seek shelter
        jiānróng, compatible
        róngyán, [容顏], mien/complexion
        měiróngshī, [美容師], hairdresser/beautician (male)
        huǐróng, [毀容], to disfigure/to spoil the beauty of
        dòngróng, [動容], to be emotionally moved
        yìbùróngcí, [義不容辭], not to be shirked without dishonor (idiom)/incumbent/bounden (duty)
        xiāngróng, compatible/consistent/to tolerate (each other)
        bùróngzhìyí, unquestionable
        hǎoróngyì, with great difficulty/to have a hard time (convincing sb, relinquishing sth etc)
        yíróng, [遺容], body of the deceased (esp. in the context of paying one's respects)/picture of t...
        yōngróng, natural/graceful/and poised
        cóngróngbùpò, [從容不迫], calm/unruffled
        kèbùrónghuǎn, [刻不容緩], to brook no delay/to demand immediate action
        diànróng, [電容], capacitance
        diànróngqì, [電容器], capacitor
        róngjī, [容積], volume/capacity
        shìróng, appearance of a city
        yíróng, [儀容], appearance
        zūnróng, august countenance/your face (usually mocking)
        zhēnróng, portrait/genuine appearance/real face
        xiàoróngkějū, smiling wholeheartedly (idiom); beaming from ear to ear
        bìngróng, sickly look
        nùróng, angry look
        tánhéróngyì, [談何容易], easier said than done (idiom)
        jiānróngbìngbāo, [兼容並包], to include and monopolize many things/all-embracing
        yīnróng, voice and features/(sb's) appearance

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