整 ⇒
整个 zhěnggè, [整個], whole/entire/total
整 zhěng, exactly/in good order/whole/complete/entire/in order/orderly/to repair/to mend/t...
整天 zhěngtiān, all day long/whole day
一整天 整理 zhěnglǐ, to arrange/to tidy up/to sort out/to straighten out/to list systematically/to co...
整整 zhěngzhěng, whole/full
完整 wánzhěng, complete/intact
调整 tiáozhěng, [調整], to adjust/adjustment/revision/CL:個|个[gè]
整形 zhěngxíng, shaping/reshaping/plastic surgery or orthopedics (abbr. of 整形外科[zhěng xíng wài k...
整容 zhěngróng, plastic surgery
整夜 zhěngyè, the whole night/all through the night
整体 zhěngtǐ, [整體], whole entity/entire body/synthesis/as a whole (situation, construction, team etc...
整齐 zhěngqí, [整齊], orderly/neat/even/tidy
整洁 zhěngjié, [整潔], neatly/tidy
整日 整修 zhěngxiū, to repair/to refurbish/to renovate/to refit/to mend/to rebuild
整合 zhěnghé, to conform/to integrate
整套 zhěngtào, entire set
修整 xiūzhěng, to spruce up/to renovate/to tend (a garden)/to groom (one's hair)/to finish (a r...
整年 一整套 整顿 zhěngdùn, [整頓], to tidy up/to reorganize/to consolidate/to rectify
整装待发 zhěngzhuāngdàifā, [整裝待發], to get ready (for a journey)/ready and waiting
平整 píngzhěng, smooth/level/to level off/to flatten (remove bumps)
完整性 wánzhěngxìng, integrity/completeness
重整 chóngzhěng, to restructure/to reorganize/to revamp
重整旗鼓 chóngzhěngqígǔ, lit. to reorganize flags and drums (idiom); to regroup after a setback/to prepar...
休整 xiūzhěng, to rest and reorganize (military)
整人 整数 zhěngshù, [整數], whole number/integer (math.)/round figure
整组 整整齐齐 zhěngzhěngqíqí, [整整齊齊], neat and tidy
整治 zhěngzhì, to bring under control/to regulate/to restore to good condition/(coll.) to fix (...
整版 工整 gōngzhěng, fine work/carefully and neatly done
整车 整齐划一 zhěngqíhuàyī, [整齊劃一], to be adjusted to uniformity (usually of weights and measures) (idiom)
整改 zhěnggǎi, to reform/to rectify and improve
整地 zhěngdì, to prepare the soil (agriculture)
齐整 整编 整肃 zhěngsù, [整肅], strict/serious/solemn/dignified/to tidy up/to clean up/to purge/to adjust
整除 zhěngchú, to divide exactly without remainder (in integer arithmetic)/exact division
规整 guīzhěng, [規整], according to a pattern/regular/orderly/structured/neat and tidy
整形术 整流器 zhěngliúqì, rectifier (transforming alternating electric current to direct current)
化整为零 huàzhěngwéilíng, [化整為零], to break up the whole into pieces (idiom); dealing with things one by one/divide...
整流 zhěngliú, to rectify (alternating current to direct current)
整备 zhěngbèi, [整備], preparedness/to bring sth to a state of readiness
调整期 严整 yánzhěng, [嚴整], (of troops) in neat formation/(fig.) orderly
整体而言 整容术 整军 工工整整 挨整 áizhěng, to be the target of an attack
归整 整机 盘整 整风 zhěngfēng, [整風], Rectification or Rectifying incorrect work styles, Maoist slogan/cf Rectificatio...
容 ⇒
容易 róngyì, easy/likely/liable (to)
内容 nèiróng, [內容], content/substance/details/CL:個|个[gè],項|项[xiàng]
形容 xíngróng, to describe/description/appearance/look
容 Róng/róng, surname Rong, to hold/to contain/to allow/to tolerate/appearance/look/countenanc...
笑容 xiàoróng, smile/smiling expression/CL:副[fù]
容忍 róngrěn, to put up with/to tolerate
容器 róngqì, receptacle/vessel/(computing) container
整容 zhěngróng, plastic surgery
宽容 kuānróng, [寬容], lenient/tolerant/indulgent/charitable/to forgive
好不容易 hǎobùróngyì, with great difficulty/very difficult
美容 měiróng, to improve one's appearance (using cosmetics or cosmetic surgery)/to make onesel...
收容所 shōuróngsuǒ, temporary shelter/hospice/refuge (e.g. for animals)/detention center
容许 róngxǔ, [容許], to permit/to allow
不容 bùróng, must not/cannot/to not allow/cannot tolerate
纵容 zòngróng, [縱容], to indulge/to connive at
包容 bāoróng, to pardon/to forgive/to show tolerance/to contain/to hold/inclusive
容纳 róngnà, [容納], to hold/to contain/to accommodate/to tolerate (different opinions)
容貌 róngmào, one's appearance/one's aspect/looks/features
容光焕发 róngguānghuànfā, [容光煥發], face glowing (idiom); looking radiant/all smiles
从容 cóngróng, [從容], to go easy/unhurried/calm/Taiwan pr. [cōng róng]
面容 miànróng, appearance/facial features
形容词 xíngróngcí, [形容詞], adjective
收容 shōuróng, to provide a place to stay/to house/to accommodate/(of an institution etc) to ta...
阵容 zhènróng, [陣容], troop arrangement/battle formation/lineup (of a sports team etc)
美容院 měiróngyuàn, beauty salon/lady's hair parlor
容量 róngliàng, capacity/volume/quantitative (science)
无地自容 wúdìzìróng, [無地自容], ashamed and unable to show one's face
容身 róngshēn, to find a place where one can fit in/to make one's home/to seek shelter
兼容 jiānróng, compatible
容颜 róngyán, [容顏], mien/complexion
美容师 měiróngshī, [美容師], hairdresser/beautician (male)
毁容 huǐróng, [毀容], to disfigure/to spoil the beauty of
动容 dòngróng, [動容], to be emotionally moved
义不容辞 yìbùróngcí, [義不容辭], not to be shirked without dishonor (idiom)/incumbent/bounden (duty)
相容 xiāngróng, compatible/consistent/to tolerate (each other)
不容置疑 bùróngzhìyí, unquestionable
好容易 hǎoróngyì, with great difficulty/to have a hard time (convincing sb, relinquishing sth etc)
不容忽视 遗容 yíróng, [遺容], body of the deceased (esp. in the context of paying one's respects)/picture of t...
雍容 yōngróng, natural/graceful/and poised
容洙 从容不迫 cóngróngbùpò, [從容不迫], calm/unruffled
刻不容缓 kèbùrónghuǎn, [刻不容緩], to brook no delay/to demand immediate action
电容 diànróng, [電容], capacitance
笑容满面 殷多容 容身之地 容培 电容器 diànróngqì, [電容器], capacitor
容积 róngjī, [容積], volume/capacity
愁容 市容 shìróng, appearance of a city
仪容 yíróng, [儀容], appearance
军容 尊容 zūnróng, august countenance/your face (usually mocking)
真容 zhēnróng, portrait/genuine appearance/real face
容沃 容秀 容子 雍容华贵 笑容可掬 xiàoróngkějū, smiling wholeheartedly (idiom); beaming from ear to ear
凡·容克 闵容培 音容笑貌 容昊 病容 bìngróng, sickly look
不容乐观 怒容 nùróng, angry look
容我来 金容喜 扩容 整容术 李在容 兼容并蓄 艳容 玉锦容 容量瓶 阿纳容 美容术 柳容辰 元容 容错 易容成 容乃大 谈何容易 tánhéróngyì, [談何容易], easier said than done (idiom)
金容吉 朴在容 容光传 崔容秀 金容华 兼容并包 jiānróngbìngbāo, [兼容並包], to include and monopolize many things/all-embracing
丹尼·容克 容情 容耀永存 音容 yīnróng, voice and features/(sb's) appearance