昂 ⇒
昂贵 ángguì, [昂貴], expensive/costly
昂 áng, to lift/to raise/to raise one's head/high/high spirits/soaring/expensive
里昂 Lǐáng, Lyon, French city on the Rhône
高昂 gāoáng, to hold (one's head) high/expensive/high (spirits etc)
昂尼 莱昂内尔 格鲁昂特 昂首阔步 ángshǒukuòbù, [昂首闊步], striding forward with head high (idiom); to walk with spirited and vigorous step...
比昂尼 激昂 jīáng, impassioned/worked up
赫菲斯提昂 李昂纳图 玛丽昂 塞拉利昂 Sàilālìáng, Sierra Leone
斗志昂扬 dòuzhìángyáng, [鬥志昂揚], having high fighting spirit
昂首挺胸 ángshǒutǐngxiōng, head high, chest out (idiom); to keep up one's spirits/in fine mettle (of animal...
李昂 LǐÁng, Li Ang, personal name of fifteenth Tang emperor Wenzong 文宗[Wén zōng] (809-840), ...
昂那尔 莱昂 昂首 ángshǒu, head high/in high spirits/to raise one's head (e.g. of neighing horse)
昂起 氟利昂 fúlìáng, freon (chemistry)
利昂 慷慨激昂 kāngkǎijīáng, impassioned/vehement
莱昂纳多 Láiángnàduō, [萊昂納多], Leonardo (name)
伊昂·莱德 鲁昂 Lǔáng, [魯昂], Rouen (France)
莱昂纳德 伊弗斯·格鲁昂特 昂格尔 格鲁昂 赛迪昂 昂然 ángrán, upright and unafraid
莱昂那德 利昂娜 昂扬 ángyáng, [昂揚], elated/high-spirited/uplifting (music)
莱昂内尔·汉普顿 朱利昂尼 昂弗雷 吉米·莱昂涅尔·彼莱斯 萨米昂 比昂卡 莱昂纳 阿西昂 昂德希尔 莱昂内尔·巴里莫尔 凯昂 莱昂那德·菲舍 卡昂 Kǎáng, Caen (French town)
莱昂内尔·麦克雷蒂 布利昂 李昂纳 布莱昂尼 鲁昂特 赛迪昂湖 莱昂纳多·迪波奇尼 李昂纳多 昂斯特 伊弗斯·格鲁昂 伊昂 玛丽昂·维特克 席琳·蒂昂 李昂德 狄昂 莱昂纳多·克拉克 杰奎琳·昂弗雷 维多·科莱昂 昂利史蒂文 氟里昂 汉斯·克里斯蒂昂·安徒生 克里斯狄昂 比利·莱昂斯 比昂卡·希尔曼 列昂卡瓦洛 奥比昂 昂海力 鲍里斯维昂 费昂 莱昂纳尔·里奇 莱昂纳多·达·芬奇 比昂丝 昂格 比昂斯 莱昂那多 气昂昂 qìángáng, [氣昂昂], full of vigor/spirited/valiant
莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 鲁道夫·朱利昂尼
首 ⇒
首 shǒu, head/chief/first (occasion, thing etc)/classifier for poems, songs etc
首先 shǒuxiān, first (of all)/in the first place
首席 shǒuxí, chief (representative, correspondent etc)
元首 yuánshǒu, head of state
首相 shǒuxiàng, prime minister (of Japan or UK etc)
自首 zìshǒu, to give oneself up/to surrender (to the authorities)
首要 shǒuyào, the most important/of chief importance
首都 shǒudū, capital (city)/CL:個|个[gè]
首领 shǒulǐng, [首領], head/boss/chief
首饰 shǒushì, [首飾], jewelry/head ornament
匕首 bǐshǒu, dagger
首府 shǒufǔ, capital city of an autonomous region
首脑 shǒunǎo, [首腦], head (of state)/summit (meeting)/leader
罪魁祸首 zuìkuíhuòshǒu, [罪魁禍首], criminal ringleader, main offender (idiom); main culprit/fig. main cause of a di...
首长 shǒuzhǎng, [首長], senior official
首选 shǒuxuǎn, [首選], first choice/premium/to come first in the imperial examinations
回首 huíshǒu, to turn around/to look back/to recollect
斩首 zhǎnshǒu, [斬首], to behead
首发 shǒufā, [首發], first issue/first public showing
首映式 shǒuyìngshì, premiere of a movie
首演 shǒuyǎn, maiden stage role/first performance/first public showing
首映 shǒuyìng, to premiere (a movie or TV show)/premiere (of a movie)/first-run (movie)/to gree...
榜首 bǎngshǒu, top of the list
尸首 shīshou, [屍首], corpse/carcass/dead body
首播 不堪回首 聚首 jùshǒu, to gather/to meet
昂首阔步 ángshǒukuòbù, [昂首闊步], striding forward with head high (idiom); to walk with spirited and vigorous step...
首级 shǒují, [首級], severed head
为首 wéishǒu, [為首], head/be headed by
俯首称臣 fǔshǒuchēngchén, [俯首稱臣], to bow before (idiom)/to capitulate
翘首 qiáoshǒu, [翹首], to raise one's head and look around (esp. at the state of the nation)
首创 shǒuchuàng, [首創], to create/original creation/to be the first to do sth
首当其冲 shǒudāngqíchōng, [首當其衝], to bear the brunt
搔首弄姿 sāoshǒunòngzī, to stroke one's hair coquettishly (idiom)
首屈一指 shǒuqūyīzhǐ, to count as number one (idiom); second to none/outstanding
俯首 fǔshǒu, to bend one's head
昂首挺胸 ángshǒutǐngxiōng, head high, chest out (idiom); to keep up one's spirits/in fine mettle (of animal...
首肯 shǒukěn, to give a nod of approval
畏首畏尾 wèishǒuwèiwěi, afraid of the head, terrified of the tail (idiom); ever fearful and nervous/afra...
首任 shǒurèn, first person to be appointed to a post
昂首 ángshǒu, head high/in high spirits/to raise one's head (e.g. of neighing horse)
首饰盒 首次 shǒucì, first/first time/for the first time
首日 首富 shǒufù, richest individual/top millionaire
首位 shǒuwèi, first place
翘首以待 qiáoshǒuyǐdài, [翹首以待], to hold one's breath (in anticipation) (idiom)/to anxiously await
群龙无首 qúnlóngwúshǒu, [群龍無首], lit. a thunder of dragons without a head/fig. a group lacking a leader
痛心疾首 tòngxīnjíshǒu, bitter and hateful (idiom)/to grieve and lament (over sth)
首航 上首 shàngshǒu, seat of honor/first place
首场 叩首 kòushǒu, to kowtow/also written 磕頭|磕头[kē tóu]
石首鱼 祸首 huòshǒu, [禍首], chief offender/main culprit
首轮 shǒulún, [首輪], first round (of a competition etc)
首尾 shǒuwěi, head and tail
匪首 fěishǒu, bandit
首相府 下首 门首 ménshǒu, [門首], doorway/gate/entrance
首战告捷 首犯 首季 shǒujì, first season/first quarter
首家 shǒujiā, first (hotel of its type, store of its type etc)
首倡 shǒuchàng, to initiate
首例 shǒulì, first case/first instance
起首 张首路 部首 bùshǒu, radical of a Chinese character
挺 ⇒
挺 tǐng, straight/erect/to stick out (a part of the body)/to (physically) straighten up/t...
挺身而出 tǐngshēnérchū, to step forward bravely
挺进 tǐngjìn, [挺進], progress/to advance
挺胸 挺直 坚挺 jiāntǐng, [堅挺], firm and upright/strong (of currency)
挺身 tǐngshēn, to straighten one's back
挺起 笔挺 bǐtǐng, [筆挺], (standing) very straight/straight as a ramrod/bolt upright/well-ironed/trim
挺拔 tǐngbá, tall and straight
昂首挺胸 ángshǒutǐngxiōng, head high, chest out (idiom); to keep up one's spirits/in fine mettle (of animal...
挺立 tǐnglì, to stand erect/to stand upright
挺举 tǐngjǔ, [挺舉], clean and jerk (weightlifting technique)
硬挺 yìngtǐng, to endure with all one's will/to hold out/rigid/stiff
直挺挺 周挺 力挺 lìtǐng, to support/to back
芭挺 挺括 要力挺
胸 ⇒
胸 xiōng, [胷], variant of 胸[xiōng], chest/bosom/heart/mind/thorax
胸部 xiōngbù, chest/bosom
胸口 xiōngkǒu, pit of the stomach
胸罩 xiōngzhào, brassiere (underwear)/bra
胸腔 xiōngqiāng, thoracic cavity
胸前 xiōngqián, (on the) chest/bosom
胸膛 xiōngtáng, chest
心胸 xīnxiōng, heart/mind/ambition/aspiration
胸脯 xiōngpú, chest
胸骨 xiōnggǔ, sternum/breastbone
挺胸 鸡胸 胸肌 xiōngjī, pectoral muscles
胸有成竹 xiōngyǒuchéngzhú, to plan in advance (idiom)/a card up one's sleeve/forewarned is forearmed
胸怀 xiōnghuái, [胸懷], one's bosom (the seat of emotions)/breast/broad-minded and open/to think about/t...
胸中 xiōngzhōng, one's mind
胸围 xiōngwéi, [胸圍], chest measurement/bust
气胸 qìxiōng, [氣胸], pneumothorax (medicine)
胸襟 xiōngjīn, lapel of jacket/heart/aspiration/vision
昂首挺胸 ángshǒutǐngxiōng, head high, chest out (idiom); to keep up one's spirits/in fine mettle (of animal...
胸卡 胸章 xiōngzhāng, lapel badge/CL:枚[méi]
胸椎 xiōngzhuī, thoracic vertebra/the twelve thoracic vertebras behind the ribcage of humans and...
胸臆 xiōngyì, inner feelings/what is deep in one's heart
成竹在胸 chéngzhúzàixiōng, see 胸有成竹[xiōng yǒu chéng zhú]
胸膜 xiōngmó, pleural cavity (part of thorax containing lungs)
胸怀大志 胸像 护胸 捶胸顿足 chuíxiōngdùnzú, [捶胸頓足], to beat one's chest and stamp one's feet (idiom)
齐胸 胸无大志 xiōngwúdàzhì, [胸無大志], to have no aspirations (idiom)/unambitious
胸膜炎 xiōngmóyán, pleurisy
胸鳍 xiōngqí, [胸鰭], pectoral fin
胸无城府 xiōngwúchéngfǔ, [胸無城府], open and candid (idiom); not hiding anything/ingenuous
扩胸器 kuòxiōngqì, [擴胸器], chest expander (exercise equipment)