显 ⇒
显然 xiǎnrán, [顯然], clear/evident/obvious(ly)
明显 míngxiǎn, [明顯], clear/distinct/obvious
显示 xiǎnshì, [顯示], to show/to illustrate/to display/to demonstrate
显得 xiǎnde, [顯得], to seem/to look/to appear
显 xiǎn, [顯], to make visible/to reveal/prominent/conspicuous/(prefix) phanero-
显而易见 xiǎnéryìjiàn, [顯而易見], clearly and easy to see (idiom); obviously/clearly/it goes without saying
显眼 xiǎnyǎn, [顯眼], conspicuous/eye-catching/glamorous
显现 xiǎnxiàn, [顯現], appearance/to appear
显微镜 xiǎnwēijìng, [顯微鏡], microscope/CL:臺|台[tái]
显著 xiǎnzhù, [顯著], outstanding/notable/remarkable/statistically significant
显露 xiǎnlù, [顯露], to become visible/to reveal
显出 xiǎnchū, [顯出], to express/to exhibit
显赫 xiǎnhè, [顯赫], illustrious/celebrated
显示器 xiǎnshìqì, [顯示器], monitor (computer)
显灵 xiǎnlíng, [顯靈], (of a supernatural or divine being) to appear/to make itself manifest
凸显 tūxiǎn, [凸顯], to present clearly/to give prominence to/to magnify/clear and obvious
大显身手 dàxiǎnshēnshǒu, [大顯身手], (idiom) fully displaying one's capabilities
显示屏 xiǎnshìpíng, [顯示屏], display screen
显贵 xiǎnguì, [顯貴], dignitary/distinguished person/royalty/nobleman/big shot
显形 xiǎnxíng, [顯形], to show one's true nature (derog.)/to betray oneself
突显 tūxiǎn, [突顯], conspicuous/to make sth stand out/make sth prominent
浅显 qiǎnxiǎn, [淺顯], plain/clear/obvious
一显身手 显要 xiǎnyào, [顯要], prominent/eminent/important person/notable/dignitary
清显 显明 xiǎnmíng, [顯明], to reveal, make known
显性 xiǎnxìng, [顯性], visible/conspicuous/phanero-/dominant (gene)
显影 xiǎnyǐng, [顯影], (photographic processing) to develop
显山露水 xiǎnshānlùshuǐ, [顯山露水], to reveal one's talent (idiom)
大显 各显神通 显像管 xiǎnxiàngguǎn, [顯像管], CRT used in TV or computer monitor/picture tube/kinescope
显赫一时 显晶 xiǎnjīng, [顯晶], phanerocrystalline/with crystal structure visible to the naked eye
显影液 显微 xiǎnwēi, [顯微], micro-/microscopic/to make the minute visible
显君 各显其能 显隐 显见 xiǎnjiàn, [顯見], obvious/clearly visible
显耀 xiǎnyào, [顯耀], to show off
帝显临 昭显 清显真 黑进显 清显君
示 ⇒
显示 xiǎnshì, [顯示], to show/to illustrate/to display/to demonstrate
展示 zhǎnshì, to reveal/to display/to show/to exhibit sth
表示 biǎoshì, to express/to show/to say/to state/to indicate/to mean
暗示 ànshì, to hint/to suggest/suggestion/hint
指示 zhǐshì, to point out/to indicate/to instruct/directives/instructions/CL:個|个[gè]
提示 tíshì, to point out/to remind (sb of sth)/to suggest/suggestion/tip/reminder/notice
演示 yǎnshì, to demonstrate/to show/presentation/demonstration
出示 chūshì, to show/to take out and show to others/to display
示范 shìfàn, [示範], to demonstrate/to show how to do sth/demonstration/a model example
示 shì, to show/to reveal
启示 qǐshì, [啟示], to reveal/to enlighten/enlightenment/revelation/illumination/moral (of a story e...
示威 shìwēi, to demonstrate (as a protest)/a demonstration/a military show of force
揭示 jiēshì, to show/to make known
预示 yùshì, [預示], to indicate/to foretell/to forebode/to betoken
启示录 Qǐshìlù, [啟示錄], the Revelation of St John the divine/the Apocalypse
告示 gàoshi, announcement
示意 shìyì, to hint/to indicate (an idea to sb)
显示器 xiǎnshìqì, [顯示器], monitor (computer)
警示 jǐngshì, to warn/to alert/warning/cautionary
示威者 shìwēizhě, demonstrator/protester
标示 biāoshì, [標示], to indicate
请示 qǐngshì, [請示], to ask for instructions
示意图 shìyìtú, [示意圖], sketch/schematic diagram/graph
展示会 示众 shìzhòng, [示眾], to publicly expose
示弱 shìruò, not to fight back/to take it lying down/to show weakness/to show one's softer si...
指示灯 显示屏 xiǎnshìpíng, [顯示屏], display screen
指示器 zhǐshìqì, indicator
图示 túshì, [圖示], icon (computing)
示波器 shìbōqì, oscillograph/oscilloscope
宣示 xuānshì, to vow/to pledge
示例 shìlì, to illustrate/typical example
告示牌 gàoshìpái, notice/placard/signboard
昭示 zhāoshì, to declare publicly/to make clear
批示 pīshì, to write comments on a report submitted by a subordinate/written comments from a...
明示 míngshì, to state explicitly/to clearly indicate
警示牌 提示符 演示会 不甘示弱 bùgānshìruò, not to be outdone
告示版 暗示疗法 示范带 指示剂 zhǐshìjì, [指示劑], indicator
屏 ⇒
屏幕 píngmù, screen (TV, computer or movie)
屏蔽 píngbì, to screen/to block (sth or sb)/to shield/(protective) shield
屏住 屏 bīng/bǐng/píng, see 屏營|屏营[bīng yíng], to get rid of/to put aside/to reject/to keep control/to ho...
屏障 píngzhàng, barrier
荧屏 yíngpíng, [熒屏], fluorescent screen/TV screen
显示屏 xiǎnshìpíng, [顯示屏], display screen
屏风 píngfēng, [屏風], screen
屏气 bǐngqì, [屏氣], to hold one's breath
屏息 bǐngxī, hold one's breath
屏山 Píngshān, Pingshan county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yí bīn], Sichuan
触摸屏 chùmōpíng, [觸摸屏], touchscreen
屏弃 开屏 kāipíng, [開屏], (a peacock) spreads its tail
银屏 yínpíng, [銀屏], television/TV screen/the silver screen
电视屏 荧光屏 yíngguāngpíng, [熒光屏], fluorescent screen/TV screen