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shǔjià summer vacation

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Word Compounds

        shǔjià, summer vacation/CL:個|个[gè]
        shǔqī, summer vacation time
        bìshǔ, to be away for the summer holidays/to spend a holiday at a summer resort/to prev...
        zhòngshǔ, sunstroke/heatstroke
        kùshǔ, intense heat/extremely hot weather
        shǔ, heat/hot weather/summer heat
        xiāoshǔ, to spend a summer holiday/(esp of Chinese medicine) to relieve summer heat
        shǔtiān, hot (summer) day

        gēi/jiǎ/jià, [叚], see 假掰[gēi bāi], fake/false/artificial/to borrow/if/suppose, vacation, variant o...
        jiǎzhuāng, [假裝], to feign/to pretend
        jiǎshè, [假設], to suppose/to presume/to assume/supposing that .../if/hypothesis/conjecture
        jiǎrú, if
        dùjià, to go on holidays/to spend one's vacation
        jiàqī, vacation
        jiǎshì, [假釋], parole
        jiǎfà, [假髮], wig
        xiūjià, to take a vacation/to go on holiday
        shǔjià, summer vacation/CL:個|个[gè]
        fàngjià, to have a holiday or vacation
        jiǎdìng, to assume/to suppose/supposed/so-called/assumption/hypothesis
        jiàrì, holiday/non-working day
        jiǎbàn, to impersonate/to act the part of sb/to disguise oneself as sb else
        qǐngjià, [請假], to request leave of absence
        bìngjià, sick leave
        xūjiǎ, [虛假], false/phony/pretense
        jiǎxiàng, false appearance/facade
        jiǎyá, false teeth/dentures
        chūnjià, spring break
        jiǎmào, to impersonate/to pose as (someone else)/to counterfeit/to palm off (a fake as a...
        jiǎhuà, [假話], a lie/untrue statement/misstatement
        jiǎhuò, [假貨], counterfeit article/fake/dummy/simulacrum
        jiǎxiǎng, imaginary/virtual/to imagine/hypothesis
        jiǎmíng, false name/pseudonym/alias/pen name/the Japanese kana scripts/hiragana 平假名[píng ...
        jiǎxīngxīng, hypocritical/unctuous/insincerely courteous/to shed crocodile tears
        jiǎchāo, [假鈔], counterfeit money/forged note
        chángjià, [長假], long vacation/refers to one week national holiday in PRC starting 1st May and 1s...
        jiǎzhī, artificial limb/prosthetic
        lìjià, legal holiday/(euphemism) menstrual leave/menstrual period
        zàojiǎ, to counterfeit/to pass off a fake as genuine
        chǎnjià, [產假], maternity leave
        jiǎsǐ, suspended animation/feigned death/to play dead
        zhēnjiǎ, genuine or fake/true or false
        zuòjiǎ, to counterfeit/to falsify/to cheat/to defraud/fraudulent/to behave affectedly
        jiǎzào, to forge/fake/to fabricate (a story)
        jiǎzhèng, [假證], false testimony
        xūqíngjiǎyì, [虛情假意], false friendship/hypocritical show of affection
        jiéjiàrì, [節假日], public holiday
        jiàtiáo, [假條], leave of absence request (from work or school)/excuse note/CL:張|张[zhāng]
        jiǎyì, hypocrisy/insincerity
        hánjià, winter vacation
        bùjiǎsīsuǒ, to act without taking time to think (idiom); to react instantly/to fire from the...
        jiǎshǒu, to use sb for one's own ends
        jiǎyào, [假藥], fake drugs
        niánjià, annual leave/New Year holidays
        shìjià, leave of absence for a personal matter
        jiǎruò, if/supposing/in case
        nòngxūzuòjiǎ, [弄虛作假], to practice fraud (idiom); by trickery
        hújiǎhǔwēi, lit. the fox exploits the tiger's might (idiom); fig. to use powerful connection...
        dǎjiǎ, to fight counterfeiting/to expose as false/to denounce sb's lies
        jiǎmiànjù, mask/fig. false façade/deceptive front
使         jiǎshǐ, if/in case/suppose/given ...
        bìngjiàtiáo, [病假條], sick note/medical certificate for sick leave
        jiǎshān, rock garden/rockery
        jiǎjiè, to make use of/to use sth as pretext/under false pretenses/under the guise of/ma...
        jiǎxìng, pseudo-
        jiǎgōngjìsī, [假公濟私], official authority used for private interests (idiom); to attain private ends by...
        chānjiǎ, [摻假], to mix in fake material/to adulterate
        jiǎàn, fabricated legal case/frame-up
        jiǎshuō, [假說], hypothesis
        jiǎmàowěiliè, [假冒偽劣], cheap quality counterfeit (goods)/low-quality commodities
        gōngjià, official leave from work (e.g. maternity leave, sick leave or leave to attend to...
        jiǎchōng, to pose as sb/to act a part/imposture
        xùjià, [續假], extended leave/prolonged absence
        píngjiǎmíng, hiragana (Japanese script)
        sāngjià, [喪假], funeral leave
        zhìjiǎ, [製假], to counterfeit/to manufacture counterfeit goods

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