权 ⇒
权利 quánlì, [權利], right (i.e. an entitlement to sth)/(classical) power and wealth
权 Quán/quán, [權], surname Quan, authority/power/right/(literary) to weigh/expedient/temporary
权力 quánlì, [權力], power/authority
豁免权 huòmiǎnquán, [豁免權], immunity from prosecution
授权 shòuquán, [授權], to authorize
特权 tèquán, [特權], prerogative/privilege/privileged
权威 quánwēi, [權威], authority/authoritative/power and prestige
无权 wúquán, [無權], to have no right/to have no authority
监护权 jiānhùquán, [監護權], custody (of a child)
权限 quánxiàn, [權限], scope of authority/extent of power/(access etc) privileges
人权 rénquán, [人權], human rights
政权 zhèngquán, [政權], regime/political power
弃权 qìquán, [棄權], to abstain from voting/to forfeit/to waive one's right to vote/to abdicate
掌权 zhǎngquán, [掌權], to wield (political etc) power/be in power
权益 quányì, [權益], rights/interests/rights and benefits
决定权 控制权 kòngzhìquán, [控制權], control (as in "to win control")
权势 quánshì, [權勢], power/influence
全权 quánquán, [全權], full powers/total authority/plenipotentiary powers
女权 nǚquán, [女權], women's rights
所有权 suǒyǒuquán, [所有權], ownership/possession/property rights/title (to property)
职权 zhíquán, [職權], authority/power over others
大权 dàquán, [大權], power/authority
发言权 fāyánquán, [發言權], the right of speech
版权 bǎnquán, [版權], copyright
民权 Mínquán/mínquán, [民權], Minquan county in Shangqiu 商丘[Shāng qiū], Henan, civil liberties
权衡 quánhéng, [權衡], to consider/to weigh (a matter)/to balance (pros and cons)
优先权 产权 chǎnquán, [產權], property right
继承权 jìchéngquán, [繼承權], right of inheritance
股权 gǔquán, [股權], equity shares/stock right
投票权 tóupiàoquán, [投票權], suffrage/right to vote
主权 zhǔquán, [主權], sovereignty
越权 yuèquán, [越權], to go beyond one's authority/arrogation
公民权 gōngmínquán, [公民權], civil rights/citizenship rights
管辖权 主动权 zhǔdòngquán, [主動權], initiative (as in "seize the initiative")/advantageous position that allows one ...
隐私权 yǐnsīquán, [隱私權], privacy right
选举权 xuǎnjǔquán, [選舉權], suffrage
侵权 qīnquán, [侵權], to infringe the rights of/to violate/infringement
夺权 duóquán, [奪權], to seize power
指挥权 实权 权宜之计 quányízhījì, [權宜之計], plan of convenience (idiom); stop-gap measure/makeshift stratagem/interim step
正权 统治权 tǒngzhìquán, [統治權], sovereignty/dominion/dominance
权杖 quánzhàng, [權杖], scepter
当权 dāngquán, [當權], to hold power
强权 qiángquán, [強權], power/might
当权者 dāngquánzhě, [當權者], ruler/those in power/the authorities
王权 wángquán, [王權], royalty/royal power
权贵 quánguì, [權貴], influential officials/bigwigs
专利权 zhuānlìquán, [專利權], patent right
朴正权 权柄 quánbǐng, [權柄], authority
使用权 shǐyòngquán, [使用權], usage rights
自主权 zìzhǔquán, [自主權], ability to make one's own decisions
代理权 仁权 领导权 lǐngdǎoquán, [領導權], leadership authority
自由权 居留权 jūliúquán, [居留權], right of abode (law)
司法权 sīfǎquán, [司法權], jurisdiction
期权 qīquán, [期權], option
债权人 zhàiquánrén, [債權人], creditor
篡权 cuànquán, [篡權], to usurp power
产权证 管理权 霸权 bàquán, [霸權], hegemony/supremacy
特许权 tèxǔquán, [特許權], patent/franchise/concession
经营权 债权 zhàiquán, [債權], creditor's rights (law)
否决权 fǒujuéquán, [否決權], veto power
钱有权 初夜权 极权 jíquán, [極權], totalitarian
财产权 cáichǎnquán, [財產權], property rights
所有权证 极权主义 jíquánzhǔyì, [極權主義], totalitarianism
神权 shénquán, [神權], divine right (of kings)
权威性 quánwēixìng, [權威性], authoritative/(having) authority
权术 quánshù, [權術], art of politics/political tricks (often derog.)/power play/to play at politics/u...
审判权 shěnpànquán, [審判權], jurisdiction/judicial authority
权永勋 赦免权 支配权 zhīpèiquán, [支配權], authority to dispose of sth
权相宇 从权 著作权 zhùzuòquán, [著作權], copyright
政治权利 金仁权 生存权 版权法 维权 wéiquán, [維權], to defend (legal) rights
表决权 biǎojuéquán, [表決權], right to vote/vote
权位 quánwèi, [權位], power and position (politics)
父权 白权 放权 fàngquán, [放權], to delegate power/to decentralize
全权代表 quánquándàibiǎo, [全權代表], a plenipotentiary (representative)
军权 兵权 bīngquán, [兵權], military leadership/military power
争权夺利 zhēngquánduólì, [爭權奪利], scramble for power and profit (idiom); power struggle
发球权 集权 jíquán, [集權], centralized power (history), e.g. under an Emperor or party
权能 quánnéng, [權能], power
权谋 quánmóu, [權謀], trickery/tactics
权责 立法权 裁决权 中央集权 zhōngyāngjíquán, [中央集權], centralized state power
加权 jiāquán, [加權], (math.) to weight/weighting/weighted (average, index etc)
版权页 强权政治 权伟 经销权 占有权 授权证 全仁权 受权 shòuquán, [受權], authorized/entrusted (with authority)
制空权 争权 开发权 裁判权 转播权 皇权 huángquán, [皇權], imperial power
有权 yǒuquán, [有權], to have the right to/to be entitled to/to have authority/powerful
以权谋私 yǐquánmóusī, [以權謀私], to use one's position for personal gain (idiom)
钱和权 避难权 丧权辱国 sàngquánrǔguó, [喪權辱國], to forfeit sovereignty and humiliate the country (idiom)/to surrender territory ...
出线权 权且 quánqiě, [權且], temporarily/for the time being
辩护权 权君 当权派 dāngquánpài, [當權派], persons or faction in authority
庇护权 权格俊 权洪河 阿权 刀权 逮捕权 马有权 天权星 事权 shìquán, [事權], position/authority/responsibility
权海甲 权基玉 国权 房地产权 方有权 威权 wēiquán, [威權], authority/power
解释权 签字权 专有权
能 ⇒
能 Néng/néng, surname Neng, can/to be able to/might possibly/ability/(physics) energy
可能 kěnéng, might (happen)/possible/probable/possibility/probability/maybe/perhaps/CL:個|个[gè...
不能 bùnéng, cannot/must not/should not
能够 nénggòu, [能夠], to be capable of/to be able to/can
能力 nénglì, capability/ability/CL:個|个[gè]
只能 zhǐnéng, can only/obliged to do sth/to have no other choice
能量 néngliàng, energy/capabilities
能否 néngfǒu, whether or not/can it or can't it/is it possible?
可能性 kěnéngxìng, possibility/probability
尽可能 jǐnkěnéng, [儘可能], as far as possible/to do one's utmost
无能为力 wúnéngwéilì, [無能為力], impotent (idiom)/powerless/helpless
功能 gōngnéng, function/capability
能源 néngyuán, energy/power source/CL:個|个[gè]
本能 běnnéng, instinct
才能 cáinéng, talent/ability/capacity
无能 wúnéng, [無能], incompetence/inability/incapable/powerless
技能 jìnéng, technical ability/skill
万能 wànnéng, [萬能], omnipotent/all-purpose/universal
能耐 néngnài, ability/capability
全能 quánnéng, omnipotent/all-round/strong in every area
智能 zhìnéng, intelligent/able/smart (phone, system, bomb etc)
无所不能 wúsuǒbùnéng, [無所不能], omnipotent
决不能 太阳能 tàiyángnéng, [太陽能], solar energy
未能 wèinéng, cannot/to fail to/unable to
能动 潜能 qiánnéng, [潛能], potential/hidden capability
人工智能 réngōngzhìnéng, artificial intelligence (AI)
不能不 bùnéngbù, have to/cannot but
力所能及 lìsuǒnéngjí, as far as one's capabilities extend (idiom); to the best of one's ability/within...
机能 jīnéng, [機能], function
性能 xìngnéng, function/performance
低能 dīnéng, incapable/incompetent/stupid/mentally deficient
核能 hénéng, nuclear energy
低能儿 dīnéngér, [低能兒], retarded child/moron/idiot
特异功能 tèyìgōngnéng, [特異功能], supernatural power/extrasensory perception
体能 tǐnéng, [體能], physical capability/stamina
能干 nénggàn, [能幹], capable/competent
不能自拔 热能 rènéng, [熱能], heat energy
异能 yìnéng, [異能], different function
我能 能人 néngrén, capable person/Homo habilis, extinct species of upright East African hominid
高能 gāonéng, high energy
爱莫能助 àimònéngzhù, [愛莫能助], unable to help however much one would like to (idiom); Although we sympathize, t...
逞能 chěngnéng, to show off one's ability/to boast one's merits
能手 néngshǒu, expert
熟能生巧 shúnéngshēngqiǎo, with familiarity you learn the trick (idiom); practice makes perfect
原子能 yuánzǐnéng, atomic energy
职能 zhínéng, [職能], function/role
能说会道 néngshuōhuìdào, [能說會道], can talk really well (idiom); the gift of the gab
节能 jiénéng, [節能], to save energy/energy-saving
功能性 gōngnéngxìng, functionality
水能 shuǐnéng, hydroelectric power
肝功能 夜不能寐 能见度 néngjiàndù, [能見度], visibility
电能 diànnéng, [電能], electrical energy
欲罢不能 yùbàbùnéng, [欲罷不能], want to stop but can't (idiom)/to be unable to stop oneself/to feel an urge to c...
能源部 能者 不能自己 耳熟能详 ěrshúnéngxiáng, [耳熟能詳], what's frequently heard can be repeated in detail (idiom)
官能 guānnéng, function/capability/sense (i.e. the five senses of sight 視|视, hearing 聽|听, smell...
光能 guāngnéng, light energy (e.g. solar)
能言善辩 néngyánshànbiàn, [能言善辯], glib of tongue (idiom)/eloquent
效能 xiàonéng, efficacy/effectiveness
高性能 gāoxìngnéng, high performance
能歌善舞 nénggēshànwǔ, can sing and dance (idiom); fig. a person of many talents
心功能 难能可贵 nánnéngkěguì, [難能可貴], rare and precious/valuable/remarkable
多功能 duōgōngnéng, multi-functional/multi-function
岂能 智能化 能工巧匠 动能 dòngnéng, [動能], kinetic energy
官能症 辐射能 fúshènéng, [輻射能], radiation energy (e.g. solar)
势能 shìnéng, [勢能], potential energy
风能 fēngnéng, [風能], wind power
节能灯 jiénéngdēng, [節能燈], compact fluorescent lamp (CFL)
精明能干 jīngmíngnénggàn, [精明能幹], able and efficient
产能 chǎnnéng, [產能], production capacity
生产能力 shēngchǎnnénglì, [生產能力], manufacturing ability/production capacity
能屈能伸 néngqūnéngshēn, can bow and submit, or can stand tall (idiom, from Book of Changes); ready to gi...
权能 quánnéng, [權能], power
化学能 huàxuénéng, [化學能], chemical energy
安奇能 全能型 核子能 能耗 韵能 能动性 néngdòngxìng, [能動性], initiative/active role
瑞德能 侠能 结合能 能者多劳 néngzhěduōláo, [能者多勞], it's the most capable people who do the most work (idiom) (intended as consolati...
史戴西能 张哲能 一专多能 狗展能 兰利能 汝能 雅能 各显其能 胡耐能 能事 néngshì, particular abilities/one's forte
磁能 基丰能 艾柏能 龙心能 罗登能 乔丹能 嫉贤妒能 米丽能 万能胶 各尽所能 gèjìnsuǒnéng, [各盡所能], each does his utmost (idiom)/from each according to his means
方能舒 能乐 能学 真能生 能级 néngjí, [能級], energy level
刀剑能 子才能