校 ⇒
学校 xuéxiào, [學校], school/CL:所[suǒ]
上校 shàngxiào, high ranking officer in Chinese army/colonel
校长 xiàozhǎng, [校長], (college, university) president/headmaster/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
校 jiào/xiào, to proofread/to check/to compare, school/military officer/CL:所[suǒ]
少校 shàoxiào, junior ranking officer in Chinese army/major/lieutenant commander
校园 xiàoyuán, [校園], campus
中校 zhōngxiào, middle ranking officer in Chinese army/lieutenant colonel/commander
返校 fǎnxiào, to return to school
高校 gāoxiào, universities and colleges/abbr. for 高等學校|高等学校
军校 jūnxiào, [軍校], military school/military academy
校友 xiàoyǒu, schoolmate/alumnus/alumna
校服 xiàofú, school uniform
全校 分校 fēnxiào, branch of a school
校准 jiàozhǔn, [校準], to calibrate
夜校 yèxiào, evening school/night school
校方 xiàofāng, the school (as a party in a contract, dispute etc)/the school authorities
母校 mǔxiào, alma mater
校正 jiàozhèng, to proofread and correct/to edit and rectify/to correct/to calibrate
校外 xiàowài, off campus
院校 yuànxiào, college/academy/educational institution
校规 xiàoguī, [校規], school rules and regulations
名校 míngxiào, famous school
校门 在校 校舍 xiàoshè, school building
校内 Xiàonèi/xiàonèi, [校內], Xiaonei (Chinese social network website), on-campus/intramural
校友会 本校 校刊 xiàokān, school magazine
留校 liúxiào, to join the faculty of one's alma mater upon graduation/to remain at school duri...
校花 xiàohuā, the prettiest girl in the school (see also 校草[xiào cǎo])/school beauty queen/cam...
驾校 jiàxiào, [駕校], driving school/abbr. for 駕駛學校|驾驶学校
校庆 xiàoqìng, [校慶], anniversary of the founding of a school
专科学校 zhuānkēxuéxiào, [專科學校], specialized school/college for professional training/polytechnic
我校 小学校 校样 jiàoyàng, [校樣], proofs (printing)
住校 zhùxiào, to board at school
校际 xiàojì, [校際], interschool/intercollegiate
校医 校训 xiàoxùn, [校訓], school motto
大校 dàxiào, senior ranking officer in Chinese army/senior colonel
到校 艺校 yìxiào, [藝校], abbr. for 藝術學校|艺术学校/art school
护校 该校 校验 jiàoyàn, [校驗], to check/to examine
校风 xiàofēng, [校風], the tone of a school/campus atmosphere
校订 jiàodìng, [校訂], revision
在校生 建校 校徽 xiàohuī, school badge/college insignia/university crest
将校 技校 jìxiào, vocational high school/abbr. for 技工學校|技工学校[jì gōng xué xiào]/abbr. for 技術學校|技术学校...
校园网 农校 卫校 wèixiào, [衛校], medical school/nursing school
体校 tǐxiào, [體校], sports college/school of physical training
技术学校 jìshùxuéxiào, [技術學校], vocational high school/abbr. to 技校[jì xiào]
航校 聋哑学校 校领导 德艺校 办校 校官 xiàoguān, military officer/ranked officer in Chinese army, divided into 大校, 上校, 中校, 少校
校牌 校纪 校旗 校务 网校 高等学校 gāoděngxuéxiào, [高等學校], colleges and universities
校歌 xiàogē, school song
师范学校 审校 shěnjiào, [審校], to proof-read/to review (a text)
规 ⇒
规则 guīzé, [規則], rule/regulation/rules and regulations
规矩 guīju, [規矩], lit. compass and set square/fig. established standard/rule/customs/practices/fig...
规定 guīdìng, [規定], provision/to fix/to set/to formulate/to stipulate/to provide/regulation/rule/CL:...
犯规 fànguī, [犯規], to break the rules/an illegality/a foul
常规 chángguī, [常規], code of conduct/conventions/common practice/routine (medical procedure etc)
规划 guīhuà, [規劃], to plan (how to do sth)/planning/plan/program
规律 guīlǜ, [規律], rule (e.g. of science)/law of behavior/regular pattern/rhythm/discipline
规模 guīmó, [規模], scale/scope/extent/CL:個|个[gè]
大规模 dàguīmó, [大規模], large scale/extensive/wide scale/broad scale
违规 wéiguī, [違規], to violate (rules)/irregular/illegal/corrupt
法规 fǎguī, [法規], legislation/statute
正规 zhèngguī, [正規], regular/according to standards
规 guī, [槼]/[規], variant of 規|规[guī], compass/a rule/regulation/to admonish/to plan/to scheme
规范 guīfàn, [規範], norm/standard/specification/regulation/rule/within the rules/to fix rules/to reg...
规章 guīzhāng, [規章], rule/regulation
循规蹈矩 xúnguīdǎojǔ, [循規蹈矩], to follow the compass and go with the set square (idiom); to follow the rules in...
自然规律 规格 guīgé, [規格], standard/norm/specification
老规矩 不规则 bùguīzé, [不規則], irregular
校规 xiàoguī, [校規], school rules and regulations
军规 规章制度 规程 guīchéng, [規程], rules/regulations
教规 jiàoguī, [教規], canon/religious rules
墨守成规 mòshǒuchéngguī, [墨守成規], hidebound by convention (idiom)
非常规 陈规 chénguī, [陳規], outmoded conventions/old-fashioned ways
规避 guībì, [規避], to evade/to dodge
行规 家规 明文规定 míngwénguīdìng, [明文規定], expressly stipulated (in writing)
成规 chéngguī, [成規], established rules/the beaten track
正规军 zhèngguījūn, [正規軍], regular army/standing army
小规模 党规 非正规 圆规 yuánguī, [圓規], compass (drafting)
城市规划委员会 常规武器 chángguīwǔqì, [常規武器], conventional weapon
规劝 guīquàn, [規勸], to advise
血常规 清规戒律 条规 tiáoguī, [條規], rule
规整 guīzhěng, [規整], according to a pattern/regular/orderly/structured/neat and tidy
上规模 规费 守规 规范化 guīfànhuà, [規範化], to standardize/standardization
规例 guīlì, [規例], regulations
陈规陋习 chénguīlòuxí, [陳規陋習], outmoded conventions/old-fashioned ways
无规律 超常规 规律性 guīlǜxìng, [規律性], regular
族规 超大规模 尿常规 常规战争 定规 dìngguī, [定規], to decide/to determine/established practice/(dialect) firmly resolved (to do sth...
清规 规约 guīyuē, [規約], terms (of an agreement)