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ànlì case (law)

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Word Compounds

        ànzi, long table/counter/case/law case/legal case/judicial case
        àn, (legal) case/incident/record/file/table
        dáàn, answer/solution/CL:個|个[gè]
        ànjiàn, case/instance/CL:宗[zōng],樁|桩[zhuāng],起[qǐ]
        dàngàn, [檔案], file/record/archive
        móushāàn, [謀殺案], murder case
        fāngàn, plan/program (for action etc)/proposal/proposed bill/CL:個|个[gè],套[tào]
        zuòàn, to commit a crime
        jiéàn, [結案], to conclude a case/to wind up
        fǎàn, bill/proposed law
        pòàn, to solve a case/shabby old table
        xiōngshāàn, [兇殺案], murder case
        zuìàn, a criminal case
        bànàn, [辦案], to handle a case
        túàn, [圖案], design/pattern
        ànlì, case (law)/CL:個|个[gè]
        tíàn, proposal/draft resolution/motion (to be debated)/to propose a bill/to make a pro...
        yìàn, [議案], proposal/motion
        bàoàn, [報案], to report a case to the authorities
        xiūzhèngàn, amendment/revised draft
        mìngàn, homicide case/murder case
        ànqíng, details of a case/case
        ànfā, [案發], to investigate a crime on the spot/to occur (of a crime)/to be discovered (of a ...
        shārénàn, [殺人案], murder case/homicide case
        lìàn, to register (to an official organism)/to file a case (for investigation)
        fànàn, to commit a crime or offence
        xuánàn, [懸案], unresolved question/unresolved case
        guīàn, [歸案], to bring to justice/to file away (a document)
        cǎnàn, [慘案], massacre/tragedy/CL:起[qǐ]
        bèiàn, [備案], to put on record/to file
        cǎoàn, draft (legislation, proposal etc)
        dàngànguǎn, [檔案館], archive library
        jiùàn, [舊案], old court case/long-standing legal dispute
        wénàn, (newspapers etc) copy/copywriter/(office etc) paperwork/(old) secretary/clerk
        xuèàn, murder case
        shèàn, (of a perpetrator, victim, weapon, sum of money etc) to be involved in the case
        gèàn, [個案], a case/an individual case/case-by-case
        ànjuàn, records/files/archives
        yùàn, [預案], contingency plan
        yuānàn, miscarriage of justice
        zhuānànzǔ, [專案組], special investigation team (legal or judicial)
        fānàn, to reverse a verdict/to present different views on a historical person or verdic...
        tóuàn, to surrender to the authorities/to turn oneself in (for a crime)
        dìngàn, to reach a verdict/to conclude a judgment
        yíàn, a doubtful case/a controversy
        zhuōnáguīàn, [捉拿歸案], to bring to justice
        zhuānàn, [專案], project
        ànbǎn, kneading or chopping board
        fāàn, [發案], occurrence (refers to time and place esp. of a criminal act)/to take place/to oc...
        jiàoàn, lesson plan/teaching plan/a "missionary case" (a dispute over Christian missiona...
        tóngànfàn, accomplice
        àntóu, [案頭], on one's desk
        bìngàn, medical record
        cuòàn, [錯案], a misjudged legal case/a miscarriage (of justice)
        pāiànjiàojué, [拍案叫絕], lit. slap the table and shout with praise (idiom); fig. wonderful!/amazing!/grea...
        juéyìàn, [決議案], resolution (of a meeting)
        jiǎàn, fabricated legal case/frame-up
        sòngàn, [訟案], lawsuit
        duànàn, [斷案], to judge a case
        ànyóu, main points of a case/brief/summary
        tíànrén, proposer
        pāiànérqǐ, lit. to slap the table and stand up (idiom); fig. at the end of one's tether/una...

        lìrú, for example/for instance/such as
        lìzi, case/(for) instance/example/CL:個|个[gè]
        lìwài, exception/to be an exception
        bìnglì, (medical) case/occurrence of illness
        tiáolì, [條例], regulations/rules/code of conduct/ordinances/statutes
        ànlì, case (law)/CL:個|个[gè]
        lì, example/precedent/rule/case/instance
        bǐlì, proportion/scale
        guànlì, [慣例], convention/usual practice
        lìxíng, routine (task, procedure etc)/as usual
        xiānlì, antecedent/precedent
        lìxínggōngshì, routine business/usual practice/mere formality
        shǐwúqiánlì, [史無前例], unprecedented in history
        pòlì, to make an exception
        xiàbùwéilì, [下不為例], not to be repeated/not to be taken as a precedent/just this once
        tèlì, special case/isolated example
        lìjià, legal holiday/(euphemism) menstrual leave/menstrual period
        lìhuì, [例會], regular meeting
        jǔlì, [舉例], to give an example
        pànlì, judicial precedent
        zhàolì, as a rule/as usual/usually
        fànlì, [範例], example/model case
        jǔlìláishuō, [舉例來說], for example
        shílì, [實例], actual example/living example/illustration/demonstration/(computing) instance
        shìlì, example/exemplar/typical case
        lìzhèng, [例證], example/case in point
        wéilì, [違例], to break the rules
        qiánlì, precedent
        shìlì, to illustrate/typical example
        guīlì, [規例], regulations
        bǐlìchǐ, scale/architect's scale/engineer's scale
        dìnglì, usual practice/routine
        túlì, [圖例], legend (of a map, etc)/diagram/illustration/graphical symbol
        shǒulì, first case/first instance
        tōnglì, general rule/standard practice

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