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[檢討] jiǎntǎo to examine or inspect

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Word Compounds

        jiǎnchá, [檢查], inspection/to examine/to inspect/CL:次[cì]
        jiǎncháguān, [檢察官], public prosecutor/public procurator (judicial officer whose job may involve both...
        jiǎn, [檢], to check/to examine/to inspect/to exercise restraint
        jiǎncè, [檢測], to detect/to test/detection/sensing
        jiǎnyàn, [檢驗], to inspect/to examine/to test
        jiǎncháyuàn, [檢察院], prosecutor's office/procuratorate
        tǐjiǎn, [體檢], abbr. for 體格檢查|体格检查[tǐ gé jiǎn chá]
        ānjiǎn, [安檢], safety check
        jiǎncháyuán, [檢查員], inspector
        jiǎnjǔ, [檢舉], to report (an offense to the authorities)/to inform against sb
        jiǎncházhàn, [檢查站], checkpoint
        jiǎnsuǒ, [檢索], to retrieve (data)/to look up/retrieval/search
        yàojiǎn, [藥檢], drugs test (e.g. on athletes)
        jiǎnchá, [檢察], to inspect/(law) to prosecute/to investigate
        jiǎndiǎn, [檢點], to examine/to check/to keep a lookout/cautious/restrained (in speech or manneris...
        jiǎnyì, [檢疫], quarantine
        jiǎnyuè, [檢閱], to inspect/to review (troops etc)/military review
        jiǎnxiū, [檢修], to overhaul/to examine and fix (a motor)/to service (a vehicle)
        jiǎntǎo, [檢討], to examine or inspect/self-criticism/review
        jiǎncèqì, [檢測器], detector
        zhìjiǎn, [質檢], quarantine/quality inspection
        jiǎncháshào, [檢查哨], inspection post/checkpoint
        jìjiǎn, [紀檢], disciplinary inspection/to inspect another's discipline
        chōujiǎn, [抽檢], sampling/spot check/random test

        tǎoyàn, [討厭], to dislike/to loathe/disagreeable/troublesome/annoying
        tǎolùn, [討論], to discuss/to talk over/CL:個|个[gè]
        tǎo, [討], to invite/to provoke/to demand or ask for/to send armed forces to suppress/to de...
        tǎohǎo, [討好], to get the desired outcome/to win favor by fawning on sb/to curry favor with/a f...
        tǎojiàhuánjià, [討價還價], to haggle over price/to bargain
        tàntǎo, [探討], to investigate/to probe
        yántǎohuì, [研討會], discussion forum/seminar
        shāngtǎo, [商討], to discuss/to deliberate
        qǐtǎo, [乞討], to beg/to go begging
        tǎolùnhuì, [討論會], symposium/discussion forum
        zìtǎokǔchī, [自討苦吃], to ask for trouble (idiom)/to make a rod for one's own back
        tǎofá, [討伐], to suppress by armed force/to send a punitive expedition against/to crusade agai...
        tǎozhài, [討債], to demand repayment
        jiǎntǎo, [檢討], to examine or inspect/self-criticism/review
        tǎojiào, [討教], to consult/to ask for advice
        shēngtǎo, [聲討], to denounce/to condemn
        yántǎo, [研討], discussion
        tǎohuán, [討還], to ask for sth back/to recover
        tǎoxián, [討嫌], disagreeable/hateful/a pain in the neck
        tǎoqiǎo, [討巧], to act cleverly to get what one desires/to get the best at least expense
        tǎofàn, [討飯], to ask for food/to beg
        zìtǎoméiqù, [自討沒趣], to invite a snub/to court a rebuff
        tǎoráo, [討饒], to beg for mercy/to ask for forgiveness
        shēntǎo, [申討], to denounce
        cuītǎo, [催討], to demand repayment of debt

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