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[橫跨] héngkuà to span
to stretch across
to travel across

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Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        héng/hèng, [橫], horizontal/across/crosswise/horizontal stroke (in Chinese characters)/to place (...
        cáihuáhéngyì, [才華橫溢], brimming over with talent (esp. literary)/brilliant
穿         héngchuān, [橫穿], to cross/to traverse
        zhuānhèng, [專橫], imperious/peremptory
        héngsǎo, [橫掃], to sweep away/to sweep across
        héngliáng, [橫梁], beam
        héngxíng, [橫行], to go on the rampage/to riot/to run amuck
        héngkuà, [橫跨], to span/to stretch across/to travel across
        héngxiàng, [橫向], horizontal/orthogonal/perpendicular/lateral/crosswise
        héngfú, [橫幅], horizontal scroll/banner/streamer
        héngchōngzhízhuàng, [橫衝直撞], lit. bashing sideways and colliding straight on (idiom); to push through shoving...
        zònghéng, [縱橫], lit. warp and weft in weaving; vertically and horizontal/length and breadth/cris...
        mánhèng, [蠻橫], rude and unreasonable
        hèngcái, [橫財], easy money/windfall/ill-gotten gains/undeserved fortune/illegal profit
        Héngbīn, [橫濱], Yokohama, Japan
        héngdù, [橫渡], to cross (a body of water)
        rénxínghéngdào, [人行橫道], pedestrian crossing
        héngliú, [橫流], to overflow/transverse flow/to flow over/cross flow
        hénggémó, [橫膈膜], diaphragm/also written 橫隔膜|横隔膜[héng gé mó]
线         héngxiàn, [橫線], horizontal line/horizontal coordinate line
        fāhèngcái, [發橫財], to make easy money/to make a fortune/to line one's pockets
        héngshu, [橫豎], anyway
        héngjiémiàn, [橫截面], cross-section
        héngwénjī, [橫紋肌], striated muscle
        héngguàn, [橫貫], horizontal traverse/to cut across/to cross transversally
        miàoqùhéngshēng, [妙趣橫生], endlessly interesting (idiom)/very witty
        héngduànmiàn, [橫斷面], horizontal section
        lǎoqìhéngqiū, [老氣橫秋], old and decrepit/proud of one's age and experience (idiom)
        héngjiāzhǐzé, [橫加指責], to blame unscrupulously
        hènghuò, [橫禍], unexpected calamity
        héngxíngbàdào, [橫行霸道], to oppress/to rule as a despot/to tyrannize
        héngyì, [橫溢], to overflow/brimming with
        zònghéngjiāocuò, [縱橫交錯], criss-crossed (idiom)
        Héngshān, [橫山], Hengshan County in Yulin 榆林[Yú lín], Shaanxi/Hengshan township in Hsinchu County...
        héngduì, [橫隊], row/horizontal troop formation
        zònghéngchíchěng, [縱橫馳騁], to criss-cross/to run unhindered across the whole country
        hèngmán, [橫蠻], see 蠻橫|蛮横[mán hèng]
        héngròu, [橫肉], fierce-looking
        héngsǎoqiānjūn, [橫掃千軍], total annihilation
        jiāohèng, [驕橫], arrogant/overbearing

        kuà, to step across/to stride over/to straddle/to span
        kuàyuè, to step across/step over
        kuàguò, [跨過], to surmount/to cross over
        héngkuà, [橫跨], to span/to stretch across/to travel across
        kuàguó, [跨國], transnational/multinational
        kuàguógōngsī, [跨國公司], transnational corporation/multinational corporation
        kuàbù, to take a (striding) step
        kuàdù, span/horizontal distance between vertical supports
        kuàlán, [跨欄], hurdles/hurdle race (athletics)
        kuàshàng, to mount (a horse, bike, flight of stairs, rickshaw etc)
        kuàyuèshì, breakthrough/going beyond/leap-forward/unusual new development

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