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[殆盡] dàijìn nearly exhausted
practically nothing left

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Word Compounds

        dàijìn, [殆盡], nearly exhausted/practically nothing left
        bǎizhànbùdài, [百戰不殆], to come unscathed through a hundred battles (idiom, from Sunzi's "The Art of War...
        wēidài, grave danger/in jeopardy/in a critical condition

        jǐn/jìn, [儘]/[盡], to the greatest extent/(when used before a noun of location) furthest or extreme...
        jǐnguǎn, [儘管], despite/although/even though/in spite of/unhesitatingly/do not hesitate (to ask,...
        jìnlì, [盡力], to strive one's hardest/to spare no effort
        jǐnkuài/jìnkuài, [儘快]/[盡快], as quickly as possible/as soon as possible/with all speed, see 儘快|尽快[jǐn kuài]
        jǐnliàng/jìnliàng, [儘量]/[盡量], as much as possible/to the greatest extent, as much as possible/to the greatest ...
        jǐnkěnéng, [儘可能], as far as possible/to do one's utmost
        jìnqíng, [盡情], as much as one likes
        jìntóu, [盡頭], end/extremity/limit
        jiéjìnquánlì, [竭盡全力], to spare no effort (idiom); to do one's utmost
        jìnlìérwéi, [盡力而為], to try one's utmost/to strive
        jiéjìn, [竭盡], to use up/to exhaust
        wújìn, [無盡], endless/inexhaustible
        jīngpílìjìn, [精疲力盡], spirit weary, strength exhausted (idiom); spent/drained/washed out
        gǎnjībùjìn, [感激不盡], can't thank sb enough (idiom)
        jìnxìng, [盡興], to enjoy oneself to the full/to one's heart's content
        hàojìn, [耗盡], to exhaust/to use up/to deplete/to drain
        jīnpílìjìn, [筋疲力盡], body weary, strength exhausted (idiom); extremely tired/spent
        yòngjìn, [用盡], to exhaust/to use up completely
        jǐnzǎo, [儘早], as early as possible
        jìnzhí, [盡職], to discharge one's duties/conscientious
        zìjìn, [自盡], to kill oneself/suicide
        yīngyǒujìnyǒu, [應有盡有], everything that should be here is here (idiom); all one can think of is on hand/...
        jìnxīnjìnlì, [盡心盡力], making an all-out effort (idiom); to try one's heart out/to do one's utmost
        dàijìn, [殆盡], nearly exhausted/practically nothing left
        yīwǎngdǎjìn, [一網打盡], lit. to catch everything in the one net (idiom)/fig. to scoop up the whole lot/t...
        tóngguīyújìn, [同歸於盡], to die in such a way that sb (or sth) else also perishes/to take sb down with on...
        jìnzé, [盡責], to do one's duty/to do one's bit conscientiously
        qiángōngjìnqì, [前功盡棄], to waste all one's previous efforts (idiom)/all that has been achieved goes down...
        jiǎojìnnǎozhī, [絞盡腦汁], to rack one's brains
        jìnzhōng, [盡忠], to display utter loyalty/to be loyal to the end
        yīyánnánjìn, [一言難盡], hard to explain in a few words (idiom); complicated and not easy to express succ...
        shòujìn, [受盡], to suffer enough from/to suffer all kinds of/to have one's fill of
        jìnzhíjìnzé, [盡職盡責], responsible and diligent (idiom)
        xiángjìn, [詳盡], thorough and detailed/exhaustive/the tedious details in full
        jìnxīn, [盡心], with all of one's heart
        bùjìn, [不盡], not completely/endlessly
        línlíjìnzhì, [淋漓盡致], lit. extreme saturation (idiom)/fig. vividly and thoroughly/in great detail/with...
        wúqióngwújìn, [無窮無盡], endless/boundless/infinite
        fèijìnxīnjī, [費盡心機], to rack one's brains for schemes (idiom)/to beat one's brains out
        jìnshànjìnměi, [盡善盡美], perfect (idiom); perfection/the best of all possible worlds/as good as it gets
        gǎnjìnshājué, [趕盡殺絕], to kill to the last one (idiom)/to exterminate/to eradicate/ruthless
        wùjìnqíyòng, [物盡其用], to use sth to the full/to make the best use of everything
        jūgōngjìncuì, [鞠躬盡瘁], to bend to a task and spare no effort (idiom); striving to the utmost
        qióngjìn, [窮盡], to use up/to exhaust/to probe to the bottom/limit/end
        rénzhìyìjìn, [仁至義盡], extreme benevolence, utmost duty (idiom); meticulous virtue and attention to dut...
        Jiānglángcáijìn, [江郎才盡], Jiang Yan has exhausted his talent (idiom)/fig. to have used up one's creative p...
        lìjìn, [歷盡], to have experienced a lot of/to have been through
        yìyóuwèijìn, [意猶未盡], to wish to continue sth/to have not fully expressed oneself
        shānqióngshuǐjìn, [山窮水盡], mountain and river exhausted (idiom); at the end of the line/nowhere to go
        dànjìnliángjué, [彈盡糧絕], out of ammunition and no food left (idiom); in desperate straits
        jìnrénjiēzhī, [盡人皆知], known by everyone (idiom); well known/a household name
        kǔjìngānlái, [苦盡甘來], bitterness finishes, sweetness begins (idiom); the hard times are over, the good...
        jìnxīnjiélì, [盡心竭力], to spare no effort (idiom); to do one's utmost
        jìnyìwù, [盡義務], to fulfill one's duty/to work without asking for reward
        sàngjìntiānliáng, [喪盡天良], devoid of conscience (idiom); utterly heartless
        jìnshōuyǎndǐ, [盡收眼底], to take in the whole scene at once/to have a panoramic view
        jìnshù, [盡數], everything
        gèjìnsuǒnéng, [各盡所能], each does his utmost (idiom)/from each according to his means
        jìnxiào, [盡孝], to do one's filial duty

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