江 ⇒
江 Jiāng/jiāng, surname Jiang, river/CL:條|条[tiáo],道[dào]
江湖 jiānghú, rivers and lakes/all corners of the country/remote areas to which hermits retrea...
江户 Jiānghù, [江戶], Edo (old name of Tokyo)
江辉 江原道 Jiāngyuándào, Gangwon Province of Korea during Joseon Dynasty/Kangwon province of North Korea/...
江山 Jiāngshān/jiāngshān, Jiangshan county level city in Quzhou 衢州[Qú zhōu], Zhejiang, rivers and mountain...
江太锡 江南 Jiāngnán, south of Changjiang or Yangtze river/south of the lower reaches of Changjiang/of...
江郎才尽 Jiānglángcáijìn, [江郎才盡], Jiang Yan has exhausted his talent (idiom)/fig. to have used up one's creative p...
翻江倒海 fānjiāngdǎohǎi, lit. overturning seas and rivers (idiom)/fig. overwhelming/earth-shattering/in a...
长江 ChángJiāng, [長江], Yangtze River, or Chang Jiang
江水 jiāngshuǐ, river water
江湖骗子 jiānghúpiànzi, [江湖騙子], swindler/itinerant con-man
江河 JiāngHé/jiānghé, Yangtze and Yellow rivers, river
江陵 Jiānglíng, Jiangling county in Jingzhou 荊州|荆州[Jīng zhōu], Hubei
老江湖 lǎojiānghú, a much-travelled person, well acquainted with the ways of the world
江南区 JiāngnánQū, [江南區], Jiangnan District of Nanning city 南寧市|南宁市[Nán níng Shì], Guangxi/Gangnam Distric...
海江 纪江辉 芳江 江德郡 江洋大 江本胜 江夏 Jiāngxià, Jiangxia district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wǔ hàn shì], Hubei
江西 Jiāngxī, Jiangxi province (Kiangsi) in southeast China, abbr. 赣, capital Nanchang 南昌
汉江 Hànjiāng, [漢江], Han River
时江 江承宪 韩江 Hánjiāng, [韓江], the Han river in Guangdong
鸭绿江 YālùJiāng, [鴨綠江], Yalu River, forming part of the China-Korea border
大江南北 Dàjiāngnánběi, north and south sides of the Yangtze River (idiom)/(fig.) all over China
半壁江山 bànbìjiāngshān, half of the country (esp. when half the country has fallen into enemy hands)/vas...
走江湖 zǒujiānghú, to travel around the country (as itinerant peddler or entertainer)
江川 Jiāngchuān, Jiangchuan county in Yuxi 玉溪[Yù xī], Yunnan
江东 Jiāngdōng, [江東], Jiangdong district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波市[Níng bō shì], Zhejiang
江北 Jiāngběi, Jiangbei district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan/Chongqi...
静江 江东区 Jiāngdōngqū, [江東區], Jiangdong district of Ningbo city 寧波市|宁波市[Níng bō shì], Zhejiang
良江 江河日下 jiānghérìxià, rivers pour away by the day (idiom); going from bad to worse/deteriorating day b...
江纳达 李江宏发 江奴勇 大同江 黑龙江 Hēilóngjiāng, [黑龍江], Heilongjiang province (Heilungkiang) in northeast China, abbr. 黑, capital Harbin...
从江 Cóngjiāng, [從江], Congjiang county in Qiandongnan Miao and Dong autonomous prefecture 黔東南州|黔东南州[Qi...
江海珠 松江 Sōngjiāng, Songjiang suburban district of Shanghai
珠江 Zhūjiāng, Pearl River (Guangdong)
江广 江哲 江原 江进 知江 江智正 象江 打江山 黄永江 漓江 Líjiāng, [灕江], River Li, Guangxi
江永树 大江健三郎 DàjiāngJiànsānláng, Oe Kenzaburo (1935-) Japanese novelist and 1994 Nobel laureate
江玉苏 平江 Píngjiāng, Pingjiang district of Suzhou city 蘇州市|苏州市[Sū zhōu shì], Jiangsu/Pingjiang county...
夏江丰 欧江洙 美津江 崔江姬 江牧之 夏江 江江 浩江 春江 江夏丰 台江 Táijiāng, Taijiang district of Fuzhou city 福州市[Fú zhōu shì], Fujian
江城 江华 东江 Dōngjiāng, [東江], Dongjiang River
江苏省 JiāngsūShěng, [江蘇省], Jiangsu Province (Kiangsu) in southeast China, abbr. 蘇|苏[Sū], capital Nanjing 南京...
江青 JiāngQīng, Jiang Qing (1914-1991), Mao Zedong's fourth wife and leader of the Gang of Four
江达 Jiāngdá, [江達], Jomdo county, Tibetan: 'Jo mda' rdzong, in Chamdo prefecture 昌都地區|昌都地区[Chāng dū ...
江边 jiāngbiān, [江邊], river bank
比汉江 瑞江 江民秀 金江月
青 ⇒
青 Qīng/qīng, abbr. for 青海[Qīng hǎi], Qinghai Province, green/blue/black/youth/young (of peopl...
青少年 qīngshàonián, adolescent/youth/teenager
青蛙 qīngwā, frog/CL:隻|只[zhī]/(slang) ugly guy
青年 qīngnián, youth/youthful years/young person/the young
青春 qīngchūn, youth/youthfulness
青春期 qīngchūnqī, puberty/adolescence
年青人 年青 niánqīng, youthful
青睐 qīnglài, [青睞], (lit.) to fix one's gaze on/(fig.) to show interest in/(favorable) attention/fav...
青岛 Qīngdǎo, [青島], Qingdao, subprovincial city in Shandong
沥青 lìqīng, [瀝青], asphalt/bitumen/pitch
青霉素 qīngméisù, [青黴素], penicillin, penicillin
青梅竹马 qīngméizhúmǎ, [青梅竹馬], lit. green plums and hobby-horse (idiom)/fig. innocent children's games/childhoo...
青山 Qīngshān/qīngshān, Qingshan district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wǔ hàn shì], Hubei/Qingshan district of ...
青铜 qīngtóng, [青銅], bronze (alloy of copper 銅|铜 and tin 錫|锡[xī])
常青藤 chángqīngténg, ivy
青瓦台 Qīngwǎtái, [青瓦臺], Blue House (Cheong Wa Dae), residence of the president of South Korea in Seoul
明青 平步青云 píngbùqīngyún, [平步青雲], to rapidly go up in the world/meteoric rise (of a career, social position etc)
冬青 dōngqīng, holly
青菜 qīngcài, green vegetables/Chinese cabbage
小青年 xiǎoqīngnián, young person/youngster
鼻青脸肿 bíqīngliǎnzhǒng, [鼻青臉腫], a bloody nose and a swollen face/badly battered
青草 qīngcǎo, grass
常青树 青光眼 qīngguāngyǎn, glaucoma
垂青 chuíqīng, to show appreciation for sb/to look upon sb with favor
杀青 shāqīng, [殺青], to put the last hand to (a book, a film etc)/to finalize/to kill-green (a step i...
万年青 wànniánqīng, [萬年青], Nippon lily (Rohdea japonica)
青年人 qīngniánrén, young person/the young
青春痘 qīngchūndòu, acne
名垂青史 míngchuíqīngshǐ, lit. reputation will go down in history (idiom); fig. achievements will earn ete...
永葆青春 柏青 青木 Qīngmù, Aoki (Japanese surname)
青史 qīngshǐ, annal/historical record/CL:筆|笔[bǐ]
青色 qīngsè, cyan/blue-green
青豆 qīngdòu, green soybean/green peas
青椒 qīngjiāo, Capsicum annuum/green pepper
青天 qīngtiān, clear sky/blue sky/upright and honorable (official)
常青 chángqīng, evergreen
长青 名留青史 青筋 qīngjīn, veins/blue veins
炉火纯青 lúhuǒchúnqīng, [爐火純青], lit. the stove fire has turned bright green (allusion to Daoist alchemy) (idiom)...
青鱼 qīngyú, [青魚], black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus)/herring/mackerel
青草地 青儿 青年团 qīngniántuán, [青年團], youth corps/youth wing of a political party
青云 qīngyún, [青雲], clear sky/fig. high official position/noble
青龙 Qīnglóng, [青龍], Azure Dragon, one of the four symbols of the Chinese constellations, also known ...
小青 青丝 qīngsī, [青絲], fine black hair/dried plum (sliced, as cake ingredient)
青鸟 铁青 tiěqīng, [鐵青], ashen
青翠 qīngcuì, fresh and green/verdant
青苔 qīngtái, moss/lichen
青云直上 qīngyúnzhíshàng, [青雲直上], rising straight up in a clear sky (idiom); rapid promotion to a high post/meteor...
青红皂白 qīnghóngzàobái, [青紅皂白], the rights and wrongs of a matter (idiom)
青铜器 qīngtóngqì, [青銅器], bronze implement/refers to ancient bronze artifacts, from c. 2,000 BC
青田 Qīngtián, Qingtian county in Lishui 麗水|丽水[Lí shuǐ], Zhejiang
青梅 靛青 diànqīng, indigo
乌青 wūqīng, [烏青], bluish black/bruise/bruising/CL:塊|块[kuài]
青花 qīnghuā, blue and white (porcelain)
宋青 青花瓷 qīnghuācí, blue and white porcelain
青壮年 qīngzhuàngnián, [青壯年], the prime of one's life
永垂青史 沥青路 青青 青藤 青葱 qīngcōng, [青蔥], scallion/green onion/verdant/lush green
纯青 青稞酒 紫青龙 明青学园 藏青 zàngqīng, see 藏青色[zàng qīng sè]
知青 zhīqīng, educated youth (sent to work in farms during the Cultural Revolution)
汗青 踏青 tàqīng, lit. tread the green; go for a walk in the spring (when the grass has turned gre...
青出于蓝而胜于蓝 qīngchūyúlánérshèngyúlán, [青出於藍而勝於藍], lit. the color blue is made out of indigo but is more vivid than indigo (idiom)/...
青稞 qīngkē, highland barley (grown in Tibet and Qinghai)/qingke barley
青瓷 qīngcí, celadon (pottery)
青灯 青桐 青森 Qīngsēn, Aomori prefecture at the far north of Japan's main island Honshū 本州[Běn zhōu]
青松 qīngsōng, pine tree
黄绿青 和青田 青蒜 qīngsuàn, garlic shoots and leaves
青翠欲滴 青燕 于青萍 江青 JiāngQīng, Jiang Qing (1914-1991), Mao Zedong's fourth wife and leader of the Gang of Four
芝士青 青尼 明青成