沾 ⇒
沾 zhān, [霑], to moisten/to be infected by/to receive benefit or advantage through a contact/t...
沾满 zhānmǎn, [沾滿], muddy/covered in (mud, dust, sweat, blood etc)/daubed in
沾沾自喜 zhānzhānzìxǐ, immeasurably self-satisfied
沾边 zhānbiān, [沾邊], to have a connection with/to be close (to reality)/to be relevant/to have one's ...
沾染 zhānrǎn, to pollute (often fig.)/to be infected by/to gain a small advantage
沾边儿 沾光 zhānguāng, to bask in the light/fig. to benefit from association with sb or sth/reflected g...
染 ⇒
感染 gǎnrǎn, infection/to infect/to influence
染 rǎn, to dye/to catch (a disease)/to acquire (bad habits etc)/to contaminate/to add co...
污染 wūrǎn, pollution/contamination/CL:個|个[gè]
传染 chuánrǎn, [傳染], to infect/contagious
传染病 chuánrǎnbìng, [傳染病], infectious disease/contagious disease/pestilence
染色体 rǎnsètǐ, [染色體], chromosome
染上 rǎnshàng, to catch (a disease)/to get (a bad habit)
感染力 gǎnrǎnlì, inspiration/infectious (enthusiasm)
染指 rǎnzhǐ, to dip a finger (idiom); fig. to get one's finger in the pie/to get a share of t...
传染性 chuánrǎnxìng, [傳染性], infectious/epidemic
染料 rǎnliào, dye
染发 rǎnfà, [染髮], to dye one's hair/rinse/tint
染色 rǎnsè, dye
污染物 wūrǎnwù, pollutant
感染者 gǎnrǎnzhě, infected person
渲染 xuànrǎn, rendering (computing)/to add washes of ink or color to a drawing (Chinese painti...
一尘不染 yīchénbùrǎn, [一塵不染], untainted by even a speck of dust (idiom); selfless and incorruptible/spotless
沾染 zhānrǎn, to pollute (often fig.)/to be infected by/to gain a small advantage
染病 rǎnbìng, to catch an illness/to get infected with a disease
污染源 染发剂 rǎnfàjì, [染髮劑], hair dye/rinse/tint
染色剂 耳濡目染 ěrrúmùrǎn, to be influenced
传染源 chuánrǎnyuán, [傳染源], source of an infection
水污染 shuǐwūrǎn, water pollution
污染区 wūrǎnqū, [污染區], contaminated area
印染 yìnrǎn, printing and dyeing
熏染 xūnrǎn, to exert a gradual influence/to nurture/a corrupting influence
无污染 扎染 zārǎn, tie-dyeing/tie-dye
合成染料 蜡染 làrǎn, [蠟染], batik (color printing on cloth using wax)
浸染 jìnrǎn, to be contaminated/to be gradually influenced
染液 乔有染 染毒 rǎndú, contamination
染房 染缸 点染 diǎnrǎn, [點染], to touch up (a piece of writing)/to add details (to a painting)