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[浮淺] fúqiǎn skin-deep

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Word Compounds

        fú, to float/superficial/floating/unstable/movable/provisional/temporary/transient/i...
        piāofú, to float/to hover/to drift (also fig., to lead a wandering life)/to rove/showy/s...
        fúxiàn, [浮現], to appear before one's eyes/to come into view/to float into appearance/to come b...
        fúbiāo, [浮標], buoy
        xuánfú, [懸浮], to float (in the air etc)/suspension
        qīngfú, [輕浮], frivolous/careless/giddy
        shàngfú, to float up
        Lúfúgōng, [盧浮宮], the Louvre, museum in Paris
        fúzhǒng, [浮腫], swollen/bloated/edema/dropsy
        piāofú, [飄浮], to float/to hover/also written 漂浮
        fúdòng, [浮動], to float and drift/unstable
        fúhuá, [浮華], ostentatious/pretentious/showy
        fúyóushēngwù, plankton
        fúlì, buoyancy
        fúkuā, [浮誇], to exaggerate/to be boastful/pompous/grandiose
        chénfú, lit. sinking and floating/to bob up and down on water/ebb and flow/fig. rise and...
        fúdiāo, relief sculpture
        fúbīng, ice floe
        fúyún, [浮雲], floating clouds/fleeting/transient
        fúzào, fickle and impatient/restless/giddy/scatterbrained
        fúxiǎngliánpiān, [浮想聯翩], to let one's imagination roam
        fúyóu, to float/to drift/to wander/variant of 蜉蝣[fú yóu]
        fúqiáo, [浮橋], pontoon bridge
        fúchén, ups and downs (of life etc)/to drift along/to sink and emerge
        fúpíng, duckweed
        cíxuánfú, [磁懸浮], magnetic levitation (train)/maglev
        fúshí, pumice
        xiàfú, downward fluctuation (of prices etc)
        fúqiǎn, [浮淺], skin-deep/superficial/shallow
        fúguānglüèyǐng, flickering light and passing shadows (idiom)/blurred scenery/cursory/superficial
        qījífútú, [七級浮屠], seven floor pagoda

        jiān/qiǎn, [淺], sound of moving water, shallow/light (color)
        fūqiǎn, [膚淺], skin-deep/superficial/shallow
        qiǎnbó, [淺薄], superficial
        gēqiǎn, [擱淺], to be stranded (of ship)/to run aground/fig. to run into difficulties and stop
        shòuyìfěiqiǎn, [受益匪淺], to benefit (from)
        mùguāngduǎnqiǎn, [目光短淺], to be shortsighted
        qiǎnsè, [淺色], light color
        qiǎnshuǐ, [淺水], shallow water
        qiǎntān, [淺灘], shallows/shoal/sandbar
        qiǎnxiǎn, [淺顯], plain/clear/obvious
        shēnqiǎn, [深淺], deep or shallow/depth (of the sea)/limits of decorum
        hàirénbùqiǎn, [害人不淺], to cause a lot of trouble/to inflict much suffering
        qiǎnhǎi, [淺海], shallow sea/sea less than 200 meters deep
        duǎnqiǎn, [短淺], narrow and shallow
        cūqiǎn, [粗淺], shallow/superficial
        qiǎnchángzhézhǐ, [淺嘗輒止]/[淺嚐輒止], to dabble and stop (idiom); to dip into/to attempt half-heartedly/content with a...
        fúqiǎn, [浮淺], skin-deep/superficial/shallow
        qiǎnjiàn, [淺見], shallow opinion/humble opinion

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