浮 ⇒
浮 fú, to float/superficial/floating/unstable/movable/provisional/temporary/transient/i...
漂浮 piāofú, to float/to hover/to drift (also fig., to lead a wandering life)/to rove/showy/s...
浮现 fúxiàn, [浮現], to appear before one's eyes/to come into view/to float into appearance/to come b...
浮标 fúbiāo, [浮標], buoy
悬浮 xuánfú, [懸浮], to float (in the air etc)/suspension
轻浮 qīngfú, [輕浮], frivolous/careless/giddy
上浮 shàngfú, to float up
卢浮宫 Lúfúgōng, [盧浮宮], the Louvre, museum in Paris
浮莱底 浮肿 fúzhǒng, [浮腫], swollen/bloated/edema/dropsy
浮瑞克 飘浮 piāofú, [飄浮], to float/to hover/also written 漂浮
浮动 fúdòng, [浮動], to float and drift/unstable
浮华 fúhuá, [浮華], ostentatious/pretentious/showy
浮游生物 fúyóushēngwù, plankton
浮鲁卡 浮力 fúlì, buoyancy
浮夸 fúkuā, [浮誇], to exaggerate/to be boastful/pompous/grandiose
沉浮 chénfú, lit. sinking and floating/to bob up and down on water/ebb and flow/fig. rise and...
浮雕 fúdiāo, relief sculpture
浮冰 fúbīng, ice floe
浮斯 浮士德 浮云 fúyún, [浮雲], floating clouds/fleeting/transient
浮躁 fúzào, fickle and impatient/restless/giddy/scatterbrained
心浮 浮想联翩 fúxiǎngliánpiān, [浮想聯翩], to let one's imagination roam
浮游 fúyóu, to float/to drift/to wander/variant of 蜉蝣[fú yóu]
虚浮 浮筒 漂浮物 浮桥 fúqiáo, [浮橋], pontoon bridge
浮沉 fúchén, ups and downs (of life etc)/to drift along/to sink and emerge
浮鲁卡·索尔特 浮萍 fúpíng, duckweed
磁悬浮 cíxuánfú, [磁懸浮], magnetic levitation (train)/maglev
浮石 fúshí, pumice
浮特 下浮 xiàfú, downward fluctuation (of prices etc)
浮浅 fúqiǎn, [浮淺], skin-deep/superficial/shallow
浮光掠影 fúguānglüèyǐng, flickering light and passing shadows (idiom)/blurred scenery/cursory/superficial
浮劳瑞 七级浮屠 qījífútú, [七級浮屠], seven floor pagoda
浮尘 浮士庞特 浮生 浮报 浮木 浮士提诺
躁 ⇒
暴躁 bàozào, irascible/irritable/violent
烦躁 fánzào, [煩躁], jittery/twitchy/fidgety
躁 zào, hot-tempered/impatient
急躁 jízào, irritable/irascible/impetuous
狂躁 kuángzào, rash/impetuous/irritable
焦躁 jiāozào, fretful/impatient
躁动不安 躁动 zàodòng, [躁動], to stir restlessly/to be agitated/commotion/agitation
浮躁 fúzào, fickle and impatient/restless/giddy/scatterbrained
躁狂症 zàokuángzhèng, mania/manic episode
毛躁 心烦意躁