混 ⇒
混蛋 húndàn, scoundrel/bastard/hoodlum/wretch
混 hún/hùn, confused/dirty/to mix/muddy/variant of 渾|浑[hún], to mix/to mingle/muddled/to dri...
混乱 hùnluàn, [混亂], confusion/chaos/disorder
混合 hùnhé, to mix/to blend/hybrid/composite
鬼混 guǐhùn, to hang around/to fool around/to live aimlessly
混账 hùnzhàng, [混賬], shameful/absolutely disgraceful!
混进 hùnjìn, [混進], to infiltrate/to sneak into
混淆 hùnxiáo, to obscure/to confuse/to mix up/to blur/to mislead
混凝土 hùnníngtǔ, concrete
混沌 hùndùn, primal chaos/formless mass before creation in Chinese mythology/muddled/innocent...
混入 hùnrù, to sneak into
混合物 hùnhéwù, mixture/composite
混战 hùnzhàn, [混戰], chaotic warfare/confused fighting/melee/to join in such fighting
混为一谈 hùnwéiyītán, [混為一談], to confuse one thing with another (idiom); to muddle
厮混 sīhùn, [廝混], to hang out together with (derog.)/to mix with
混血儿 hùnxuèér, [混血兒], person of mixed blood/half-breed/mulatto
混杂 hùnzá, [混雜], to mix/to mingle
蒙混过关 ménghùnguòguān, [矇混過關], to get away with it/to slip through/to bluff one's way out/Taiwan pr. [mēng hùn ...
混日子 hùnrìzi, to idle/to waste time
混迹 hùnjì, [混跡], mixed in as part of a community/hiding one's identity/occupying a position while...
蒙混 ménghùn, [矇混], to deceive/to hoodwink/Taiwan pr. [mēng hùn]
混饭 hùnfàn, [混飯], to work for a living
含混 hánhùn, vague/unclear/ambiguous
混淆视听 hùnxiáoshìtīng, [混淆視聽], to obscure the facts (idiom); to mislead the public with prevarication and delib...
混纺 hùnfǎng, [混紡], mixed fabric/blended fabric
混浊 hùnzhuó, [混濁], turbid/muddy/dirty
混合型 混事 hùnshì, to work half-heartedly/to get by in a job with the minimum effort
混合器 搅混 jiǎohun, [攪混], to mix/to blend
鱼龙混杂 yúlónghùnzá, [魚龍混雜], lit. fish and dragons mixed in together (idiom); fig. crooks mixed in with the h...
混血种 混居 鱼目混珠 yúmùhùnzhū, [魚目混珠], to pass off fish eyes for pearls/to pass off fake products as genuine (idiom)
混水摸鱼 húnshuǐmōyú, [混水摸魚], to fish in troubled water (idiom); to take advantage of a crisis for personal ga...
混淆是非 hùnxiáoshìfēi, to confuse right and wrong (idiom)
混淆黑白 hùnxiáohēibái, to confuse black and white/to say that black is white/fig. not to distinguish ri...
混世魔王 hùnshìmówáng, devil incarnate (idiom)/fiend in human form
混双 一混混 混合色 混合泳 hùnhéyǒng, medley (swimming)
入 ⇒
进入 jìnrù, [進入], to enter/to join/to go into
加入 jiārù, to become a member/to join/to mix into/to participate in/to add in
入 rù, to enter/to go into/to join/to become a member of/to confirm or agree with/abbr....
投入 tóurù, to throw into/to put into/to throw oneself into/to participate in/to invest in/a...
陷入 xiànrù, to sink into/to get caught up in/to land in (a predicament)
入侵 rùqīn, to invade
闯入 chuǎngrù, [闖入], to intrude/to charge in/to gate-crash
收入 shōurù, to take in/income/revenue/CL:筆|笔[bǐ],個|个[gè]
入口 rùkǒu, entrance/to import
深入 shēnrù, to penetrate deeply/thorough
融入 róngrù, to blend into/to integrate/to assimilate/to merge
侵入 qīnrù, to make (military) incursions/to invade/to intrude into/to trespass/to gain unau...
卷入 juǎnrù, [捲入], to be drawn into/to be involved in
输入 shūrù, [輸入], to import/to input
介入 jièrù, to intervene/to get involved
入室 坠入 zhuìrù, [墜入], to drop into/to fall into
入狱 rùyù, [入獄], to go to jail/to be sent to prison
入睡 rùshuì, to fall asleep
出入 chūrù, to go out and come in/entrance and exit/expenditure and income/discrepancy/incon...
注入 zhùrù, to pour into/to empty into
潜入 qiánrù, [潛入], to submerge/to infiltrate/to steal into
落入 luòrù, to fall into
插入 chārù, to insert/to stick/to thrust
植入 zhírù, to implant
入学 rùxué, [入學], to enter a school or college/to go to school for the first time as a child
入伙 rùhuǒ, to join a group/to become a member
步入 bùrù, to step into/to enter
破门而入 pòménérrù, [破門而入], to break the door down and enter (idiom)
入选 rùxuǎn, [入選], to be chosen/to be elected as
打入 入伍 rùwǔ, to enter the army/to enlist
入手 rùshǒu, to begin/to set one's hand to
入场 rùchǎng, [入場], to enter the venue for a meeting/to enter into an examination/to enter a stadium...
入场券 rùchǎngquàn, [入場券], admission ticket
带入 列入 lièrù, to include on a list
入境 rùjìng, to enter a country
接入 jiērù, to access (a network)/to insert (a plug) into (a socket)
入院 rùyuàn, to enter hospital/to be hospitalized
渗入 shènrù, [滲入], to permeate
混入 hùnrù, to sneak into
引入 yǐnrù, to draw into/to pull into/to introduce
入住 rùzhù, to check in (at a hotel etc)
送入 切入 qiērù, to cut into/to incise/to penetrate deeply into (a topic, area etc)/cut (offensiv...
入土 rùtǔ, to bury/buried/interred
入会 rùhuì, [入會], to join a society, association etc
摄入 shèrù, [攝入], to take in/to absorb/to consume/intake/consumption
载入 zǎirù, [載入], to load into/to record/to write into/to enter (data)/to go into (the records)/to...
入眠 rùmián, to fall asleep
转入 zhuǎnrù, [轉入], change over to/shift to/switch to
格格不入 gégébùrù, (idiom) inharmonious/incompatible
入围 rùwéi, [入圍], to get past the qualifying round/to make it to the finals
入门 rùmén, [入門], entrance door/to enter a door/introduction (to a subject)
嵌入 qiànrù, to insert/to embed
堕入 刀枪不入 dāoqiāngbùrù, [刀槍不入], lit. impervious to sword or spear (idiom)/fig. invulnerable/untouchable/thick-sk...
纳入 nàrù, [納入], to bring into/to channel into/to integrate into/to incorporate
流入 liúrù, to flow into/to drift into/influx/inflow
入口处 恨之入骨 hènzhīrùgǔ, to hate sb to the bone (idiom)
出生入死 chūshēngrùsǐ, from the cradle to the grave (idiom); to go through fire and water/brave/willing...
存入 cúnrù, to deposit (e.g. in a bank account)
引人入胜 yǐnrénrùshèng, [引人入勝], to enchant/fascinating
入魔 误入歧途 wùrùqítú, [誤入歧途], to take a wrong step in life (idiom)/to go astray
入座 rùzuò, to seat (sb in a restaurant etc)/to take one's seat
病入膏肓 bìngrùgāohuāng, lit. the disease has attacked the vitals (idiom); fig. beyond cure/the situation...
涌入 yǒngrù, [湧入], to come pouring in/influx
入迷 rùmí, to be fascinated/to be enchanted
驶入 shǐrù, [駛入], (of a car, ship, train etc) to enter
写入 跌入 出入证 想入非非 xiǎngrùfēifēi, to indulge in fantasy (idiom); to let one's imagination run wild
踏入 低收入 dīshōurù, low income
入主 先入为主 xiānrùwéizhǔ, [先入為主], lit. first impression is strongest
入乡随俗 rùxiāngsuísú, [入鄉隨俗], When you enter a village, follow the local customs (idiom); do as the natives do...
突入 导入 dǎorù, [導入], to introduce into/to channel/to lead/to guide into/to import (data)
不入流 切入点 渐入佳境 锒铛入狱 lángdāngrùyù, [鋃鐺入獄], lit. to get shackled and thrown in jail (idiom)/fig. to be put behind bars/to ge...
升入 入席 rùxí, to take one's seat
编入 biānrù, [編入], to include (in a list etc)/to assign (to a class, a work unit etc)
录入 lùrù, [錄入], to input (computer)/to type
塞入 并入 bìngrù, [並入]/[併入], to merge into/to incorporate in, to merge into/to incorporate in
入不敷出 rùbùfūchū, income does not cover expenditure/unable to make ends meet
倒入 入队 乘虚而入 chéngxūérrù, [乘虛而入], to enter by exploiting a weak spot (idiom); to take advantage of a lapse
归入 guīrù, [歸入], to assign (to a class)/to classify as/to include
出神入化 chūshénrùhuà, to reach perfection (idiom); a superb artistic achievement
总收入 zǒngshōurù, [總收入], gross income
年收入 niánshōurù, annual income
入场费 rùchǎngfèi, [入場費], admission fee
入账 装入 zhuāngrù, [裝入], to load
浸入 jìnrù, to soak/to dip
溶入 入骨 跨入 无孔不入 入夜 rùyè, nightfall
传入 chuánrù, [傳入], to import/transmitted inwards/afferent
拥入 入神 rùshén, to be enthralled/to be entranced
汇入 huìrù, [匯入], to flow into/to converge (of river)/(computing) to import (data)
长驱直入 chángqūzhírù, [長驅直入], to march straight in unchallenged (military) (idiom)/(fig.) to push deep into th...
买入 mǎirù, [買入], to buy (finance)
准入 zhǔnrù, access/admittance
入定 rùdìng, (Buddhism) to enter a meditative state
入境者 出入境 深入人心 shēnrùrénxīn, to enter deeply into people's hearts/to have a real impact on the people (idiom)
入籍 rùjí, to become naturalized/to become a citizen
入梦 入世 rùshì, to engage with secular society/to involve oneself in human affairs/to join the W...
单刀直入 dāndāozhírù, [單刀直入], to get straight to the point (idiom)
入股 rùgǔ, to invest
计入 购入 体贴入微 tǐtiērùwēi, [體貼入微], to show every possible consideration (idiom); meticulous care
打入冷宫 dǎrùlěnggōng, [打入冷宮], to snub/to consign to the trash heap of history
入时 rùshí, [入時], fashionable
入列 迁入 qiānrù, [遷入], to move in (to new lodging)
入射角 细致入微 不堪入耳 映入眼帘 yìngrùyǎnlián, [映入眼簾], (idiom) to greet the eye/to come into view
高耸入云 gāosǒngrùyún, [高聳入雲], tall and erect, reaching through the clouds (idiom); used to describe tall mount...
迈入 撞入 入味 rùwèi, tasty/to be absorbed in sth/interesting
入超 rùchāo, trade deficit/import surplus
低收入者 登堂入室 dēngtángrùshì, from the main room, enter the inner chamber (idiom)/to go to the next level/to a...
切入口 入库 入耳 净收入 jìngshōurù, [淨收入], net income/net profit
映入 yìngrù, to appear before (one's eyes)/to come to (one's mind)
入网 调入 diàorù, [調入], to bring in/to call in/to transfer (a person, data)/(computing) to call/to load ...
入托 入港 考入 kǎorù, to pass entrance exam/to enter college after a competitive exam
纯收入 毛收入 máoshōurù, gross income/gross profit
入木三分 rùmùsānfēn, written in a forceful hand/penetrating/profound
深入虎穴 非请莫入 遁入 入眼 rùyǎn, to appear before one's eyes/pleasing to the eye/nice to look at
入球 rùqiú, to score a goal/goal
入殓 rùliàn, [入殮], to put dead body in coffin
入冬 入海口 rùhǎikǒu, estuary
跃入 收入额 破门而入者 入市 入学率 rùxuélǜ, [入學率], percentage of children who enter school
人均收入 由浅入深 入秋 入户 rùhù, [入戶], to obtain a residence permit
流出入 入赘 rùzhuì, [入贅], to go and live with one's wife's family, in effect becoming a member of her fami...