溶 ⇒
溶 róng, to dissolve/soluble
溶解 róngjiě, to dissolve
溶液 róngyè, solution (chemistry)
溶化 rónghuà, to melt/to dissolve (of sugar etc)
溶剂 róngjì, [溶劑], solvent
溶入 速溶 sùróng, quick-dissolving/instantly-ready/instant
可溶性 kěróngxìng, solubility
溶胶 水溶液 水溶性 shuǐróngxìng, soluble (in water)/solubility
溶洞 róngdòng, karst cave
溶岩 易溶 yìróng, soluble
洞 ⇒
洞 dòng, cave/hole/zero (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers)/CL:個|个[gè]
洞穴 dòngxué, cave/cavern
漏洞 lòudòng, leak/hole/gap/loophole
黑洞 hēidòng, (astronomy) black hole
山洞 shāndòng, cavern/cave
空洞 kōngdòng, cavity/empty/vacuous
洞察力 dòngchálì, insight
防空洞 fángkōngdòng, air-raid shelter
大洞 洞口 Dòngkǒu/dòngkǒu, Dongkou county in Shaoyang 邵陽|邵阳[Shào yáng], Hunan, cave mouth/tunnel entrance
洞悉 dòngxī, to clearly understand
洞察 dòngchá, to see clearly
岩洞 地洞 dìdòng, tunnel/cave/burrow/dugout
漏洞百出 lòudòngbǎichū, lit. one hundred loopholes (idiom); full of mistakes (of speech or article)
明洞 无底洞 wúdǐdòng, [無底洞], bottomless pit
引蛇出洞 yǐnshéchūdòng, lit. to pull a snake from its hole/to expose a malefactor (idiom)
洞窟 dòngkū, a cave
山顶洞人 坑洞 kēngdòng, hole/pit/pothole
洞开 dòngkāi, [洞開], to be wide open
洞房花烛 dòngfánghuāzhú, [洞房花燭], bridal room and ornamented candles/wedding festivities (idiom)
洞房 dòngfáng, secret inner room/bridal room
合正洞 风洞 fēngdòng, [風洞], wind tunnel
孔洞 弼洞 空洞无物 kōngdòngwúwù, [空洞無物], empty cave, nothing there (idiom); devoid of substance/nothing new to show
黑洞洞 hēidòngdòng, pitch-dark
门洞 méndòng, [門洞], passageway/archway
桥洞 冰洞 bīngdòng, hole in ice/crevasse
尚秀洞 平仓洞 小洞 隧洞 suìdòng, tunnel
窑洞 yáodòng, [窯洞], yaodong (a kind of cave dwelling in the Loess Plateau in northwest China)/CL:孔[k...
黑石洞 别有洞天 biéyǒudòngtiān, [別有洞天], place of charm and beauty/scenery of exceptional charm/completely different worl...
丹洞 溶洞 róngdòng, karst cave