滑 ⇒
滑 Huá/huá, surname Hua, to slip/to slide/smooth/slippery/cunning
滑稽 huájī, comical/funny/amusing/old pr. [gǔ jī]/huaji, a form of comedy performance popula...
滑雪 huáxuě, to ski/skiing
滑板 huábǎn, skateboard
滑冰 huábīng, to skate/skating
光滑 guānghuá, glossy/sleek/smooth
下滑 xiàhuá, sliding/slide
滑头 huátóu, [滑頭], crafty/slippery/slyboots
润滑油 rùnhuáyóu, [潤滑油], lubricating oil
滑行 huáxíng, to slide/to coast/to glide/(of an aircraft) to taxi
滑翔 huáxiáng, to glide
润滑剂 rùnhuájì, [潤滑劑], lubricant
滑动 huádòng, [滑動], to slide/sliding movement
圆滑 yuánhuá, [圓滑], smooth and evasive/slick and sly
滑铁卢 Huátiělú, [滑鐵盧], Waterloo (Belgium)/Battle of Waterloo (1815)/fig. a defeat/failure
滑轮 huálún, [滑輪], block and tackle
滑雪板 huáxuěbǎn, ski/CL:副[fù]/snowboard
润滑 rùnhuá, [潤滑], smooth/oily/sleek/to lubricate
平滑 pínghuá, flat and smooth
滑溜 huáliū/huáliu, to sauté in sticky sauce, smooth/slippery/sticky
滑梯 huátī, (children's) sliding board/a slide
滑翔机 huáxiángjī, [滑翔機], glider
耍滑 shuǎhuá, to resort to tricks/to act in a slippery way/to try to evade (work, responsibili...
滑落 huáluò, to slide/to roll
打滑 dǎhuá, to skid/to slip/to slide
滑冰场 滑翔伞 huáxiángsǎn, [滑翔傘], paraglider/paragliding
滑稽剧 滑稽戏 滑坡 huápō, rockslide/landslip/landslide/mudslide/fig. slump/downturn/to decline
双人滑 shuāngrénhuá, [雙人滑], pair skating
速滑 滑冰鞋 防滑链 fánghuáliàn, [防滑鏈], snow chain (for a vehicle tire)
油滑 yóuhuá, oily/greasy/unctuous/slippery (character)
滑车 huáchē, [滑車], pulley block
平滑肌 pínghuájī, smooth muscle (anatomy)/non-striated muscle
狡滑 jiǎohuá, variant of 狡猾[jiǎo huá]
滑石 huáshí, talc
单人滑 溜滑 滑行道 huáxíngdào, taxiway (at airport)
滑竿 huágān, Chinese-style sedan chair
滑石粉 滑音 huáyīn, glissando
滑腻 huánì, [滑膩], (of skin) satiny
偷奸耍滑 滑头小希 滑雪衫 滑润 滑跑
板 ⇒
老板 lǎobǎn/Lǎobǎn, [老闆], variant of 老闆|老板[lǎo bǎn], Robam (brand), boss/business proprietor/CL:個|个[gè]
板 bǎn/pàn, [闆], board/plank/plate/shutter/table tennis bat/clappers (music)/CL:塊|块[kuài]/accente...
地板 dìbǎn, floor
甲板 jiǎbǎn, deck (of a boat etc)
滑板 huábǎn, skateboard
天花板 tiānhuābǎn, ceiling
木板 mùbǎn, slab/board/plank/CL:張|张[zhāng],塊|块[kuài]
踏板 tàbǎn, pedal (in a car, on a piano etc)/treadle/footstool/footrest/footboard
板球 bǎnqiú, cricket (ball game)
板子 bǎnzi, board/plank/bamboo or birch for corporal punishment
电路板 古板 gǔbǎn, outmoded/old-fashioned/inflexible
黑板 hēibǎn, blackboard/CL:塊|块[kuài],個|个[gè]
面板 miànbǎn, [麵板], panel/faceplate, kneading board/breadboard
板凳 bǎndèng, wooden bench or stool/CL:張|张[zhāng],條|条[tiáo]
死板 sǐbǎn, rigid/inflexible
样板 yàngbǎn, [樣板], template/prototype/model/example
呆板 dāibǎn, stiff/inflexible/also pr. [ái bǎn]
冷板凳 石板 shíbǎn, slab/flagstone/slate
老板娘 lǎobǎnniáng, [老闆娘], female proprietor/lady boss/boss's wife
纸板 zhǐbǎn, [紙板], cardboard
夹板 jiābǎn, [夾板], splint/clamp/vise (as torture instrument)
板块 bǎnkuài, [板塊], slab/(geology) tectonic plate/(fig.) sector (of the stock market or of industry)...
模板 múbǎn, template/(architecture) formwork
铜板 tóngbǎn, [銅板], copper coin/copper plate (e.g. for printing)
钢板 gāngbǎn, [鋼板], steel plate
篮板 lánbǎn, [籃板], backboard
木地板 板上钉钉 bǎnshàngdìngdīng, [板上釘釘], that clinches it/that's final/no two ways about it
线路板 平板 píngbǎn, slab/plate/dull/monotonous/tablet (computer)
滑雪板 huáxuěbǎn, ski/CL:副[fù]/snowboard
坐冷板凳 zuòlěngbǎndèng, to hold an inconsequential job/to receive a cold reception/to be kept waiting fo...
帆板 fānbǎn, sailboard/windsurfing
跷跷板 qiāoqiāobǎn, [蹺蹺板], see-saw
挡泥板 dǎngníbǎn, [擋泥板], mudguard
跳板 tiàobǎn, springboard/jumping-off point/gangplank
铁板 tiěbǎn, [鐵板], iron panel/hot iron plate for fast grilling (Japanese: teppan)
挡板 血小板 xuèxiǎobǎn, blood platelet
隔板 脚板 jiǎobǎn, [腳板], the sole of the foot
篮板球 lánbǎnqiú, [籃板球], rebound (basketball)
砧板 zhēnbǎn, chopping board or block
画板 拍板 pāibǎn, clapper-board/auctioneer's hammer/to beat time with clappers
门板 刻板 kèbǎn, stiff/inflexible/mechanical/stubborn/to cut blocks for printing
一板一眼 yībǎnyīyǎn, lit. one strong beat and one weak beats in a measure of music (two beats in the ...
身板 shēnbǎn, body/physique/physical condition
壁板 墙板 纸板箱 黑板擦 板车 bǎnchē, [板車], handcart/flatbed cart/flatbed tricycle
硬纸板 快板 kuàibǎn, allegro
光板 水泥板 胶合板 jiāohébǎn, [膠合板], plywood
案板 ànbǎn, kneading or chopping board
板斧 bǎnfǔ, broad axe
玻璃板 有板有眼 yǒubǎnyǒuyǎn, orderly/methodical/rhythmical
腰板 yāobǎn, waist and back/fig. upright and still healthy
楼板 lóubǎn, [樓板], floor/floor (ie. metal plate, concrete slab, wooden planking etc)
舢板 shānbǎn, sampan/also written 舢舨
板桥 Bǎnqiáo, [板橋], Banqiao or Panchiao city in Taiwan
板牙 bǎnyá, incisor/molar/screw die/threading die
七巧板 qīqiǎobǎn, tangram (traditional Chinese block puzzle)
极板 脚底板 底板 板擦 bǎncā, blackboard eraser
镶板 顶板 dǐngbǎn, [頂板], roof/roof plate/rock layer forming roof of a cave or mine/abacus
菜板 càibǎn, chopping board/cutting board/CL:張|张[zhāng]
床板 减速板 布告板 手板 翘板 qiàobǎn, [翹板], a see-saw
遮阳板 zhēyángbǎn, [遮陽板], sun visor/sunshade/sunshading board
板正 板结 bǎnjié, [板結], soil crusting
调色板 tiáosèbǎn, [調色板], palette
板岩 bǎnyán, slate
垫板 剪贴板 jiǎntiēbǎn, [剪貼板], clipboard (computing)
盖板 展板 遮光板 搓板 cuōbǎn, washboard/(slang) flat-chested (woman)
图板 音板 二老板 铁板一块 死板板 板床 薄板 báobǎn, thin plate/sheet/lamina/Taiwan pr. [bó bǎn]
洗衣板 xǐyībǎn, washboard/(jocularly) flat chest
板锯 木板床 线板 竹板 zhúbǎn, bamboo clapper boards used in folk theater
板栗 bǎnlì, Chinese chestnut
板油 bǎnyóu, leaf fat/leaf lard
板报 bǎnbào, [板報], see 黑板報|黑板报[hēi bǎn bào]
板材 地板蜡 绘图板 板刷 bǎnshuā, scrubbing brush
平板车 píngbǎnchē, [平板車], handcart/trolley/flatbed truck