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dīguǎn eyedropper

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Word Compounds

        dī, a drop/to drip
        diǎndī, [點滴], a drip/a little bit/intravenous drip (used to administer drugs)
        diǎndiǎndīdī, [點點滴滴], bit by bit/dribs and drabs/the little details/every aspect
        yǔdī, raindrop
        shuǐdī, drop
        yīdiǎnyīdī, [一點一滴], bit by bit/every little bit
        dīshuǐ, water drop/dripping water
        chuíxiányùdī, to drool with desire (idiom); to envy/to hunger for
        dīguǎn, eyedropper/pipette/burette
        jiāodīdī, [嬌滴滴], sweet/cute/delicately pretty
        chánxiányùdī, [饞涎欲滴], lit. to drool with desire (idiom)/fig. to hunger for/greedy
        dīguàn, drip irrigation/to irrigate by drip feed
穿         dīshuǐchuānshí, dripping water penetrates the stone (idiom); constant perseverance yields succes...
        dīliūliū, whirling/spinning around and around/round and plump (e.g. of fruit)

        guǎn/Guǎn, [筦], variant of 管[guǎn], surname Guan, to take care (of)/to control/to manage/to be i...
        bùguǎn, not to be concerned/regardless of/no matter
        jǐnguǎn, [儘管], despite/although/even though/in spite of/unhesitatingly/do not hesitate (to ask,...
        bùguǎnzěnyàng, [不管怎樣], in any case/no matter what
        guǎnlǐ, to supervise/to manage/to administer/management/administration/CL:個|个[gè]
        guǎnyòng, efficacious/useful
        zhǔguǎn, in charge/responsible for/person in charge/manager
        guǎndào, tubing/pipeline/(fig.) channel/means
        jiēguǎn, to take over/to assume control
        Guǎnzǐ/guǎnzi, Guanzi or Guan Zhong 管仲 (-645 BC), famous politician of Qi 齊國|齐国 of Spring and A...
        guǎnlǐyuán, [管理員], manager/administrator
        xuèguǎn, vein/artery/CL:根[gēn]
        bǎoguǎn, to hold in safekeeping/to have in one's care/to guarantee/certainly/surely/custo...
        shuǐguǎn, water pipe
        guǎnjiā, housekeeper/butler/manage one's household
        guǎnxiánshì, [管閒事], to meddle/to be a "nosy Parker"/to be too inquisitive about other people's busin...
        zhǎngguǎn, in charge of/to control
        jiānguǎn, [監管], to oversee/to take charge of/to supervise/to administer/supervisory/supervision
        guǎnzhì, to control/to restrict/(PRC law) non-custodial sentence with specified restricti...
        duōguǎnxiánshì, [多管閒事], meddling in other people's business
        guǎnxiá, [管轄], to administer/to have jurisdiction (over)
        qìguǎn, [氣管], windpipe/trachea/respiratory tract/air duct/gas pipe
        kānguǎn, to look after
        xīguǎn, (drinking) straw/pipette/eyedropper/snorkel/CL:支[zhī]
        guǎnjiào, to discipline/to teach/to guarantee
        dǎoguǎn, [導管], duct/conduit/vessel/catheter
        léiguǎn, detonator/fuse
        guǎngōng, plumber/pipe-worker
        zhǐguǎn, solely engrossed in one thing/just (one thing, no need to worry about the rest)/...
线         guǎnxiàn, [管線], pipeline/general term for pipes, cables etc
        gāngguǎn, [鋼管], steel pipe/pole (in pole dancing)
        páishuǐguǎn, drainpipe/waste pipe
        tuōguǎn, trusteeship/to trust
        sāshǒubùguǎn, to stand aside and do nothing (idiom)/to take no part in
        tōngfēngguǎn, [通風管], ventilation duct
        shìguǎn, [試管], test tube
        ruǎnguǎn, [軟管], hose/flexible tube
        guǎnxiányuè, [管弦樂], orchestral music
        shūyóuguǎn, [輸油管], petroleum pipeline
        guǎnxiányuèduì, [管弦樂隊], orchestra
        shūjīngguǎn, [輸精管], vas deferens
        guǎnlǐrén, supervisor/manager/administrator
        zhàoguǎn, to look after/to provide for
        zhīqìguǎn, [支氣管], bronchial tube/bronchus
        guǎnfēngqín, [管風琴], organ/pipe organ
        zhīqìguǎnyán, [支氣管炎], bronchitis
        xīnxuèguǎn, cardiovascular
        bǎoguǎnyuán, [保管員], custodian/storeroom clerk
        tàoguǎn, pipe casing
        shuānghuángguǎn, [雙簧管], double reed wind instrument (such as oboe or bassoon)
        shūluǎnguǎn, [輸卵管], Fallopian tube/oviduct
        shíguǎn, esophagus
        sàkèsīguǎn, [薩克斯管], sax/saxophone
        shuāngguǎnqíxià, [雙管齊下], lit. to paint holding two brushes (idiom); fig. to work on two tasks at the same...
        guǎnshù, to exercise control over/restriction/control
        tóngguǎn, [銅管], brass instrument (music)
        hēiguǎn, clarinet
        guǎnwěihuì, [管委會], administrative committee/management committee/abbr. for 管理委員會|管理委员会[guǎn lǐ wěi ...
        dēngguǎn, [燈管], fluorescent light
        dānhuángguǎn, [單簧管], clarinet
        mùguǎnyuèqì, [木管樂器], woodwind instrument
        guǎnjiāpó, housewife (jocularly)/female housekeeper of a higher rank (old)/busybody
        kùguǎn, [褲管], trouser leg
        dǎnguǎn, [膽管], bile duct
        fēnguǎn, to be put in charge of/to be responsible for/branched passage
        jīngtǐguǎn, [晶體管], transistor
        diànzǐguǎn, [電子管], valve (electronics)/vacuum tube
        shìguǎnyīngér, [試管嬰兒], test tube baby
        chuīguǎn, blowpipe
        dīguǎn, eyedropper/pipette/burette
        zhēnkōngguǎn, vacuum tube
        jiāoguǎn, traffic control
        guǎnyuèqì, [管樂器], wind instrument/woodwind
线         luóxiànguǎn, [螺線管], solenoid/coil
        guǎnlǐxué, [管理學], management studies
        bāoguǎn, to assure/to guarantee
        èrjíguǎn, [二極管], diode/vacuum tube
        wēixuèguǎn, capillary
        dàiguǎn, to administer/to manage/to hold in trust or escrow
        tǒngguǎn, [統管], unified administration
尿         shūniàoguǎn, [輸尿管], ureter
        guǎnzhù, to take control of/to manage/to curb
        zhúguǎn, bamboo pipe
        sānbùguǎn, of undetermined status/unregulated
        xiǎnxiàngguǎn, [顯像管], CRT used in TV or computer monitor/picture tube/kinescope
        wéiguǎnshù, [維管束], vascular bundle (botany)
        bùguǎnsānqīèrshíyī, regardless of the consequences/recklessly relying on a hopelessly optimistic for...
        chángguǎn, [腸管], intestine/gut
        guǎnlǐzhàn, management station
        xiùguǎn, sleeve
        guǎnlù, piping (for water, oil, etc)/conduit
        guǎnzhōngkuībào, [管中窺豹], lit. to see a leopard through a narrow tube (idiom); fig. to miss the big pictur...
        jīngguǎn, [經管], to be in charge of
        guǎnjiàn, [管見], my limited view (lit. view through a thin tube)/my limited understanding/my opin...
        shèjīngguǎn, ejaculatory duct
        chéngguǎn, local government bylaw enforcement officer/city management (abbr. for 城市管理行政執法局|...

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