火 ⇒
火 Huǒ/huǒ, surname Huo, fire/urgent/ammunition/fiery or flaming/internal heat (Chinese medi...
火车 huǒchē, [火車], train/CL:列[liè],節|节[jié],班[bān],趟[tàng]
开火 kāihuǒ, [開火], to open fire
火灾 huǒzāi, [火災], fire (that burns buildings etc)
火箭 huǒjiàn, rocket/CL:枚[méi]
着火 zháohuǒ, [著火], to ignite/to burn
火鸡 huǒjī, [火雞], turkey
发火 fāhuǒ, [發火], to catch fire/to ignite/to detonate/to get angry
火焰 huǒyàn, blaze/flame
火炬 huǒjù, a torch/CL:把[bǎ]
大火 dàhuǒ, conflagration/large fire/CL:場|场[cháng]
火星 Huǒxīng/huǒxīng, Mars (planet), spark
火花 huǒhuā, spark/sparkle
纵火 zònghuǒ, [縱火], to set on fire/to commit arson
火山 huǒshān, volcano
火力 huǒlì, fire/firepower
火腿 huǒtuǐ, ham/CL:個|个[gè]
点火 diǎnhuǒ, [點火], to ignite/to light a fire/to agitate/to start an engine/ignition/fig. to stir up...
火车站 huǒchēzhàn, [火車站], train station
惹火 rěhuǒ, to stir up the fire/fig. to provoke and offend people/to ruffle feathers
恼火 nǎohuǒ, [惱火], to get angry/irritated/to annoy/to aggravate/annoying
起火 qǐhuǒ, to catch fire/to cook/to get angry
火柴 huǒchái, match (for lighting fire)/CL:根[gēn],盒[hé]
怒火 nùhuǒ, rage/fury/hot anger
军火 jūnhuǒ, [軍火], weapons and ammunition/munitions/arms
火药 huǒyào, [火藥], gunpowder
打火机 dǎhuǒjī, [打火機], lighter/cigarette lighter
放火 fànghuǒ, to set on fire/to commit arson/to create a disturbance
火爆 huǒbào, fiery (temper)/popular/flourishing/prosperous/lively
防火墙 fánghuǒqiáng, [防火牆], firewall/CL:堵[dǔ]
火把 huǒbǎ, torch/CL:把[bǎ]
篝火 gōuhuǒ, bonfire
火热 huǒrè, [火熱], fiery/burning/fervent/ardent/passionate
停火 tínghuǒ, to cease fire/ceasefire
烈火 lièhuǒ, raging inferno/blaze
灭火 mièhuǒ, [滅火], to extinguish a fire/firefighting
火警 huǒjǐng, fire alarm
生火 shēnghuǒ, to make a fire/to light a fire
火化 huǒhuà, to cremate/to incinerate
交火 jiāohuǒ, firefight/shooting
走火 zǒuhuǒ, to go off accidentally/to catch fire
火烧 huǒshāo, [火燒], to set fire to/to burn down/burning hot/baked cake
纵火犯 zònghuǒfàn, [縱火犯], arsonist
烟火 yānhuǒ, [煙火], smoke and fire/fireworks
救火 jiùhuǒ, to put out a fire/firefighting
玩火 wánhuǒ, to play with fire
防火 fánghuǒ, to protect against fire
火势 huǒshì, [火勢], intensity of a fire/lively/flourishing
失火 shīhuǒ, to catch fire/on fire/fire (alarm)
熄火 xīhuǒ, (of fire, lamp etc) to go out/to put out (fire)/(fig.) to die down/(of a vehicle...
萤火虫 yínghuǒchóng, [螢火蟲], firefly/glowworm/lightning bug
焰火 yànhuǒ, fireworks
火炉 huǒlú, [火爐], stove
军火商 战火 zhànhuǒ, [戰火], conflagration/the fire of war
灭火器 mièhuǒqì, [滅火器], fire extinguisher
赴汤蹈火 fùtāngdǎohuǒ, [赴湯蹈火], to go through water and tread on fire (idiom); not afraid of any difficulty
火海 水火 火种 huǒzhǒng, [火種], tinder/source of a fire/inflammable material/(fig.) spark (of a revolution etc)
火堆 huǒduī, bonfire/to open fire
火气 huǒqì, [火氣], anger/internal heat (TCM)
火葬 huǒzàng, to cremate
火箭筒 huǒjiàntǒng, bazooka/rocket launcher
火球 火烈鸟 huǒlièniǎo, [火烈鳥], flamingo
水深火热 shuǐshēnhuǒrè, [水深火熱], deep water and scorching fire/abyss of suffering (idiom)
炮火 pàohuǒ, artillery barrage/gunfire
柴火 cháihuo, firewood
火上浇油 huǒshàngjiāoyóu, [火上澆油], to pour oil on the fire (idiom); fig. to aggravate a situation/to enrage people ...
导火索 dǎohuǒsuǒ, [導火索], fuse (for explosive)
火候 huǒhòu, heat control/maturity/crucial moment
鬼火 guǐhuǒ, will-o'-the-wisp/jack-o'-lantern
火光 huǒguāng, flame/blaze
火场 huǒchǎng, [火場], the scene of a fire
火山口 huǒshānkǒu, volcanic crater
火药味 huǒyàowèi, [火藥味], smell of gunpowder/(fig.) combative tone/belligerence
火坑 huǒkēng, pit of fire/fig. living hell
打得火热 dǎdehuǒrè, [打得火熱], to carry on intimately with (idiom); ardent relationship (esp. between lovers)/b...
火车票 huǒchēpiào, [火車票], train ticket
火辣辣 huǒlàlà, painful heat/scorching/painful heat/rude and forthright/provocative/hot/sexy
灯火 dēnghuǒ, [燈火], lights
火炮 huǒpào, [火砲], cannon/gun/artillery, cannon/gun/artillery
火石 huǒshí, flint (stone)
火枪 huǒqiāng, [火槍], firearms (in historical context)/flintlock (old powder and shot firearm)
军火库 jūnhuǒkù, [軍火庫], arsenal
十万火急 shíwànhuǒjí, [十萬火急], most urgent/posthaste/express
打火 火速 huǒsù, at top speed/at a tremendous lick
火线 Huǒxiàn/huǒxiàn, [火線], FireWire (IEEE 1394 data-transfer interface), firing line (battle)/live electric...
导火线 dǎohuǒxiàn, [導火線], fuse (for explosives)/(fig.) proximate cause/the last straw
火器 huǒqì, firearm/CL:架[jià]
救火车 野火 yěhuǒ, wildfire/(spreading like) wildfire/bush fire/farm fire (for clearing fields)
打火石 dǎhuǒshí, flint
扑火 火龙 huǒlóng, [火龍], fiery dragon
火苗 huǒmiáo, flame
炉火 lúhuǒ, [爐火], the fire of a stove
火锅 huǒguō, [火鍋], hotpot
火车头 huǒchētóu, [火車頭], train engine/locomotive
点火器 红火 hónghuǒ, [紅火], prosperous
火源 火花塞 huǒhuāsāi, spark plug
火箭炮 huǒjiànpào, rocket artillery
火红 huǒhóng, [火紅], fiery/blazing
火冒三丈 huǒmàosānzhàng, to get really angry
火箭弹 huǒjiàndàn, [火箭彈], rocket (artillery)
喷火器 pēnhuǒqì, [噴火器], flamethrower
热火 光火 熏火腿 烤火 kǎohuǒ, to warm oneself at a fire
烽火台 上火 shànghuǒ, to get angry/to suffer from excessive internal heat (TCM)
星星之火 xīngxingzhīhuǒ, a single spark (idiom); an insignificant cause can have a massive effect
肝火 gānhuǒ, irascibility/irritability/(TCM) inflammation of the liver
纵火罪 炭火 圣火 shènghuǒ, [聖火], sacred fire/Olympic flame
冒火 màohuǒ, to get angry/to burn with rage
明火 mínghuǒ, flame/open fire
引火烧身 yǐnhuǒshāoshēn, [引火燒身], to invite trouble
萤火 yínghuǒ, [螢火], light of firefly/fairy light
救火队 去火 qùhuǒ, to reduce internal heat (TCM)
如火如荼 rúhuǒrútú, like wildfire (idiom)/unstoppable
火盆 huǒpén, brazier/fire pan/hibachi
趁火打劫 chènhuǒdǎjié, to loot a burning house/to profit from sb's misfortune (idiom)
火眼金睛 huǒyǎnjīnjīng, piercing eyes/discerning eyes
火暴 huǒbào, variant of 火爆[huǒ bào]
炉火纯青 lúhuǒchúnqīng, [爐火純青], lit. the stove fire has turned bright green (allusion to Daoist alchemy) (idiom)...
风风火火 fēngfēnghuǒhuǒ, [風風火火], bustling/energetic
星火 xīnghuǒ, spark/meteor trail (mostly used in expressions like 急如星火[jí rú xīng huǒ])
火上加油 huǒshàngjiāyóu, to add oil to the fire (idiom); fig. to aggravate a situation/to enrage people a...
营火 火山灰 huǒshānhuī, volcanic ash
热火朝天 rèhuǒcháotiān, [熱火朝天], in full swing (idiom)/(in a) frenzy/buzzing with activity
火成岩 huǒchéngyán, igneous rock (geology)/volcanic rock
火墙 huǒqiáng, [火牆], firewall
火并 拨火棍 bōhuǒgùn, [撥火棍], poker
火山岩 huǒshānyán, volcanic rock
火药桶 香火 xiānghuǒ, incense burning in front of a temple/burning joss sticks
火舌 huǒshé, tongue of flame
地火 无烟火药 活火山 huóhuǒshān, active volcano
回火 huíhuǒ, to temper (iron)/to flare back/flareback (in a gas burner)/(of an engine) to bac...
火山学 huǒshānxué, [火山學], volcanology
过火 guòhuǒ, [過火], to go too far (in word or deed)/over the top
火焰山 huǒyànshān, Mountain of Flames of legend/fig. insurmountable obstacle/Mountain of Flames in ...
火葬场 huǒzàngchǎng, [火葬場], crematorium
后院起火 hòuyuànqǐhuǒ, [後院起火], a fire in one's backyard/conflict close to home
隔岸观火 géànguānhuǒ, [隔岸觀火], to watch the fires burning across the river/to delay entering the fray until all...
火力网 电火花 diànhuǒhuā, [電火花], electric spark
火力点 火攻 底火 烧火 shāohuǒ, [燒火], to light a fire for cooking
火钳 huǒqián, [火鉗], fire tongs
新官上任三把火 xīnguānshàngrènsānbǎhuǒ, (of a newly appointed official) to make bold changes on assuming office (idiom)
烽火 fēnghuǒ, fire beacon (to give alarm)
借火 jièhuǒ, to borrow a light (for a cigarette)
风火轮 fēnghuǒlún, [風火輪], (martial arts) wind-and-fire wheel, weapon used in hand-to-hand fighting/(Daoism...
窝火 火凤凰 火地岛 动火 无名火 火情 火狐 Huǒhú, Firefox (web browser)
火力发电 火险 火夫 营火会 火车皮 灭火枪 万家灯火 wànjiādēnghuǒ, [萬家燈火], (of a city etc) ablaze with lights
山火 shānhuǒ, wildfire/forest fire
火柴厂 死火山 众人拾柴火焰高 zhòngrénshícháihuǒyàngāo, [眾人拾柴火焰高], when everybody gathers fuel, the flames are higher (idiom)/the more people, the ...
心急火燎 xīnjíhuǒliǎo, to burn with anxiety
火罐 火柱 huǒzhù, column of flame
火棒 火烧云 huǒshāoyún, [火燒雲], nuée ardente/hot cloud of volcanic ash
火绳 薪火 食火鸡 shíhuǒjī, [食火雞], cassowary (genus Casuarius), large flightless bird native to northeastern Austra...
火头 范火清 宇宙火箭 火电站 火烛 huǒzhú, [火燭], fire and candles/household things that burn
灭火剂 火烧火燎 huǒshāohuǒliáo, [火燒火燎], restless with anxiety/unbearably hot and anxious
火葬炉 火腿肉 急火火 消火栓 xiāohuǒshuān, fire hydrant
冰火 bīnghuǒ, fire and ice/combination of sharply contrasting or incompatible elements
心火 野火烧不尽 冰火城 烽火连天 林火 línhuǒ, forest fire
火熊 红红火火 火炎花 煤火 灯火辉煌 天火 火之谷 火泉 火炭 HuǒTàn/huǒtàn, Fo Tan (area in Hong Kong), live coal/ember/burning coals
火眼 huǒyǎn, pinkeye
火生 火印 huǒyìn, branded mark/brand
火之仆 微火 wēihuǒ, a low fire (for roasting)
火之星 火镰 火魔 火山岛 huǒshāndǎo, [火山島], volcanic island
刀耕火种 dāogēnghuǒzhòng, [刀耕火種], slash and burn (agriculture)
雷火 多级火箭 火卢鲁鲁 城门失火殃及池鱼 接火
烧 ⇒
烧 shāo, [燒], to burn/to cook/to stew/to bake/to roast/to heat/to boil (tea, water etc)/fever/...
燃烧 ránshāo, [燃燒], to ignite/to combust/to burn/combustion/flaming
发烧 fāshāo, [發燒], to have a high temperature (from illness)/to have a fever
烧烤 shāokǎo, [燒烤], barbecue/to roast
烧伤 shāoshāng, [燒傷], burn (injury)
烧毁 shāohuǐ, [燒燬], to burn/to burn down
火烧 huǒshāo, [火燒], to set fire to/to burn down/burning hot/baked cake
烧着 焚烧 fénshāo, [焚燒], to burn/to set on fire
烧坏 烧酒 shāojiǔ, [燒酒], name of a famous Tang dynasty wine/same as 白酒[bái jiǔ]
高烧 gāoshāo, [高燒], fever/high temperature
燃烧弹 ránshāodàn, [燃燒彈], fire bomb/incendiary device
发高烧 退烧 tuìshāo, [退燒], to reduce fever
烧灼 shāozhuó, [燒灼], to burn/to scorch/to cauterize
烧夷弹 shāoyídàn, [燒夷彈], fire bomb/incendiary device
烧鸡 烧化 烧光 红烧 hóngshāo, [紅燒], simmer-fried (dish)
引火烧身 yǐnhuǒshāoshēn, [引火燒身], to invite trouble
烧瓶 shāopíng, [燒瓶], laboratory flask
烧杯 shāobēi, [燒杯], beaker (glassware)
烧香 shāoxiāng, [燒香], to burn incense
烧饼 shāobing, [燒餅], baked sesame seed-coated cake
退烧药 tuìshāoyào, [退燒藥], antipyretic (drug to reduce fever, such as sulfanilamide)
低烧 dīshāo, [低燒], a low fever (up to 38°C)
烧火 shāohuǒ, [燒火], to light a fire for cooking
烧肉 烧窑 燃烧室 火烧云 huǒshāoyún, [火燒雲], nuée ardente/hot cloud of volcanic ash
烧制 shāozhì, [燒製], to fire (in a kiln)
烧纸 shāozhǐ, [燒紙], to burn paper offerings (as part of religious ceremony)
烧炭 shāotàn, [燒炭], to manufacture charcoal/to burn charcoal (often a reference to suicide by carbon...
火烧火燎 huǒshāohuǒliáo, [火燒火燎], restless with anxiety/unbearably hot and anxious
野火烧不尽 红烧肉 hóngshāoròu, [紅燒肉], red braised pork
烧心 shāoxīn, [燒心], to worry
烧塌 烧碱 shāojiǎn, [燒鹼], caustic soda NaOH
烧鹅 烧荒 shāohuāng, [燒荒], to clear waste land or forest by burning/slash-and-burn (agriculture)
煅烧 duànshāo, [煅燒], to calcine (purify by heating)
云 ⇒
云 yún/Yún, [雲], (classical) to say, surname Yun/abbr. for Yunnan Province 雲南省|云南省[Yún nán Shěng]
风云 fēngyún, [風雲], weather/unstable situation
云霄 Yúnxiāo/yúnxiāo, [雲霄], Yunxiao county in Zhangzhou 漳州[Zhāng zhōu], Fujian, (the) skies
乌云 wūyún, [烏雲], black cloud
云层 yúncéng, [雲層], the clouds/cloud layer/cloud bank
烟消云散 yānxiāoyúnsàn, [煙消雲散], to vanish like smoke in thin air/to disappear
云彩 yúncai, [雲彩], (coll.) cloud/CL:朵[duǒ]
星云 xīngyún, [星雲], nebula
云梯 yúntī, [雲梯], escalade
不知所云 bùzhīsuǒyún, to not know what sb is driving at/to be unintelligible
云雀 yúnquè, [雲雀], (bird species of China) Eurasian skylark (Alauda arvensis)
翻云覆雨 fānyúnfùyǔ, [翻雲覆雨], to produce clouds with one turn of the hand and rain with another (idiom); fig. ...
白云 Báiyún/báiyún, [白雲], Baiyun district of Guiyang city 貴陽市|贵阳市[Guì yáng shì], Guizhou/Baiyun district o...
云端 yúnduān, [雲端], fig. high in the clouds/(in the) cloud (computing)
云集 yúnjí, [雲集], to gather (in a crowd)/to converge/to swarm
过眼云烟 guòyǎnyúnyān, [過眼雲煙], ephemeral (idiom)
疑云 yíyún, [疑雲], a haze of doubts and suspicions
佳云 平步青云 píngbùqīngyún, [平步青雲], to rapidly go up in the world/meteoric rise (of a career, social position etc)
云朵 yúnduǒ, [雲朵], a cloud
风云人物 fēngyúnrénwù, [風雲人物], the man (or woman) of the moment (idiom)/influential figure
阴云 yīnyún, [陰雲], dark cloud
宝云 云娜 凌云 Língyún/língyún, [凌雲], Lingyun county in Baise 百色[Bǎi sè], Guangxi, (lit. and fig.) towering/lofty/high
如云 蘑菇云 mógūyún, [蘑菇雲], mushroom cloud
云母 yúnmǔ, [雲母], mica
红云 英云 九霄云外 jiǔxiāoyúnwài, [九霄雲外], beyond the topmost clouds (idiom)/unimaginably far away
腾云 行云流水 xíngyúnliúshuǐ, [行雲流水], lit. moving clouds and flowing water (idiom)/fig. very natural and flowing style...
云杉 yúnshān, [雲杉], spruce
云游 yúnyóu, [雲遊], to wander (typically of an errant priest)
万里无云 黑云 拨云见日 bōyúnjiànrì, [撥雲見日], lit. to dispel the clouds and see the sun (idiom); fig. to restore justice
云雾 yúnwù, [雲霧], clouds and mist
天有不测风云 云团 浮云 fúyún, [浮雲], floating clouds/fleeting/transient
吞云吐雾 tūnyúntǔwù, [吞雲吐霧], to swallow clouds and blow out fog (idiom)/to blow cigarette or opium smoke
云初 青云 qīngyún, [青雲], clear sky/fig. high official position/noble
朴云申 烟云 武云 人云亦云 rényúnyìyún, to say what everyone says (idiom)/to conform to what one perceives to be the maj...
尚格云顿 奥云 高耸入云 gāosǒngrùyún, [高聳入雲], tall and erect, reaching through the clouds (idiom); used to describe tall mount...
赤云 云斯顿 云烟 yúnyān, [雲煙], mist/smoke/cloud
愁云 云申 才云 云满春 迈尔云 青云直上 qīngyúnzhíshàng, [青雲直上], rising straight up in a clear sky (idiom); rapid promotion to a high post/meteor...
李英云 积雨云 jīyǔyún, [積雨雲], cumulonimbus (cloud)
云奇 过眼烟云 guòyǎnyānyún, [過眼煙雲], ephemeral (idiom)
风云变幻 fēngyúnbiànhuàn, [風雲變幻], changeable situation (idiom)
冷云中 云雨之 云度 积云 jīyún, [積雲], cumulus/heap cloud
雷雨云 安云 流云 金英云 云利 云海 尚格·云顿 云斯摩尔 云起 克云库 火烧云 huǒshāoyún, [火燒雲], nuée ardente/hot cloud of volcanic ash
薛云 过云娜 风云录 彩云 cǎiyún, [彩雲], rosy clouds/CL:朵[duǒ]
云淡风 书云 云山雾罩 云汉恩 云镇虎 施云布雨 周云鹤 康顺云 沈曼云 小云 云尼莎 云之 云云 yúnyún, and so on/so and so/many and confused
云天 云雨 yúnyǔ, [雲雨], lit. cloud and rain/fig. sexual intercourse
云尼 云勋 云儿 云图 伊云斯顿 云清 祥云 Xiángyún/xiángyún, [祥雲], Xiangyun county in Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州[Dà lǐ Bái zú zì zhì zh...
电子云 diànzǐyún, [電子雲], electron cloud
崔少云 黑黑云 云奈卡特湖 那人云 云高 云顿 雨云 云逊 云际 云翳 齐云 嘉云 李红云 白云石 báiyúnshí, [白雲石], dolomite
爱云奇利斯夫 金嘉云 云际里 云谷 叱咤风云 chìzhàfēngyún, [叱咤風雲], lit. to rebuke Heaven and Earth (idiom); fig. shaking the whole world/all-powerf...
云开日出 薄于云水 无云 黎嘉云 海云台 云生雨 炳云 郑云哲 风起云涌 fēngqǐyúnyǒng, [風起雲湧], to surge like a gathering storm (idiom)/to grow by leaps and bounds