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pàohuī cannon fodder

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        bāo/páo/pào, [砲], to sauté/to fry/to dry by heating, to prepare herbal medicine by roasting or par...
        dàpào, [大砲], big gun/cannon/artillery/one who talks big/trad. form 大炮 also used/CL:門|门[mén],尊...
        pàodàn, [炮彈], artillery shell/CL:枚[méi]
        pǎijīpào, [迫擊炮], mortar (weapon)
        kāipào, [開砲], to open fire
        pàohuǒ, artillery barrage/gunfire
        qiāngpào, [槍砲], firearm
        huǒpào, [火砲], cannon/gun/artillery, cannon/gun/artillery
        pàoshǒu, [砲手], gunner/artillery crew
        pàobīng, artillery soldier/gunner
        biānpào, firecrackers/string of small firecrackers/CL:枚[méi]
        pàotǎ, gun turret
        pàohōng, [炮轟]/[砲轟], to bombard/to bomb/(fig.) to criticize/to roast, to bombard/to bomb/trad. also w...
        pàojī, [炮擊]/[砲擊], to shell/to bombard/bombardment, to shell/to bombard/bombardment
        mǎhòupào, [馬後炮]/[馬後砲], lit. firing after the horse/fig. belated action/giving advice in hindsight, lit....
        gāoshèpào, anti-aircraft gun
        jiānóngpào, [加農炮], cannon (loanword)
        huǒjiànpào, rocket artillery
        pàohuī, cannon fodder
        dǎpào, to open fire with artillery/to set off firecrackers/to make one's stage debut/(s...
        pàotái, [砲臺], fort/battery
        páozhì, [炮製], to concoct/to invent/to fabricate/to produce/to process/processing and curing (C...
        zhòngpào, [重砲], heavy artillery
        rúfǎpáozhì, [如法炮製], lit. to follow the recipe (idiom)/fig. to follow a set pattern
        pàotǐng, [砲艇], gunboat
        liúdànpào, [榴彈炮], howitzer
        lǐpào, [禮炮], gun salute (e.g. 21-gun salute)/salvo
        liánzhūpào, [連珠砲], barrage of gunfire (often used as a metaphor for rapid speech)
        fàngkōngpào, (lit.) to fire blank shots/(fig.) to be all talk and no action/to shoot one's mo...
        niǎoqiānghuànpào, [鳥槍換炮], bird shotgun replaced by cannon (idiom); equipment improved enormously
        páipào, to fire a salvo/broadside/cannonade
        tángyīpàodàn, [糖衣炮彈], sugar-coated bullets, term used by Mao (originally in 1949) to refer to corrupti...
        pàozhang, firecracker
        pàojiàn, [炮艦]/[砲艦], gunship, gunboat/gunship

        huī, ash/dust/lime/gray/discouraged/dejected
        huīsè, gray/ash gray/grizzly/pessimistic/gloomy/dispirited/ambiguous
        gǔhuī, bone ash/ashes of the dead
        Huīgūniang, Cinderella/a sudden rags-to-riches celebrity
        huīchén, [灰塵], dust
        huījìn, [灰燼], ashes
        yānhuīgāng, [煙灰缸], ashtray
        huīxīn, to lose heart/to be discouraged
        huīàn, dull gray/drab/murky
        huīfēiyānmiè, [灰飛煙滅], lit. scattered ashes and dispersed smoke (idiom)/fig. to be annihilated/to vanis...
        yānhuī, [煙灰], cigarette ash
        gǔhuīhé, box for bone ashes/funerary casket
        shíhuī, lime (calcium oxide)
        dàhuīláng, big bad wolf
        huīxīnsàngqì, [灰心喪氣], downhearted/downcast/in despair
        pàohuī, cannon fodder
        xīnhuīyìlěng, discouraged/downhearted
        shíhuīshí, limestone
        huīliūliū, dull gray/gloomy/dejected/crestfallen/with one's tail between one's legs
        huībái, colored/ash-colored
        sǐhuīfùrán, [死灰復燃], lit. ashes burn once more (idiom); fig. sb lost returns to have influence/sth ma...
        méihuī, soot
        huǒshānhuī, volcanic ash
        wànniànjùhuī, [萬念俱灰], every hope turns to dust (idiom); completely disheartened
        Huītǔ/huītǔ, Spodosols (Chinese Soil Taxonomy), dust
        huībáisè, ash gray
        shēnhuīsè, dark gray
        shíhuīyán, limestone
        huīmēngmēng, dusky/overcast (of weather)
        shēngshíhuī, calcium oxide CaO/quicklime
        huīdù, grayscale
        huībuliūqiū, see 灰不溜丟|灰不溜丢[huī bu liū diū]
        huīhè, [灰鶴], (bird species of China) common crane (Grus grus)
        línhuīshí, apatite/phosphatic limestone
        mǒhuī, to plaster/to render (a wall)/(fig.) to bring shame on/also pr. [mò huī]
        huījiāng, [灰漿], mortar (for masonry)

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