炼 ⇒
锻炼 duànliàn, [鍛鍊], to toughen/to temper/to engage in physical exercise/to work out/(fig.) to develo...
炼狱 liànyù, [煉獄], purgatory
炼 liàn, [煉]/[鍊], to refine/to smelt, variant of 鏈|链[liàn], chain/variant of 煉|炼[liàn]
提炼 tíliàn, [提煉], to extract (ore, minerals etc)/to refine/to purify/to process
炼油厂 liànyóuchǎng, [煉油廠], oil refinery
精炼 jīngliàn, [精煉], to refine (a substance)/to purify/to refine (one's skills, writing etc)/refined/...
炼金术 liànjīnshù, [煉金術], alchemy
修炼 xiūliàn, [修煉], (of Taoists) to practice austerities/to practice asceticism
磨炼 móliàn, [磨煉], see 磨練|磨练[mó liàn]
炼铁 liàntiě, [煉鐵], smelting iron
炼钢 liàngāng, [煉鋼], steelmaking
炼丹 liàndān, [煉丹], to concoct pills of immortality
炼乳 liànrǔ, [煉乳], to condense milk (by evaporation)/condensed milk
熔炼 róngliàn, [熔煉], to smelt
冶炼 yěliàn, [冶煉], to smelt metal
锤炼 冶炼厂 炼焦炉 liànjiāolú, [煉焦爐], coking furnace
炼油 liànyóu, [煉油], oil refinery
炼化 liànhuà, [煉化], to refine/refining (e.g. oil, chemicals etc)
炼制 liànzhì, [煉製], (chemistry) to refine
油 ⇒
加油 jiāyóu, to add oil/to top up with gas/to refuel/to accelerate/to step on the gas/(fig.) ...
油 yóu, oil/fat/grease/petroleum/to apply tung oil, paint or varnish/oily/greasy/glib/cu...
石油 shíyóu, oil/petroleum
奶油 nǎiyóu, cream/butter
汽油 qìyóu, gasoline
黄油 huángyóu, [黃油], butter/CL:盒[hé]
加油站 jiāyóuzhàn, gas station
油漆 yóuqī, oil paints/lacquer/to paint/CL:層|层[céng]
油门 yóumén, [油門], accelerator (pedal)/gas pedal/throttle
油画 yóuhuà, [油畫], oil painting
油箱 yóuxiāng, oil tank
油井 yóujǐng, oil well
指甲油 zhǐjiayóu, nail polish
甘油 gānyóu, glycerine/glycerol
润滑油 rùnhuáyóu, [潤滑油], lubricating oil
油脂 yóuzhī, grease/oil/fat
油田 yóutián, oil field
机油 jīyóu, [機油], engine oil
酱油 jiàngyóu, [醬油], soy sauce
油轮 yóulún, [油輪], tanker (ship)/CL:艘[sōu]
燃油 rányóu, fuel oil
橄榄油 gǎnlǎnyóu, [橄欖油], olive oil
柴油 cháiyóu, diesel fuel
油布 yóubù, tarpaulin
火上浇油 huǒshàngjiāoyóu, [火上澆油], to pour oil on the fire (idiom); fig. to aggravate a situation/to enrage people ...
炼油厂 liànyóuchǎng, [煉油廠], oil refinery
猪油 zhūyóu, [豬油], lard
牛油 niúyóu, butter
油罐 油价 yóujià, [油價], oil (petroleum) price
油水 yóushuǐ, grease/profit/ill-gotten gains
输油管 shūyóuguǎn, [輸油管], petroleum pipeline
油桶 油腻 yóunì, [油膩], grease/greasy food/oily/rich (of food)/fatty/greasy and dirty/a slippery charact...
柏油 bǎiyóu, asphalt/tar/pitch
原油 yuányóu, crude oil
油彩 油嘴 yóuzuǐ, eloquent and cunning/silver tongued
油管 油墨 yóumò, printing ink
焦油 jiāoyóu, tar
煤油 méiyóu, kerosene
汽油弹 植物油 zhíwùyóu, vegetable oil
油泵 yóubèng, oil pump
揩油 kāiyóu, to take advantage of sb/to freeload
松节油 sōngjiéyóu, [松節油], turpentine
鞋油 xiéyóu, shoe polish
添油加醋 tiānyóujiācù, lit. to add oil and vinegar/fig. adding details while telling a story (to make i...
油条 yóutiáo, [油條], youtiao (deep-fried breadstick)/CL:根[gēn]/slick and sly person
柏油路 bǎiyóulù, tarred road/asphalt road
油污 yóuwū, greasy and dirty/oil pollution
油漆匠 油膏 yóugāo, balm
油迹 油酸 化油器 huàyóuqì, carburetor
花生油 汽油味 油料 yóuliào, oilseed/oil/fuel
油光 yóuguāng, glossy/gleaming/shiny (due to greasiness)/slick/greasy/oily
油灯 yóudēng, [油燈], oil lamp
油乎乎 yóuhūhū, greasy/oily
油然而生 yóuránérshēng, arising involuntarily (idiom); spontaneous/to spring up unbidden (of emotion)
采油 cǎiyóu, [採油], oil extraction/oil recovery
油船 yóuchuán, (oil) tanker/tank ship
打油诗 dǎyóushī, [打油詩], humorous poem/limerick
油性 万金油 wànjīnyóu, [萬金油], Tiger Balm (medicine)/jack of all trades (and master of none)(slang)
油瓶 油渍 薄荷油 bòheyóu, peppermint oil
香油 xiāngyóu, sesame oil/perfumed oil
硝酸甘油 xiāosuāngānyóu, nitroglycerine
蜡油 油滑 yóuhuá, oily/greasy/unctuous/slippery (character)
耗油 火上加油 huǒshàngjiāyóu, to add oil to the fire (idiom); fig. to aggravate a situation/to enrage people a...
输油 油路 油酥 鱼油 矿物油 油灰 茶油 汽油费 椰子油 油库 yóukù, [油庫], fuel depot/fuel farm
油压 辣酱油 làjiàngyóu, [辣醬油], Worcestershire sauce
麻油 máyóu, sesame oil
油公司 油腻腻 豆油 dòuyóu, soy bean oil/(dialect) soy sauce
油亮 yóuliàng, glossy/shiny
蓖麻油 奶油色 油气 yóuqì, [油氣], oil and gas
油机 油烟 yóuyān, [油煙], soot/lampblack
鱼肝油 yúgānyóu, [魚肝油], cod liver oil
汽油桶 头油 鲸油 煤油灯 芝麻油 zhīmayóu, sesame oil
输油管线 可可油 油盐酱醋 yóuyánjiàngcù, [油鹽醬醋], (lit.) oil, salt, soy sauce and vinegar/(fig.) the trivia of everyday life
耗油量 hàoyóuliàng, fuel consumption
油印 yóuyìn, to mimeograph
油泥 油枯 油矿 油饼 yóubǐng, [油餅], deep-fried doughcake/oilcake (animal fodder)
动物油 dòngwùyóu, [動物油], animal fat
燃料油 ránliàoyóu, fuel oil
柴油机 cháiyóujī, [柴油機], diesel engine
废油 大油 dàyóu, lard
清凉油 qīngliángyóu, [清涼油], soothing ointment/balm
油菜 yóucài, oilseed rape (Brassica napus)/flowering edible rape (Brassica chinensis var. ole...
绿油油 lǜyóuyóu, [綠油油], lush green/verdant
脂油 色拉油 sèlāyóu, salad oil
煤焦油 méijiāoyóu, coal tar
酥油茶 sūyóuchá, butter tea (Tibetan, Mongolian etc drink derived from milk)
椰油 yēyóu, palm oil
油品 桐油 tóngyóu, tung oil, from the Japanese wood-oil tree Aleurites cordata, used in making lacq...
油类 菜油 càiyóu, rapeseed oil/canola oil
油盘 油耗 yóuhào, fuel consumption
棕榈油 zōnglǘyóu, [棕櫚油], palm oil
储油罐 收油 捞油水 lāoyóushuǐ, [撈油水], (coll.) to gain profit (usu. by underhand means)
节油 jiéyóu, [節油], to economize on gasoline/fuel-efficient
食用油 酥油 sūyóu, butter
油毡 油渣 菜籽油 油票 油纸 亚麻油 油藏 耗油率 油汪汪 yóuwāngwāng, dripping with oil
辣椒油 樟脑油 煤油炉 炼油 liànyóu, [煉油], oil refinery
油豆腐 油地毡 汽油机 qìyóujī, [汽油機], gasoline engine
储油区 喷油器 玉米油 灯油 酱油瓶 板油 bǎnyóu, leaf fat/leaf lard
油盐 油光光 yóuguāngguāng, glossy/gleaming/shiny (due to greasiness)/slick/greasy/oily
油压表 含油 hányóu, containing oil/oil-bearing
供油 榨油 zhàyóu, to extract oil from vegetables/to press
油坊 石油气
厂 ⇒
工厂 gōngchǎng, [工廠], factory/CL:家[jiā],座[zuò]
厂 hǎn/chǎng, [廠], "cliff" radical in Chinese characters (Kangxi radical 27), occurring in 原, 历, 压 ...
发电厂 fādiànchǎng, [發電廠], power plant
修理厂 xiūlǐchǎng, [修理廠], repair shop
炼油厂 liànyóuchǎng, [煉油廠], oil refinery
造纸厂 厂商 chǎngshāng, [廠商], manufacturer/producer
厂家 chǎngjiā, [廠家], factory/factory owners
化工厂 huàgōngchǎng, [化工廠], chemical factory
酒厂 jiǔchǎng, [酒廠], wine factory/distillery
加工厂 jiāgōngchǎng, [加工廠], processing plant
厂房 chǎngfáng, [廠房], a building used as a factory/factory (building)/CL:座[zuò],棟|栋[dòng]
出厂 chūchǎng, [出廠], to leave the factory (of finished goods)
造船厂 zàochuánchǎng, [造船廠], dockyard/shipyard
电厂 diànchǎng, [電廠], electric power plant
制造厂 zhìzàochǎng, [製造廠], manufacturing plant/factory
印刷厂 yìnshuāchǎng, [印刷廠], printing house/print shop
核电厂 hédiànchǎng, [核電廠], nuclear power plant
纺织厂 fǎngzhīchǎng, [紡織廠], textile factory/cotton mill
兵工厂 bīnggōngchǎng, [兵工廠], munitions factory
处理厂 铸造厂 糖厂 船厂 chuánchǎng, [船廠], shipyard/shipbuilder's yard
军工厂 厂里 厂子 chǎngzi, [廠子], (coll.) factory/mill/yard/depot
生产厂 药厂 肉联厂 制衣厂 织造厂 建厂 水厂 火柴厂 分厂 冶炼厂 机械厂 服装厂 修配厂 厂主 chǎngzhǔ, [廠主], factory owner
厂长 chǎngzhǎng, [廠長], factory director
外厂 大厂 Dàchǎng/dàchǎng, [大廠], Dachang Hui autonomous county in Langfang 廊坊[Láng fáng], Hebei, large manufactur...
煤厂 制作厂 工厂化 该厂 纸厂 全厂 饲料厂 厂址 chǎngzhǐ, [廠址], factory site/location