烧 ⇒
烧 shāo, [燒], to burn/to cook/to stew/to bake/to roast/to heat/to boil (tea, water etc)/fever/...
燃烧 ránshāo, [燃燒], to ignite/to combust/to burn/combustion/flaming
发烧 fāshāo, [發燒], to have a high temperature (from illness)/to have a fever
烧烤 shāokǎo, [燒烤], barbecue/to roast
烧伤 shāoshāng, [燒傷], burn (injury)
烧毁 shāohuǐ, [燒燬], to burn/to burn down
火烧 huǒshāo, [火燒], to set fire to/to burn down/burning hot/baked cake
烧着 焚烧 fénshāo, [焚燒], to burn/to set on fire
烧坏 烧酒 shāojiǔ, [燒酒], name of a famous Tang dynasty wine/same as 白酒[bái jiǔ]
高烧 gāoshāo, [高燒], fever/high temperature
燃烧弹 ránshāodàn, [燃燒彈], fire bomb/incendiary device
发高烧 退烧 tuìshāo, [退燒], to reduce fever
烧灼 shāozhuó, [燒灼], to burn/to scorch/to cauterize
烧夷弹 shāoyídàn, [燒夷彈], fire bomb/incendiary device
烧鸡 烧化 烧光 红烧 hóngshāo, [紅燒], simmer-fried (dish)
引火烧身 yǐnhuǒshāoshēn, [引火燒身], to invite trouble
烧瓶 shāopíng, [燒瓶], laboratory flask
烧杯 shāobēi, [燒杯], beaker (glassware)
烧香 shāoxiāng, [燒香], to burn incense
烧饼 shāobing, [燒餅], baked sesame seed-coated cake
退烧药 tuìshāoyào, [退燒藥], antipyretic (drug to reduce fever, such as sulfanilamide)
低烧 dīshāo, [低燒], a low fever (up to 38°C)
烧火 shāohuǒ, [燒火], to light a fire for cooking
烧肉 烧窑 燃烧室 火烧云 huǒshāoyún, [火燒雲], nuée ardente/hot cloud of volcanic ash
烧制 shāozhì, [燒製], to fire (in a kiln)
烧纸 shāozhǐ, [燒紙], to burn paper offerings (as part of religious ceremony)
烧炭 shāotàn, [燒炭], to manufacture charcoal/to burn charcoal (often a reference to suicide by carbon...
火烧火燎 huǒshāohuǒliáo, [火燒火燎], restless with anxiety/unbearably hot and anxious
野火烧不尽 红烧肉 hóngshāoròu, [紅燒肉], red braised pork
烧心 shāoxīn, [燒心], to worry
烧塌 烧碱 shāojiǎn, [燒鹼], caustic soda NaOH
烧鹅 烧荒 shāohuāng, [燒荒], to clear waste land or forest by burning/slash-and-burn (agriculture)
煅烧 duànshāo, [煅燒], to calcine (purify by heating)
碱 ⇒
碱 jiǎn, [鹻]/[鹼], variant of 鹼|碱[jiǎn], base/alkali/soda (chemistry)
胆碱 dǎnjiǎn, [膽鹼], choline (amine related to vitamin B complex)
麻黄碱 máhuángjiǎn, [麻黃鹼], ephedrine
生物碱 shēngwùjiǎn, [生物鹼], alkaloid
碱性 jiǎnxìng, [鹼性], alkaline
盐碱 yánjiǎn, [鹽鹼], saline and alkaline (earth)
盐碱地 yánjiǎndì, [鹽鹼地], saline soil/(fig.) infertile woman
盐碱化 茶碱 chájiǎn, [茶鹼], Theophylline
咖啡碱 碱金属 jiǎnjīnshǔ, [鹼金屬], alkali metal
酸碱度 烧碱 shāojiǎn, [燒鹼], caustic soda NaOH
纯碱 chúnjiǎn, [純鹼], sodium carbonate NáCǑ/soda ash/same as 碳酸鈉|碳酸钠
碱度 jiǎndù, [鹼度], alkalinity