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[照準] zhàozhǔn request granted (formal usage in old document)
to aim (gun)

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        zhàopiàn, photograph/picture/CL:張|张[zhāng],套[tào],幅[fú]
        zhàogu, [照顧], to take care of/to show consideration/to attend to/to look after
        zhào, [炤], variant of 照[zhào]/to shine/to illuminate, according to/in accordance with/to sh...
        ànzhào, according to/in accordance with/in the light of/on the basis of
        pāizhào, to take a picture
        zhàokàn, to look after/to attend to/to have in care
        hùzhào, [護照], passport/CL:本[běn],個|个[gè]
        zhízhào, [執照], license/permit
        jiàzhào, [駕照], driver's license
        zhàoxiàng, to take a photograph
        guānzhào, [關照], to take care/to keep an eye on/to look after/to tell/to remind
        zhàoxiàngjī, [照相機], camera/CL:個|个[gè],架[jià],部[bù],台[tái],隻|只[zhī]
        zhàoliào, to tend/to take care of sb
        páizhào, (business) licence/vehicle licence/car registration/licence plate
        zhàobàn, [照辦], to follow the rules/to do as instructed/to play by the book/to comply with a req...
        zhàoyàng, [照樣], as before/(same) as usual/in the same manner/still/nevertheless
        zhàoliàng, to illuminate/to light up/lighting
        yīzhào, according to/in light of
耀         zhàoyào, to shine/to illuminate
        zhàocháng, as usual
        zūnzhào, in accordance with/to follow (the rules)
        zhàomíng, lighting/illumination
        zhàoshè, to shine on/to light up/to irradiate
        zhàojiù, [照舊], as before/as in the past
        zhàoyìng/zhàoying, [照應], to correlate with/to correspond to, to look after/to take care of/to attend to
        cānzhào, [參照], to consult a reference/to refer to (another document)
        duìzhào, [對照], to contrast/to compare/to place side by side for comparison (as parallel texts)/...
        guāngzhào, illumination
        kuàizhào, snapshot/photo
        xiězhào, [寫照], portrayal
        pǔzhào, (of the sunlight) to bathe all things/to shine gloriously
        zhàoxiàngguǎn, [照相館], photo studio
        zhàoguǎn, to look after/to provide for
        jìnzhào, recent photo
        zhàobān, to copy/to imitate
        zhàolì, as a rule/as usual/usually
        xīnzhàobùxuān, a tacit mutual understanding
        zhàomíngdàn, [照明彈], flare/star shell
        zhàohuì, [照會], a diplomatic note/letter of understanding or concern exchanged between governmen...
        zhàolǐ, according to reason/usually/in the normal course of events/to attend to
        zhàoběnxuānkē, a wooden word-by-word reading
        bǐzhào, according to/in the light of/contrast
仿         fǎngzhào, to imitate
        tànzhàodēng, [探照燈], searchlight
        jùzhào, [劇照], photo taken during a theatrical production/a still (from a movie)
        zhàozhí, directly/straight/straight ahead/straightforward
        zhàomiàn, to meet face-to-face
        yìngzhào, to shine upon/to reflect
        zhàochāo, to copy word for word
        Rìzhào/rìzhào, Rizhao prefecture level city in Shandong, sunshine
        zhàozhǔn, [照準], request granted (formal usage in old document)/to aim (gun)
        yànzhào, [艷照], nude picture
        zhàoshuō, [照說], normally/ordinarily speaking
        fúzhào, [輻照], irradiation
        yízhào, [遺照], picture of the deceased
        cānzhàoxì, [參照系], frame of reference/coordinate frame (math.)
        zhàofā, [照發], approved for distribution/to provide (wages etc) as usual (e.g. while an employe...
        zhàoyāojìng, [照妖鏡], magic mirror for revealing goblins/fig. way of seeing through a conspiracy
        zhàohúluhuàpiáo, [照葫蘆畫瓢], lit. to draw a dipper with a gourd as a model (idiom)/fig. to copy slavishly
        duìzhàobiǎo, [對照表], comparison table
        zhèngzhào, [證照], professional certification/certificate/ID or passport photo
        hézhào, to pose for a photo
        xīzhào, glow of the setting sun

        zhǔnbèi, [準備], preparation/to prepare/to intend/to be about to/reserve (fund)
        zhǔn, [準], to allow/to grant/in accordance with/in the light of, accurate/standard/definite...
        biāozhǔn, [標準], (an official) standard/norm/criterion/CL:個|个[gè]
        bùzhǔn, not to allow/to forbid/to prohibit
        zhǔnquè, [準確], accurate/exact/precise
        pīzhǔn, to approve/to ratify
        miáozhǔn, [瞄準], to take aim at/to target
        zhǔnshí, [準時], on time/punctual/on schedule
        duìzhǔn, [對準], to aim at/to target/to point at/to be directed at/registration/alignment (mechan...
        zhǔnzé, [準則], norm/standard/criterion
        shuǐzhǔn, [水準], level (of achievement etc)/standard/level (surveying)
        zhǔnxǔ, [准許], to allow/to grant/to permit
        huòzhǔn, [獲准], to obtain permission
        jiàozhǔn, [校準], to calibrate
        zhǔnjiàng, [準將], brigadier general/commodore
        hézhǔn, to authorize/to investigate then ratify
        biāozhǔnhuà, [標準化], standardization
        zhǔnquèxìng, [準確性], accuracy
        jīzhǔn, [基準], norm/standard/standard of reference/base/base point/base line/benchmark/referenc...
        bǎozhǔn, [保準], to guarantee/reliable/for sure, variant of 保准[bǎo zhǔn]
        zhǔnxīng, [準星], front sight (firearms)/the zero point indicator marked on a steelyard
        zhǔnrù, access/admittance
        zhǔnyǔ, to grant/to approve/to permit
        zhàozhǔn, [照準], request granted (formal usage in old document)/to aim (gun)
        zhǔnshéng, [準繩], yardstick/fig. criterion/ground rule
        zhǔnbǎo, [準保], certainly/for sure
        wéizhǔn, [為準], to serve as the norm/...shall prevail (as standard for rules, regulations, price...
        yīzhǔn, [一準], certainly/also written 一準|一准[yī zhǔn], certainly
        biāozhǔnshí, [標準時], standard time
        biāozhǔnxiàng, [標準像], official portrait
        zhǔnkǎozhèng, [准考證], (exam) admission ticket
        biāozhǔnyǔ, [標準語], standard language
        fàngzhīsìhǎiérjiēzhǔn, [放之四海而皆準], appropriate to any place and any time (idiom); universally applicable/a panacea,...
线         zhǔnxiàn, [準線], directrix line of a parabola/guide line

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