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lǐniàn idea

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        chǔlǐ, [處理], to handle/to treat/to deal with/to process/to deal with a criminal case/to mete ...
        lǐjiě, to comprehend/to understand/comprehension/understanding
        lǐyóu, reason/grounds/justification/CL:個|个[gè]
        xīnlǐ, psychology/mentality
        jīnglǐ, [經理], manager/director/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
        lǐ, texture/grain (of wood)/inner essence/intrinsic order/reason/logic/truth/science...
        dàoli, reason/argument/sense/principle/basis/justification/CL:個|个[gè]
        lǐlùn, [理論], theory/CL:個|个[gè]/to argue/to take notice of
        qīnglǐ, to clear up/to tidy up/to dispose of
        guǎnlǐ, to supervise/to manage/to administer/management/administration/CL:個|个[gè]
        zhùlǐ, assistant
        hélǐ, rational/reasonable/fair
        zhěnglǐ, to arrange/to tidy up/to sort out/to straighten out/to list systematically/to co...
        lǐzhì, reason/intellect/rationality/rational
        lǐxiǎng, an ideal/a dream/ideal/perfect
        xiūlǐ, to repair/to fix/to prune/to trim/(coll.) to sort sb out/to fix sb
        dàilǐ, to act on behalf of sb in a responsible position/to act as an agent or proxy/sur...
        wùlǐ, physics/physical
        xīnlǐxué, [心理學], psychology
        zhēnlǐ, truth/CL:個|个[gè]
        guǎnlǐyuán, [管理員], manager/administrator
        hùlǐ, [護理], to nurse/to tend and protect
        shēnglǐ, physiology
        Lǐchádé, Richard (name)
        lǐxìng, reason/rationality/rational
        lǐniàn, idea/concept/philosophy/theory
        lǐhuì, [理會], to understand/to pay attention to/to take notice of
        dàilǐrén, agent
        lǐsuǒdāngrán, [理所當然], as it should be by rights (idiom); proper and to be expected as a matter of cour...
        shěnlǐ, [審理], to hear (a case)
        tuīlǐ, reasoning/inference/to infer/to deduce
        yuánlǐ, principle/theory
        zǒnglǐ, [總理], premier/prime minister/CL:個|个[gè],位[wèi],名[míng]
        dìlǐ, geography
        liàolǐ, to arrange/to handle/to cook/cuisine/art of cooking
        lǐfà, [理髮], a barber/hairdressing
        bùkělǐyù, to be impervious to reason (idiom)/unreasonable
        lǐyīng, [理應], should/ought to
        lǐfàdiàn, [理髮店], barbershop/hairdresser's/CL:家[jiā]
        lǐfàshī, [理髮師], barber
        wùlǐxuéjiā, [物理學家], physicist
        wúlǐ, [無理], irrational/unreasonable
        bànlǐ, [辦理], to handle/to transact/to conduct
        chánglǐ, common sense/conventional reasoning and morals
        qínglǐ, reason/sense
        dàlǐshí, marble
        zhìzhībùlǐ, to pay no heed to (idiom)/to ignore/to brush aside
        lǐcǎi, to heed/to pay attention to
        lǐliáo, [理療], physiotherapy
        dāli, variant of 答理[dā li]
        héqínghélǐ, reasonable and fair (idiom)
        lǐshìhuì, [理事會], council
        wúlǐqǔnào, [無理取鬧], to make trouble without reason (idiom); to be deliberately provocative
        Lǐchá, Richard (name)
        wùlǐxué, [物理學], physics
        bùlǐ, to refuse to acknowledge/to pay no attention to/to take no notice of/to ignore
        lúnlǐ, [倫理], ethics
        zǒngjīnglǐ, [總經理], general manager/CEO
        chǔlǐqì, [處理器], processor
        tiáolǐ, [條理], arrangement/order/tidiness
        lǐcái, [理財], financial management/finance
        shūlǐ, to comb/fig. to sort out
        shòulǐ, to accept to hear a case/to handle (a service)
        tōngqíngdálǐ, [通情達理], fair and reasonable (idiom); sensible/standing to reason
        jiǎnglǐ, [講理], to argue/to reason with sb/to talk sense/to be reasonable
        zhìlǐ, to govern/to administer/to manage/to control/governance
        dàilǐshāng, agent
        xiūlǐchǎng, [修理廠], repair shop
        zàilǐ, reasonable/sensible
        lǐkē, the sciences (as opposed to the humanities 文科[wén kē])
        xīnānlǐdé, to have a clear conscience/to have no qualms about sth
        bìnglǐxué, [病理學], pathology
        dàdàoli, major principle/general truth/sermon (reproof)/bombastic talk
        dìnglǐ, established theory/theorem (math.)
        lǐpéi, [理賠], to settle a claim/claims settlement/payment of claims
        tiānlǐ, Heaven's law/the natural order of things
        shùnlǐchéngzhāng, [順理成章], logical/only to be expected/rational and clearly structured (of text)
        bìnglǐ, pathology
        lǐshùn, [理順], to straighten out/to sort out/to organize
        shēnglǐxué, [生理學], physiology
        zhélǐ, philosophic theory/philosophy
        guǎnlǐrén, supervisor/manager/administrator
        ànlǐshuō, [按理說], it is reasonable to say that...
        hélǐxìng, reason/rationality/rationale/reasonableness
        shìlǐ, reason/logic
        lǐshì, member of council
        wénlǐ, [紋理], vein lines (in marble or fingerprint)/grain (in wood etc)
        lǐxiǎnghuà, to idealize
        wēichǔlǐqì, [微處理器], microprocessor
        hélǐhuà, to rationalize/to make compatible/to streamline/rationalization
        zìlǐ, to take care of oneself/to provide for oneself
        Lǐxué/lǐxué, [理學], School of Principle/Neo-Confucian Rationalistic School (from Song to mid-Qing ti...
        lúnlǐxué, [倫理學], ethics
        liánlǐ, [連理], two trees that grow together as one/fig. conjugal union
        zhìlǐmíngyán, wise saying/words of wisdom
        dìlǐxué, [地理學], geography
        zhàolǐ, according to reason/usually/in the normal course of events/to attend to
        qiǎngcíduólǐ, [強詞奪理], to twist words and force logic (idiom)/sophistry/loud rhetoric making up for fal...
        lǐlùnjiā, [理論家], theorist/theoretician
        wāilǐ, fallacious reasoning/preposterous argument
        jùlǐlìzhēng, [據理力爭], to contend on strong grounds/to argue strongly for what is right
        lǐshìzhǎng, [理事長], director general
        dúlǐxué, [毒理學], toxicology
        shāngtiānhàilǐ, [傷天害理], to offend Heaven and reason (idiom); bloody atrocities that cry to heaven/outrag...
        gōnglǐ, axiom (in logic)/axiomatic
        yàolǐ, [藥理], pharmacology
        yàolǐxué, [藥理學], pharmacology
        nìfǎnxīnlǐ, reverse psychology
        pínglǐ, [評理], to judge between right and wrong/to reason things out
        jīlǐ, [機理], mechanism
        yǒulǐ, reasonable/justified/right/(math.) rational
        lǐdāng, [理當], should/ought
        lǐjiělì, ability to grasp ideas/understanding
        mánbùjiǎnglǐ, [蠻不講理], completely unreasonable
        ànlǐ, according to reason/in the ordinary course of events/normally
        màntiáosīlǐ, [慢條斯理], unhurried/calm/composed/leisurely
        héwùlǐ, nuclear physics
        tiáolǐ, [調理], to nurse one's health/to recuperate/to take care of/to look after/to discipline/...
        Lǐxiǎngguó/lǐxiǎngguó, [理想國], Plato's "The Republic" (c. 380 BC), ideal state/utopia
        ĀnLǐhuì, [安理會], (United Nations) Security Council
        gōugǔdìnglǐ, Pythagorean theorem
        lǐgōng, science and engineering as academic subjects
        mínglǐ, sensible/reasonable/an obvious reason, truth or fact/to understand the reason or...
        lùnlǐ, [論理], normally/as things should be/by rights/to reason things out/logic
        shuōlǐ, [說理], to reason/to argue logically
        dāli, to acknowledge/to respond/to answer/to pay attention/to heed/to deal with
        fǎlǐ, legal principle/jurisprudence
        guǎnlǐxué, [管理學], management studies
        yǒutiáoyǒulǐ, [有條有理], everything clear and orderly (idiom); neat and tidy
        yǒulǐshù, [有理數], rational number (i.e. fraction of two integers, math.)
        lǐzhíqìzhuàng, [理直氣壯], in the right and self-confident (idiom); bold and confident with justice on one'...
        wúlǐshù, [無理數], irrational number
        yīlǐ, [醫理], medical knowledge/principles of medical science
        wùlǐliáofǎ, [物理療法], physiotherapy/physical therapy
        shùlǐ, [數理], mathematical sciences
        rèchǔlǐ, [熱處理], hot treatment (e.g. of metal)
        xiélǐ, [協理], assistant manager/to cooperate in managing
        yuèlǐ, [樂理], music theory
        lǐkuī, [理虧], in the wrong
        Dàlǐ/dàlǐ, Dali Bai autonomous prefecture 大理白族自治州 in Yunnan, judicial officer/justice of th...
        guǎnlǐzhàn, management station
        Lǐchásēn, Richardson (name)
        wénlǐ, arts and sciences
        jīlǐ, texture (of skin, surface etc)
        shūlǐ, to clarify (disparate material into a coherent narrative)/to marshal an argument
        wùlǐhuàxué, [物理化學], physical chemistry
        àilǐbùlǐ, [愛理不理], to look cold and indifferent/standoffish
        lǐhuà, physical and chemical
        Tónglǐ/tónglǐ, Tongli, a city in Jiangsu Province, China, for the same reason

        xiǎngniàn, to miss/to remember with longing/to long to see again
        niàn, [唸], variant of 念[niàn], to read aloud, to read/to study (a subject)/to attend (a sch...
        jìniàn, [紀念], to commemorate/to remember/CL:個|个[gè]
怀         huáiniàn, [懷念], to cherish the memory of/to think of/reminisce
        xìnniàn, faith/belief/conviction
        niàntou, [念頭], thought/idea/intention
        gàiniàn, concept/idea/CL:個|个[gè]
        jìniànrì, [紀念日], day of commemoration/memorial day
        jìniànpǐn, [紀念品], souvenir
        guānniàn, [觀念], notion/thought/concept/sense/views/ideology/general impressions
        lǐniàn, idea/concept/philosophy/theory
        sīniàn, to think of/to long for/to miss
        niànshū, [念書], to read/to study
        yìniàn, idea/thought
        dàoniàn, to grieve
        jìniànbēi, [紀念碑], monument
        xuánniàn, [懸念], suspense in a movie, play etc/concern for sb's welfare
        niàndao, to talk about often/to reminisce about/to keep repeating/to keep harping on/to d...
        guàniàn, [掛念], concerned
        niànniànbùwàng, to keep in mind constantly (idiom)
        jìniànguǎn, [紀念館], memorial hall/commemorative museum
        zániàn, [雜念], distracting thoughts
        liúniàn, to keep as a souvenir/to recall fondly
        niànzhū, prayer beads/rosary/rosary beads/CL:串[chuàn]
        jìniàntáng, [紀念堂], memorial hall/mausoleum
        xiéniàn, wicked idea/evil thought/evil desire
        zhuǎnniàn, [轉念], to have second thoughts about sth/to think better of
        niànjīng, [念經], to recite or chant Buddhist scripture
        yùniàn, desire
        niànzhòu, to chant a magic spell/to recite incantations
        jìniànzhāng, [紀念章], memorial badge/souvenir badge/CL:枚[méi]
        diànniàn, to constantly have (sb or sth) on one's mind
        wànniànjùhuī, [萬念俱灰], every hope turns to dust (idiom); completely disheartened
        yīniànzhīchā, momentary slip/false step/ill-considered action
        niànjiù, [念舊], to remember old friends/to cherish old friendships/for old time's sake
        niànsòng, [念誦], to read out/to recite/to remember sb (while talking about sth else)
        jìniàn, [記念], variant of 紀念|纪念[jì niàn]
        jìniànyóupiào, [紀念郵票], commemorative postage stamp
        dāoniàn, see 念叨[niàn dao]
        jìniànjiǎng, [紀念獎], trophy
        niànniànyǒucí, [唸唸有詞]/[念念有詞], variant of 念念有詞|念念有词[niàn niàn yǒu cí], to mumble/to mutter to oneself
        gàiniànhuà, conceptualization
        gǎnniàn, to recall fondly/to remember with emotion
        juànniàn, to think fondly of
        gùniàn, [顧念], to care for/to worry about

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