盘 ⇒
盘 pán, [盤], plate/dish/tray/board/hard drive (computing)/to build/to coil/to check/to examin...
地盘 dìpán, [地盤], domain/territory under one's control/foundation of a building/base of operations...
盘子 pánzi, [盤子], tray/plate/dish/CL:個|个[gè]
硬盘 yìngpán, [硬盤], hard disk
盘问 pánwèn, [盤問], to interrogate/to cross-examine/to inquire
方向盘 fāngxiàngpán, [方向盤], steering wheel
键盘 jiànpán, [鍵盤], keyboard
全盘 quánpán, [全盤], overall/comprehensive
盘旋 pánxuán, [盤旋], to spiral/to circle/to go around/to hover/to orbit
盘算 pánsuàn, [盤算], to plot/to scheme/to calculate
棋盘 qípán, [棋盤], chessboard
托盘 tuōpán, [托盤], tray/salver/pallet
圆盘 yuánpán, [圓盤], disk
罗盘 luópán, [羅盤], compass
胎盘 tāipán, [胎盤], placenta
底盘 dǐpán, [底盤], chassis
转盘 zhuànpán, [轉盤], turntable/rotary (traffic)
磁盘 cípán, [磁盤], (computer) disk
光盘 guāngpán, [光盤], compact disc/CD or DVD/CD ROM/CL:片[piàn],張|张[zhāng]
算盘 suànpán, [算盤], abacus/CL:把[bǎ]/plan/scheme
仪表盘 yíbiǎopán, [儀表盤], dashboard/indicator panel
绞盘 jiǎopán, [絞盤], capstan
和盘托出 hépántuōchū, [和盤托出], lit. to put everything out including the tray/to reveal everything/to make a cle...
大盘 餐盘 盘查 pánchá, [盤查], to interrogate/to question (at a roadblock)
拼盘 pīnpán, [拼盤], sampler platter/appetizer platter
小算盘 xiǎosuànpán, [小算盤], lit. small abacus/fig. selfish calculations/bean-counting
如意算盘 rúyìsuànpán, [如意算盤], counting one's chickens before they are hatched
冷盘 lěngpán, [冷盤], cold plate/cold meats
楼盘 lóupán, [樓盤], building under construction/commercial property/real estate (for sale or rent)
椎间盘 zhuījiānpán, [椎間盤], intervertebral disk
盘点 pándiǎn, [盤點], to make an inventory/to take stock
软盘 ruǎnpán, [軟盤], floppy disk
吸盘 xīpán, [吸盤], suction pad/sucker
盘尼西林 pánníxīlín, [盤尼西林], penicillin (loanword)
一盘散沙 yīpánsǎnshā, [一盤散沙], lit. like a sheet of loose sand/fig. unable to cooperate (idiom)
满盘皆输 mǎnpánjiēshū, [滿盤皆輸], see 一著不慎,滿盤皆輸|一着不慎,满盘皆输[yī zhāo bù shèn , mǎn pán jiē shū]
果盘 盘踞 pánjù, [盤踞], to occupy illegally/to seize (territory)/to entrench (oneself)
唱盘 chàngpán, [唱盤], turntable/gramophone record
盘缠 pánchán/pánchan, [盤纏], to twine/to coil, money for a voyage/travel expenses
表盘 biǎopán, [表盤]/[錶盤], meter dial/watch face, variant of 表盤|表盘[biǎo pán]/watch face
盘古 Pángǔ, [盤古], Pangu (creator of the universe in Chinese mythology)
开盘 kāipán, [開盤], to commence trading (stock market)
盘桓 pánhuán, [盤桓], to pace/to linger/to stay over/to spiral/to hover
配电盘 盘腿 pántuǐ, [盤腿], to sit cross-legged/to sit in the lotus position
收盘 shōupán, [收盤], market close
茶盘 腰椎间盘 yāozhuījiānpán, [腰椎間盤], intervertebral disk
清盘 qīngpán, [清盤], liquidation
盘绕 pánrào, [盤繞], to coil (around sth)/to twine/to weave (basketwork)
刻度盘 kèdùpán, [刻度盤], dial (e.g. of a radio etc)
沙盘 shāpán, [沙盤], sand table (military)/3D terrain (or site) model (for real estate marketing, geo...
瓷盘 盘石 pánshí, [盤石], variant of 磐石[pán shí]
决胜盘 打算盘 dǎsuànpán, [打算盤], to compute on the abacus/(fig.) to calculate/to plan/to scheme
通盘 tōngpán, [通盤], across the board/comprehensive/overall/global
法兰盘 油盘 开盘价 盘货 pánhuò, [盤貨], to take stock/to make an inventory
盘诘 pánjié, [盤詰], to cross-examine (law)
盘弄 pánnòng, [盤弄], to play around with/to fidget/to fondle
盘存 一盘盘 中盘 zhōngpán, [中盤], middle game (in go or chess)/(share trading) mid-session/(abbr. for 中盤商|中盘商[zhōn...
拨号盘 bōhàopán, [撥號盤], telephone dial
盘山 Pánshān/pánshān, [盤山], Panshan county in Panjin 盤錦|盘锦, Liaoning, going around a mountain
炉盘 脸盘 花盘 盘账 盘活 盘整 盘剥 pánbō, [盤剝], to exploit/to practice usury
软磁盘 ruǎncípán, [軟磁盤], floppy disk
腿 ⇒
腿 tuǐ, [骽], leg/CL:條|条[tiáo], hip bone/old variant of 腿[tuǐ]
大腿 dàtuǐ, thigh
火腿 huǒtuǐ, ham/CL:個|个[gè]
后腿 跑腿 pǎotuǐ, to run errands
踢腿 小腿 xiǎotuǐ, lower leg (from knee to ankle)/shank
左腿 拖后腿 tuōhòutuǐ, [拖後腿], to impede/to obstruct/to hold back
右腿 瘸腿 quétuǐ, crippled/lame/a cripple/a lame person
腿脚 tuǐjiǎo, [腿腳], legs and feet/ability to walk/strides
裤腿 kùtuǐ, [褲腿], trouser leg
护腿 狗腿子 gǒutuǐzi, dog's leg/fig. one who follows a villain/henchman/hired thug
熏火腿 飞毛腿 伸腿 拔腿 bátuǐ, to break into a run
撒腿 sātuǐ, to take to one's heels/to scram
蹬腿 二郎腿 èrlángtuǐ, one leg over the other (legs crossed)
罗圈腿 luóquāntuǐ, [羅圈腿], bow-legged/bandy-legged
盘腿 pántuǐ, [盤腿], to sit cross-legged/to sit in the lotus position
腿带 腿法 绑腿 bǎngtuǐ, [綁腿], leg wrappings/puttee/gaiters/leggings
腿肚子 tuǐdùzi, calf (back of the leg below the knee)
火腿肉 压腿 拉后腿 泥腿子 nítuǐzi, peasant/yokel
扯后腿 chěhòutuǐ, [扯後腿], to be a drag or hindrance on sb