看 ⇒
看 kān/kàn, to look after/to take care of/to watch/to guard, to see/to look at/to read/to wa...
看到 看看 kànkan, to take a look at/to examine/to survey/(coll.) pretty soon
看见 kànjiàn, [看見], to see/to catch sight of
看来 kànlai, [看來], apparently/it seems that
看上去 kànshangqu, it would appear/it seems (that)
看法 kànfǎ, way of looking at a thing/view/opinion/CL:個|个[gè]
好看 hǎokàn, good-looking/nice-looking/good (of a movie, book, TV show etc)/embarrassed/humil...
看起来 kànqǐlai, [看起來], seemingly/apparently/looks as if/appear to be/gives the impression that/seems on...
照看 zhàokàn, to look after/to attend to/to have in care
观看 guānkàn, [觀看], to watch/to view
查看 chákàn, to look over/to examine/to check up/to ferret out
收看 shōukàn, to watch (a TV program)
看不到 看出 kànchū, to make out/to see
看待 kàndài, to look upon/to regard
看守 kānshǒu, to guard/to watch over
看好 kānhǎo/kànhǎo, to keep an eye on, to regard as having good prospects
偷看 tōukàn, to peep/to peek/to steal a glance
看样子 kànyàngzi, [看樣子], it seems/it looks as if
看成 kànchéng, to regard as
看门 看护 kānhù, [看護], to nurse/to look after/to watch over/(old) hospital nurse
来看 láikàn, [來看], to come and see/to see a topic from a certain point of view
看作 kànzuò, to look upon as/to regard as
看望 kànwàng, to visit/to pay a call to
看病 kànbìng, to visit a doctor/to see a patient
试试看 shìshìkàn, [試試看], to give it a try
看穿 kànchuān, see through (a person, scheme, trick etc)
看重 kànzhòng, to regard as important/to care about
看透 kàntòu, to understand thoroughly/to see beyond the facade/to see through (sb)
看得见 kàndéjiàn, [看得見], can see/visible
眼看 yǎnkàn, soon/in a moment/to look on as sth happens
看似 kànsì, to look as if/to seem
看管 kānguǎn, to look after
小看 xiǎokàn, to look down on/to underestimate
看台 kàntái, terrace/spectator's grandstand/viewing platform
难看 nánkàn, [難看], ugly/unsightly
刮目相看 guāmùxiāngkàn, to have a whole new level of respect for sb or sth/to sit up and take notice (of...
看中 kànzhòng, to have a preference for/to fancy/to choose after consideration/to settle on
依我看 yīwǒkàn, in my opinion
察看 chákàn, to watch/to look carefully at
看上 kànshàng, to look upon/to take a fancy to/to fall for
看不惯 kànbuguàn, [看不慣], cannot bear to see/to hate/to dislike/to disapprove
看做 kànzuò, to regard as/to look upon as
看不起 kànbuqǐ, to look down upon/to despise
看场 看守所 kānshǒusuǒ, detention center
看报 看头 kàntou, [看頭], qualities that make sth worth seeing (or reading)
看得出 看不顺眼 kànbùshùnyǎn, [看不順眼], unpleasant to the eye/objectionable
看家 kānjiā, to look after the house/(of skill, ability) special/outstanding
看齐 kànqí, [看齊], to follow sb's example/to emulate/(of troops etc) to dress (come into alignment ...
看热闹 kànrènao, [看熱鬧], to enjoy watching a bustling scene/to go where the crowds are
看轻 kànqīng, [看輕], to belittle/to scorn/to take sth lightly
看走眼 kànzǒuyǎn, to make an error of judgment/to be taken in
细看 xìkàn, [細看], to peer/to scan/to examine carefully
看押 kānyā, to detain/to take into custody/to imprison temporarily
看家本领 看破 kànpò, to see through/disillusioned with/to reject (the world of mortals)
看相 kànxiàng, to tell fortune by reading the subject's facial features
参看 cānkàn, [參看], see also/please refer to/compare (cf.)/to consult for reference
翻看 fānkàn, to browse/to look over (books)
看涨 kànzhǎng, [看漲], bull market (prices appear to be rising)
中看 zhōngkàn, pleasant to the eye/Taiwan pr. [zhòng kàn]
向钱看 看家狗 看不上眼 看得起 kàndeqǐ, to show respect for/to think highly of
总的来看 一看看 试看 百看不厌 由此看来 雾里看花 wùlǐkànhuā, [霧里看花], lit. to look at flowers in the fog (idiom); fig. blurred vision
押 ⇒
押 yā, to mortgage/to pawn/to detain in custody/to escort and protect/(literary) to sig...
抵押 dǐyā, to provide (an asset) as security for a loan/to put up collateral
关押 guānyā, [關押], to imprison/to lock up (in jail)
扣押 kòuyā, to detain/to hold in custody/to distrain/to seize property
押韵 yāyùn, [押韻], to rhyme/sometimes written 壓韻|压韵
收押 shōuyā, in custody/to keep sb in detention
押送 yāsòng, to send under escort/to transport a detainee
羁押 jīyā, [羈押], to detain/to take into custody/detention/imprisonment
押金 yājīn, deposit/down payment
押运 yāyùn, [押運], to escort (goods or funds)/to convey under guard
在押 抵押品 dǐyāpǐn, security (property held against a loan)/mortgaged property
拘押 jūyā, to arrest/to take into custody
押解 yājiè, to send away under escort (criminals, goods etc)
看押 kānyā, to detain/to take into custody/to imprison temporarily
画押 huàyā, [畫押], to sign/to make one's mark
抵押物 dǐyāwù, collateral (finance)
在押犯 抵押金 押车 yāchē, [押車], to escort (goods) during transportation/to delay unloading (a truck, train etc)
押款 花押 huāyā, signature (in grass-style writing)/symbol used in place of a signature (on a doc...