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HSK 6 word: freq index 19959
yǎnsè signal made with one's eyes
meaningful glance

Character Composition

Character Compounds

Word Compounds

        yǎnjing, eye/CL:隻|只[zhī],雙|双[shuāng]
        yǎn, eye/small hole/crux (of a matter)/CL:隻|只[zhī],雙|双[shuāng]/classifier for big hol...
        yǎnshén, expression or emotion showing in one's eyes/meaningful glance/wink/eyesight (dia...
        yǎnqián, before one's eyes/now/at present
        yǎnjìng, [眼鏡], spectacles/eyeglasses/CL:副[fù]
        qīnyǎn, [親眼], with one's own eyes/personally
        yǎnlèi, [眼淚], tears/crying/CL:滴[dī]
        yǎnzhōng, in one's eyes
        yǎnguāng, gaze/insight/foresight/vision/way of looking at things
        yǎnzhēngzhēng, [眼睜睜], to stare blankly/to look on helplessly/to look on unfeelingly
        zhǎyǎn, to blink/to wink/in the twinkling of an eye
        yǎnxià, now/at present/subocular (medicine)
        yǎnshú, familiar-looking/to seem familiar
        yǎnqiú, eyeball/(fig.) attention
        yǎnpí, eyelid
耀         yàoyǎn, to dazzle/dazzling
        xiǎnyǎn, [顯眼], conspicuous/eye-catching/glamorous
        yǎnkàn, soon/in a moment/to look on as sth happens
        zìyǎn, wording
        yǎnzhào, eye-patch/blindfold/eye mask/goggles/eyeshade/blinkers (for a horse etc)
        yǎnjìngshé, [眼鏡蛇], cobra
线         yǎnxiàn, [眼線], informer/snitch/spy/scout/(cosmetics) eye line
        bùqǐyǎn, unremarkable/nothing out of the ordinary
        qīnyǎnmùdǔ, [親眼目睹], to see for oneself/to see with one's own eyes
        shùnyǎn, [順眼], pleasing to the eye/nice to look at
        xīnyǎn, heart/intention/conscience/consideration/cleverness/tolerance
        bìyǎn, blue eyes
        yǎnzhū, one's eyes/eyeball
        zhuóyǎn, [著眼], to have one's eyes on (a goal)/having sth in mind/to concentrate
        yǎnlì, eyesight/strength of vision/the ability to make discerning judgments
        yǐnxíngyǎnjìng, [隱形眼鏡], contact lens/CL:隻|只[zhī],副[fù]
        yǎnjiè, ken/scope
        yǎnquān, rim of the eye/eye socket
        ròuyǎn, naked eye/layman's eyes
        báiyǎn, to give a supercilious look/roll of the eyes
        cìyǎn, to dazzle/to offend the eyes/dazzling/harsh (light)/crude (colors)/unsightly
        yǎnhuā, dimmed eyesight/blurred/vague and unclear vision
        qiǎngyǎn, [搶眼], eye-catching
        yǎnjiǎn, [眼瞼], eyelid
        xiāyǎn, to be blind
        dúyǎnlóng, [獨眼龍], one-eyed person
        yǎnzhōngdīng, [眼中釘], a thorn in one's side
        yǎnsè, signal made with one's eyes/meaningful glance
        jiēguyǎn, [節骨眼], (dialect) critical juncture/crucial moment/Taiwan pr. [jié gu yǎn]
        diūrénxiànyǎn, [丟人現眼], to make an exhibition of oneself/to be a disgrace
        héyǎn, to close one's eyes/to get to sleep
        jìnzàiyǎnqián, right under one's nose/right in front of one's eyes/close at hand/imminent
        hóngyǎnbìng, [紅眼病], pinkeye/envy/jealousy
        yǎnkē, ophthalmology
        kāiyǎn, [開眼], to open one's eyes/to widen one's horizons
        zhuǎnyǎn, [轉眼], in a flash/in the blink of an eye/to glance
        yǎnhuāliáoluàn, [眼花繚亂], to be dazzled
        yǎnjiǎo, outer or inner corner of the eye/canthus
        yǎnjiànwéishí, [眼見為實], seeing is believing
        yǎnjiàn, [眼見], to see with one's own eyes/very soon
        yǎnkuàng, eye socket/rim of the eye
        fàngzàiyǎnlǐ, [放在眼裡], to pay attention to/to care about/to attach importance to
        yīyǎn, a glance/a quick look/a glimpse
        xiǎoxīnyǎn, narrow-minded/petty
        zhàngyǎnfǎ, diversionary tactic/smokescreen
        yǎnhóng, [眼紅], to covet/envious/jealous/green with envy/infuriated/furious
        xiéyǎn, to look askance/cross or wall-eyed
        fàngyǎn, to survey/to view broadly
        guòyǎnyúnyān, [過眼雲煙], ephemeral (idiom)
        kànbùshùnyǎn, [看不順眼], unpleasant to the eye/objectionable
        lèiyǎn, [淚眼], tearful eyes
        yǎndài, puffiness under the eyes/bags under the eyes
        tàiyángyǎnjìng, [太陽眼鏡], sunglasses
        wǎngyǎn, [網眼], mesh
        yīzhuǎnyǎn, [一轉眼], in a wink
        zhēnyǎn/zhēnyan, [針眼], eye of a needle/pinprick/pinhole, (medicine) sty
        shārénbùzhǎyǎn, [殺人不眨眼], to murder without blinking an eye (idiom)/ruthless/cold-blooded
        mǎnyǎn, [滿眼], (of tears etc) filling the eyes/(of scenery etc) filling one's field of view
        shuāngyǎn, [雙眼], the two eyes
        yǎnmóu, eyes
        yǎnwō, [眼窩], eye socket
        shǎyǎn, stunned/struck dumb/flabbergasted
        kànzǒuyǎn, to make an error of judgment/to be taken in
        dèngyǎn, to open one's eyes wide/to stare/to glare (at sb)/to scowl
        qīngguāngyǎn, glaucoma
        lěngyǎnpángguān, [冷眼旁觀], the cool eye of a bystander/a detached point of view
        yǎnmàojīnxīng, to see stars/dazed
        yǎnyào, [眼藥], eye drops/eye ointment
        sǎngziyǎn, throat
        dùqíyǎn, [肚臍眼], navel/belly button
        fǎyǎn, discerning eye
        àiyǎn, [礙眼], to be an irksome presence (i.e. sth or sb one wishes were not there)
        qiāngyǎn, [槍眼], loophole (for firing)/embrasure
        shìlìyǎn, [勢利眼], to be self-interested
        huìyǎn, an all-seeing mind/mental perception/insight/acumen
        yībǎnyīyǎn, lit. one strong beat and one weak beats in a measure of music (two beats in the ...
        dàbǎoyǎnfú, [大飽眼福], to feast one's eyes
        tóuyūnyǎnhuā, [頭暈眼花], to faint with blurred vision (idiom); dizzy and eyes dimmed
        jīyǎn, [雞眼], corn (callus on the foot)
        huǒyǎnjīnjīng, piercing eyes/discerning eyes
        yǎnlián, [眼簾], eyes (in literature)/eyesight
        xiànyǎn, [現眼], to embarrass oneself/to make a fool of oneself
        zhāyǎn, garish/dazzling/offensively conspicuous
        māoyǎn, [貓眼], peephole/chrysoberyl
        yǎnjiǎomó, cornea
        diànzǐyǎn, [電子眼], electronic eye
        yǎnbābā, waiting anxiously/impatient
        diànyǎn, [電眼], beautiful, expressive eyes
        gāndèngyǎn, [乾瞪眼], to watch helplessly
        yībǎoyǎnfú, [一飽眼福], to feast one's eyes on (idiom)
        shuāngyǎnpí, [雙眼皮], double eyelid
        yìngrùyǎnlián, [映入眼簾], (idiom) to greet the eye/to come into view
        lěngyǎn, cool eye/fig. detached/(treating) with indifference
        yǒubǎnyǒuyǎn, orderly/methodical/rhythmical
        yǎnshǐ, gum in the eyes
        yǎnbō, fluid glance
        yǎnfú, a treat for the eyes/the rare chance of seeing sth beautiful
        qiānlǐyǎn, clairvoyance
        jǐméinòngyǎn, [擠眉弄眼], to make eyes/to wink
        yǎndǐ, fundus of the eye (containing the choroid, retina, optic nerve etc)/inside the e...
        yǎnjiān, to have good eyes
        dǎyǎn, to drill or bore a hole/to attract attention/conspicuous
        guòyǎnyānyún, [過眼煙雲], ephemeral (idiom)
        jìnshōuyǎndǐ, [盡收眼底], to take in the whole scene at once/to have a panoramic view
        zhuóyǎndiǎn, [著眼點], place of interest/a place one has one's eye on
        bǎoyǎnfú, [飽眼福], to feast one's eyes on (idiom)
        yǎngāoshǒudī, to have high standards but little ability/to be fastidious but incompetent (idio...
穿         wàngyǎnyùchuān, to anxiously await
        yǎnbìng, eye disease
        yǎnchán, [眼饞], to covet/to envy
        kōuzìyǎn, [摳字眼], to be fastidious about phrasing, diction, or choice of words
        chuīhúzidèngyǎn, [吹鬍子瞪眼], to get angry/to fume
        jíyǎn, to be anxious/to get angry with sb
        rùyǎn, to appear before one's eyes/pleasing to the eye/nice to look at
        dānyǎnpí, [單眼皮], single eyelid
        méiyǎn, brows and eyes/appearance/looks/countenance
        quányǎn, mouth of a spring or fountain
        míngyǎnrén, perspicacious person/sb with a discerning eye/sighted person (as opposed to blin...
        yǎndǐxia, in front of one's eyes/in full view as a panorama/right now
        lǎohuāyǎn, presbyopia
        sǐxīnyǎnr, [死心眼兒], stubborn/obstinate/having a one-track mind
        huǒyǎn, pinkeye
        zéiyǎn, [賊眼], shifty gaze/furtive glance
        yǎnyā, [眼壓], intraocular pressure
        lóngyǎn, [龍眼], longan fruit/dragon eye fruit/Dimocarpus longan (botany)/CL:粒[lì]
        yǎnmù, eyes
        sǔnyǎn, mortise (slot cut into wood to receive a tenon)
        dānyǎn, [單眼], ommatidium (single component of insect's compound eye)/one eye (i.e. one's left ...

        chūsè, remarkable/outstanding
        juésè, role/character in a novel/persona/also pr. [jiǎo sè]
        yánsè, [顏色], color/countenance/appearance/facial expression/pigment/dyestuff
        hóngsè, [紅色], red (color)/revolutionary
        lánsè, [藍色], blue (color)
        hēisè, black
绿         lǜsè, [綠色], green
        báisè, white/fig. reactionary/anti-communist
        sè/shǎi, color/CL:種|种[zhǒng]/look/appearance/sex, color/dice
        sèqíng, erotic/pornographic
        huángsè, [黃色], yellow (color)/pornographic
        zōngsè, brown
        Yǐsèliè, Israel
        jīnsè, golden/gold (color)
        qìsè, [氣色], complexion
        liǎnsè, [臉色], complexion/look
        zǐsè, purple/violet (color)
        huīsè, gray/ash gray/grizzly/pessimistic/gloomy/dispirited/ambiguous
        fūsè, [膚色], skin color
        fěnsè, pink/white/erotic/beautiful woman/powdered (with make-up)
        tèsè, characteristic/distinguishing feature or quality
        sècǎi, tint/coloring/coloration/(fig.) flavor/character
        yínsè, [銀色], silver (color)
        jǐngsè, scenery/scene/landscape/view
        hèsè, brown
        fěnhóngsè, [粉紅色], pink
        chéngsè, orange (color)
        běnsè/běnshǎi, inherent qualities/natural qualities/distinctive character/true qualities, natur...
        shēnsè, dark/dark colored
        sèlā, salad (loanword)
        cǎisè, color/multi-colored/CL:種|种[zhǒng]
        huòsè, [貨色], goods/(derog.) stuff/trash
        sèguǐ, lecher/pervert
        yǒusè, colored/non-white/non-ferrous (metals)
        rǎnsètǐ, [染色體], chromosome
        sèláng, lecher/pervert/wolf
        yèsè, night scene/the dim light of night
        tuìsè, to fade (of colors)/also pr. [tuì shǎi]
        hàosè, to want sex/given to lust/lecherous/lascivious/horny
        wùsè, to look for/to seek/to choose/color of object/color of fleece (of domestic anima...
        Ākěnsèzhōu, Arkansas, US state
        sèzé, [色澤], color and luster
        tiānsè, color of the sky/time of day, as indicated by the color of the sky/weather
        biànsè, [變色], to change color/to discolor/to change countenance/to become angry
        rǎnsè, dye
        yǎnsè, signal made with one's eyes/meaningful glance
        sèsù, pigment
        zǐhóngsè, [紫紅色], red-purple/mauve/prune (color)/claret
        qǐsè, a turn for the better/to pick up/to improve
        shàngsè/shàngshǎi, top-quality/top-grade, to color (a picture etc)/to dye (fabric etc)/to stain (fu...
        táosè, pink/peach color/illicit love/sexual
        rùnsè, [潤色], to polish (a piece of writing)/to add a few finishing touches to (a piece of wri...
        zēngsè, to enrich/to enhance/to beautify
        sèdiào, [色調], hue/tone
        yīnsè, tone/timbre/sound color
        sèqíngkuáng, mad about sex/nymphomania
        biànsèlóng, [變色龍], (lit. and fig.) chameleon
        xíngxíngsèsè, all kinds of/all sorts of/every (different) kind of
        miànsè, complexion
        xuèsè, color (of one's skin, a sign of good health)/red of cheeks
        Ākěnsè, Arkansas, US state
        wúsè, [無色], colorless
        ànránshīsè, to lose one's splendor/to lose luster/to be eclipsed/to be overshadowed
        gèsè, all kinds/of every description
        lìsè, maroon (color)
        gǔtóngsè, [古銅色], bronze color
        zhuósè, [著色], to paint/to apply color
        qiǎnsè, [淺色], light color
        yuèsè, moonlight
        tiáosè, [調色], to blend colors/to mix colors
        shǎizi, dice (used in gambling)
        huāsè, variety/design and color/suit (cards)
        sèxiàng, coloration/hue/sex/sex appeal
        nǚsè, female charms/femininity
        shénsè, expression/look
        kāfēisè, coffee color/brown
        bùdòngshēngsè, [不動聲色], not a word or movement (idiom); remaining calm and collected/not batting an eyel...
姿         zīsè, good looks (of a woman)
        chūnsè, colors of spring/spring scenery
        wǔyánliùsè, [五顏六色], multi-colored/every color under the sun
        sèmáng, color-blind/color blindness
        qīngsè, cyan/blue-green
        chásè, dark brown/tawny
        xùnsè, [遜色], inferior (often in the combination 毫無遜色|毫无逊色, not in the least inferior)
        shīsè, to lose color/to turn pale
        jiǔsè, wine and women/color of wine/drunken expression
        bùlùshēngsè, [不露聲色], not show one's feeling or intentions
        càisè, dish/lean and hungry look (resulting from vegetarian diet)/emaciated look (from ...
绿         huánglǜsè, [黃綠色], yellow green
        xíngsècōngcōng, hurried/in a haste
        shēnzōngsè, dark brown
        tiānlánsè, [天藍色], azure
        mùsè, twilight
        chénghóngsè, [橙紅色], red-orange color/dark orange
        máosè, (of an animal) appearance or color of coat
退         tuìsè, variant of 褪色[tuì sè]/also pr. [tuì shǎi]
        diàosè, to lose color/to fade/also pr. [diào shǎi]
        hēisèsù, black pigment/melanin
        xuèsèsù, hematin (blood pigment)/heme/hemoglobin/also written 血紅蛋白|血红蛋白
        bǎohùsè, [保護色], protective coloration/camouflage
        qīngyīsè, monotone/only one ingredient/(mahjong) all in the same suit
        sèguāng, colored light
        Yǐsèlièrén, Israelite/Israeli
        dānsè, [單色], monochrome/monochromatic/black and white
        chéngsè, relative purity of silver or gold/purity in carat weight/quality/fineness
        huībáisè, ash gray
        yuánsè, primary color
        shēnhuīsè, dark gray
        huánghèsè, [黃褐色], tan (color)/tawny
        gǔsègǔxiāng, interesting and appealing (of old locations, objects etc)
        píngfēnqiūsè, to both share the limelight/to both have an equal share of
        rǔbáisè, milky white
        wǔguāngshísè, bright and multicolored/of rich variety/(fig.) dazzling/glitzy
        huángsèzhàyào, [黃色炸藥], trinitrotoluene (TNT), C6H(NÓ)3CH
        yǒushēngyǒusè, [有聲有色], having sound and color (idiom); vivid/dazzling
        héyányuèsè, [和顏悅色], amiable manner/pleasant countenance
        qiūsè, colors of autumn/autumn scenery
绿         mòlǜsè, [墨綠色], dark or deep green
        xǐxíngyúsè, [喜形於色], face light up with delight (idiom); to beam with joy
        nuǎnsè, warm color (arch.)/esp. yellow, orange or red
        sèlāyóu, salad oil
        dàjīngshīsè, [大驚失色], to turn pale with fright (idiom)
        sèdù, saturation (color theory)
        chìhèsè, reddish-brown
        tiáosèbǎn, [調色板], palette
        zásè, [雜色], varicolored/motley
        tàoshǎi, color printing using several overlaid images
        mǎnyuánchūnsè, [滿園春色], everything in the garden is lovely
        tuōsè, [脫色], to lose color/to turn pale/to bleach/to fade
        bǔsè, [補色], complementary color
        duìbǐsè, [對比色], color contrast
        shuǐtiānyīsè, water and sky merge in one color (idiom)
        guósètiānxiāng, [國色天香], national grace, divine fragrance (idiom); an outstanding beauty
        tuósè, [駝色], light tan (color)/camel-hair color
        hēisèjīnshǔ, [黑色金屬], ferrous metals (i.e. iron, chromium, manganese and alloys containing them)
        tánhǔsèbiàn, [談虎色變], to turn pale at the mention of a tiger (idiom)/to be scared at the mere mention ...

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