睡 ⇒
睡 shuì, to sleep/to lie down
睡觉 shuìjiào, [睡覺], to go to bed/to sleep
睡着 shuìzháo, [睡著], to fall asleep
睡眠 shuìmián, sleep/to sleep/(computing) to enter sleep mode
睡衣 shuìyī, night clothes/pajamas
入睡 rùshuì, to fall asleep
沉睡 chénshuì, to be fast asleep/(fig.) to lie dormant/to lie undiscovered
睡梦 睡袋 shuìdài, sleeping bag
打瞌睡 dǎkēshuì, to doze off
睡袍 shuìpáo, nightgown
熟睡 shúshuì, asleep/sleeping soundly
睡美人 Shuìměirén, Sleeping Beauty
瞌睡 kēshuì, drowsy/to doze/to nap
睡醒 shuìxǐng, to wake up
昏睡 hūnshuì, sleep/drowse when unconscious/lethargic sleep/lethargy
昏昏欲睡 hūnhūnyùshuì, drowsy/sleepy (idiom)
睡椅 shuìyǐ, couch
午睡 wǔshuì, to take a nap/siesta
安睡 睡裤 嗜睡 睡意 shuìyì, sleepiness
睡熟 睡莲 shuìlián, [睡蓮], water lily
酣睡 hānshuì, to sleep soundly/to fall into a deep sleep
睡帽 睡魔 睡相 shuìxiàng, sleeping posture
醒 ⇒
醒 xǐng, to wake up/to be awake/to become aware/to sober up/to come to
提醒 tíxǐng, to remind/to call attention to/to warn of
清醒 qīngxǐng, clear-headed/sober/awake
醒来 xǐnglái, [醒來], to waken
叫醒 jiàoxǐng, to awaken/to wake sb up/to rouse
唤醒 huànxǐng, [喚醒], to wake sb/to rouse
苏醒 sūxǐng, [甦醒], to come to/to awaken/to regain consciousness
醒悟 xǐngwù, to come to oneself/to come to realize/to come to see the truth/to wake up to rea...
醒目 xǐngmù, eye-grabbing (headline)/striking (illustration)
惊醒 jīngxǐng, [驚醒], to rouse/to be woken by sth/to wake with a start/to sleep lightly
昏迷不醒 hūnmíbùxǐng, to remain unconscious
觉醒 juéxǐng, [覺醒], to awaken/to come to realize/awakened to the truth/the truth dawns upon one/scal...
睡醒 shuìxǐng, to wake up
提个醒 醒酒 xǐngjiǔ, to dissipate the effects of alcohol/to sober up
警醒 jǐngxǐng, to be alert
如梦初醒 醒醒 春醒 长眠不醒 晋生醒 春醒中 剑醒来 布弄醒 元熙醒 梦方醒 贝恩醒