磨 ⇒
折磨 zhémó, to torment/to torture
磨 mó/mò, to rub/to grind/to polish/to sharpen/to wear down/to die out/to waste time/to pe...
琢磨 zhuómó/zuómo, to carve and polish (jade)/to polish and refine a literary work, to ponder/to mu...
磨蹭 móceng, to rub lightly/to move slowly/to dawdle/to dillydally/to pester/to nag
消磨 xiāomó, to wear down/to sap/to whittle away/to while away/to idle away
磨损 mósǔn, [磨損], wear and tear/abrasion
磨难 mónàn, [磨難], a torment/a trial/tribulation/a cross (to bear)/well-tried
磨坊 mòfáng, mill
磨练 móliàn, [磨練], to temper oneself/to steel oneself/self-discipline/endurance
打磨 dǎmó, polish/grind
磨牙 móyá, to grind one's teeth (during sleep)/pointless arguing/(coll.) molar
推磨 磨合 móhé, to break in/to wear in
磨灭 mómiè, [磨滅], to obliterate/to erase
磨床 móchuáng, grinding machine/grinder
研磨 yánmó, milling/to grind/to polish by grinding/to abrade/whetstone/pestle
不可磨灭 bùkěmómiè, [不可磨滅], indelible
水磨 磨砺 mólì, [磨礪], to sharpen on grindstone/to improve oneself by practice
磨擦 mócā, variant of 摩擦[mó cā]
临阵磨枪 磨炼 móliàn, [磨煉], see 磨練|磨练[mó liàn]
好事多磨 hǎoshìduōmó, the road to happiness is strewn with setbacks (idiom)
磨光 móguāng, to polish
磨刀 módāo, to hone (a knife)
磨砂玻璃 磨刀石 módāoshí, whetstone (for honing knives)
软磨 磨刀霍霍 módāohuòhuò, lit. to sharpen one's sword (idiom)/fig. to prepare to attack/to be getting read...
磨合期 磨工 耐磨 nàimó, wear resistant
十年磨一剑 水磨石 shuǐmóshí, terrazzo
磨洋工 móyánggōng, to idle on the job
磨光机 拉磨 水磨坊
刀 ⇒
刀 Dāo/dāo, surname Dao, knife/blade/single-edged sword/cutlass/CL:把[bǎ]/(slang) dollar (loa...
剪刀 jiǎndāo, scissors/CL:把[bǎ]
刀子 dāozi, knife/CL:把[bǎ]
手术刀 刀锋 dāofēng, [刀鋒], cutting edge or point of a knife, sword or tool
剃刀 tìdāo, razor
小刀 xiǎodāo, knife/CL:把[bǎ]
刀片 dāopiàn, blade/razor blade/tool bit
刺刀 cìdāo, bayonet
刀刃 dāorèn, knife blade/crucial point
刀伤 开刀 kāidāo, [開刀], (of a surgeon) to perform an operation/(of a patient) to have an operation/to de...
螺丝刀 luósīdāo, [螺絲刀], screwdriver/CL:把[bǎ]
砍刀 kǎndāo, machete
镰刀 liándāo, [鐮刀], sickle/curved blade to cut grain
刀枪不入 dāoqiāngbùrù, [刀槍不入], lit. impervious to sword or spear (idiom)/fig. invulnerable/untouchable/thick-sk...
一刀两断 yīdāoliǎngduàn, [一刀兩斷], lit. two segments with a single cut (idiom)/fig. to make a clean break (idiom)
剃须刀 tìxūdāo, [剃鬚刀], shaver/razor
刀具 dāojù, cutting tool
刀柄 刀叉 dāochā, knife and fork/CL:副[fù]
刀口 dāokǒu, the edge of a knife/cut/incision
两肋插刀 liǎnglèichādāo, [兩肋插刀], lit. knifes piercing both sides (idiom)/fig. to attach a great importance to fri...
刀把 军刀 jūndāo, [軍刀], military knife/saber
菜刀 càidāo, vegetable knife/kitchen knife/cleaver/CL:把[bǎ]
冰刀 bīngdāo, ice skates/ice skate blades
大刀 dàdāo, broadsword/large knife/machete
刀尖 宝刀 刀枪 dāoqiāng, [刀槍], sword and spear/weapons
猎刀 lièdāo, [獵刀], hunting knife
屠刀 túdāo, butcher's knife/abattoir hatchet
短刀 刀法 折刀 zhédāo, clasp knife/folding knife
刮胡刀 guāhúdāo, [刮鬍刀], razor
尖刀 jiāndāo, dagger
单刀直入 dāndāozhírù, [單刀直入], to get straight to the point (idiom)
笑里藏刀 xiàolǐcángdāo, [笑裡藏刀], lit. a dagger hidden in smiles (idiom); friendly manners belying hypocritical in...
刀架 磨刀 módāo, to hone (a knife)
刮刀 guādāo, spatula/scraper
锉刀 cuòdāo, [銼刀], file (metalworking and woodworking tool)
闸刀 小试牛刀 xiǎoshìniúdāo, [小試牛刀], to give a small demonstration of one's impressive skills (idiom)
刀剑 dāojiàn, [刀劍], sword
千刀万剐 qiāndāowànguǎ, [千刀萬剮], to make mincemeat of sb/to hack sb to pieces (used while cursing)
大刀阔斧 dàdāokuòfǔ, [大刀闊斧], bold and decisive
钢刀 gāngdāo, [鋼刀], steel knife/sword
藏刀 卷笔刀 juǎnbǐdāo, [卷筆刀], pencil sharpener (blade-only type)
刀鞘 dāoqiào, scabbard
磨刀石 módāoshí, whetstone (for honing knives)
宝刀不老 bǎodāobùlǎo, [寶刀不老], lit. a good sword always remains sharp (idiom)/fig. (of one's skills etc) to be ...
铡刀 zhádāo, [鍘刀], lever-style guillotine (for chopping fodder etc)
马刀 mǎdāo, [馬刀], saber/cavalry sword
刀光剑影 单刀 錾刀 磨刀霍霍 módāohuòhuò, lit. to sharpen one's sword (idiom)/fig. to prepare to attack/to be getting read...
刀痕 单刀赴会 dāndāofùhuì, [單刀赴會], lit. to go among enemies with only one's sword (idiom)/fig. to go alone into ene...
黄刀峰 刀削面 dāoxiāomiàn, [刀削麵], knife-shaved noodles (pared or shaved into strips), a Shanxi specialty
劈刀 二把刀 èrbǎdāo, inexpert/a botcher
刀背 dāobèi, back of the knife
刀术 水果刀 shuǐguǒdāo, paring knife/fruit knife/CL:把[bǎ]
一刀切 yīdāoqiē, lit. to cut all at one stroke (idiom); to impose uniformity/one solution fits a ...
刀塞进 刀而生 刀权 刀利 刀兵 刀斧手 dāofǔshǒu, lictor
刀光血影 dāoguāngxuèyǐng, massacre
铲刀 刀耕火种 dāogēnghuǒzhòng, [刀耕火種], slash and burn (agriculture)
刀剑声 腰刀 刀远胜 侧刀 一刀刀 刀剑能