HSK东西 Scripts Advanced Search Radicals [collapse definitions]
móshā to scrub with an abrasive
to sand
frosted (e.g. glass)

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Word Compounds

        zhémó, to torment/to torture
        mó/mò, to rub/to grind/to polish/to sharpen/to wear down/to die out/to waste time/to pe...
        zhuómó/zuómo, to carve and polish (jade)/to polish and refine a literary work, to ponder/to mu...
        móceng, to rub lightly/to move slowly/to dawdle/to dillydally/to pester/to nag
        xiāomó, to wear down/to sap/to whittle away/to while away/to idle away
        mósǔn, [磨損], wear and tear/abrasion
        mónàn, [磨難], a torment/a trial/tribulation/a cross (to bear)/well-tried
        mòfáng, mill
        móliàn, [磨練], to temper oneself/to steel oneself/self-discipline/endurance
        dǎmó, polish/grind
        móyá, to grind one's teeth (during sleep)/pointless arguing/(coll.) molar
        móhé, to break in/to wear in
        mómiè, [磨滅], to obliterate/to erase
        móchuáng, grinding machine/grinder
        yánmó, milling/to grind/to polish by grinding/to abrade/whetstone/pestle
        bùkěmómiè, [不可磨滅], indelible
        mólì, [磨礪], to sharpen on grindstone/to improve oneself by practice
        mócā, variant of 摩擦[mó cā]
        móliàn, [磨煉], see 磨練|磨练[mó liàn]
        hǎoshìduōmó, the road to happiness is strewn with setbacks (idiom)
        móguāng, to polish
        módāo, to hone (a knife)
        módāoshí, whetstone (for honing knives)
        módāohuòhuò, lit. to sharpen one's sword (idiom)/fig. to prepare to attack/to be getting read...
        nàimó, wear resistant
        shuǐmóshí, terrazzo
        móyánggōng, to idle on the job

        shā, sand/gravel/granule/variant of 沙[shā]
        shāguō, [砂鍋], casserole/earthenware pot
        shātáng, granulated sugar
        shāzhǐ, [砂紙], sandpaper (i.e. abrasive)
        shāshí, sandstone/sand and stone/aggregate
        shālì, [砂礫], grit
        shāyán, sandstone
        shāzi, sand
        zhūshā, [硃砂], cinnabar/mercuric sulfide HgS/also written 硃砂|朱砂[zhū shā], cinnabar/mercuric sul...
        péngshā, borax
        shājiāng, [砂漿], mortar (building)
        tiěshā, [鐵砂], shot (in shotgun)/pellets
        báishātáng, white granulated sugar

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