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[禮樂] lǐyuè (Confucianism) rites and music (the means of regulating society)

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Word Compounds

        lǐwù, [禮物], gift/present/CL:件[jiàn],個|个[gè],份[fèn]
        hūnlǐ, [婚禮], wedding ceremony/wedding/CL:場|场[chǎng]
        zànglǐ, [葬禮], burial/funeral
        lǐbài, [禮拜], week/religious service/worship/CL:個|个[gè]
        lǐmào, [禮貌], courtesy/manners
        Lǐ/lǐ, [禮], surname Li/abbr. for 禮記|礼记[Lǐ jì], Classic of Rites, gift/rite/ceremony/CL:份[fèn...
        lǐfú, [禮服], ceremonial robe/formal attire (dinner suit, evening gown etc)
        diǎnlǐ, [典禮], celebration/ceremony
        wúlǐ, [無禮], rude/rudely
        jìnglǐ, [敬禮], to salute/salute
        xǐlǐ, [洗禮], baptism (lit. or fig.)
        shīlǐ, [失禮], lacking in manners
        wǎnlǐfú, [晚禮服], evening dress
        lǐjié, [禮節], etiquette
        lǐyí, [禮儀], etiquette/ceremony
        lǐtáng, [禮堂], assembly hall/auditorium/CL:座[zuò],處|处[chù]
        lǐpǐn, [禮品], gift/present
        lǐbàitáng, [禮拜堂], chapel/church (Protestant)
        Lǐbàitiān, [禮拜天], Sunday
        Lǐbàiliù, [禮拜六], Saturday
        Lǐbàiwǔ, [禮拜五], Friday
        sònglǐ, [送禮], to give a present
        zuòlǐbài, [做禮拜], to go to church on Sunday (of Christians)
        xínglǐ, [行禮], to salute/to make one's salutations
        lǐmào, [禮帽], Western-style man's hat
        bīnbīnyǒulǐ, [彬彬有禮], refined and courteous/urbane
        Lǐbàiyī, [禮拜一], Monday
        fēilǐ, [非禮], rudeness/insolence/impropriety/harassment/molestation/indecent assault
        Lǐbàisān, [禮拜三], Wednesday
        sānglǐ, [喪禮], funeral
        xièlǐ, [謝禮], honorarium/gift as thanks
        huílǐ, [回禮], to return a greeting/to send a gift in return
        hèlǐ, [賀禮], congratulatory gift
        Lǐbàisì, [禮拜四], Thursday
        Lǐbàièr, [禮拜二], Tuesday
        lǐbīn, [禮賓], protocol/official etiquette
        lǐyù, [禮遇], courtesy/deferential treatment/polite reception
        jiànmiànlǐ, [見面禮], gift given to sb when meeting them for the first time
        lǐshù, [禮數], etiquette/(old) gradation of etiquette with social status
        hòulǐ, [厚禮], generous gifts
        jìlǐ, [祭禮], sacrificial offerings/worship/religious rite
        Lǐbàirì, [禮拜日], Sunday
        lǐhuā, [禮花], fireworks
        xúnlǐ, [巡禮], to make a pilgrimage (to visit a holy site)/to go on a sightseeing tour
        jūlǐ, [拘禮], to stand on ceremony/punctilious
        lǐjīn, [禮金], monetary gift
        lǐshàngwǎnglái, [禮尚往來], lit. proper behavior is based on reciprocity (idiom)/fig. to return politeness f...
        lǐpào, [禮炮], gun salute (e.g. 21-gun salute)/salvo
        guānlǐ, [觀禮], to attend a ritual
        péilǐ, [賠禮], to offer an apology/to make amends
        xiānlǐhòubīng, [先禮後兵], peaceful measures before using force (idiom); diplomacy before violence/jaw-jaw ...
        shīlǐ, [施禮], to salute/to greet
        duōlǐ, [多禮], too polite/overcourteous
        pìnlǐ, [聘禮], betrothal gift
        shènglǐ, [聖禮], Holy sacrament/Christian rite (esp. Protestant)/also called 聖事|圣事 by Catholics
        lǐzàn, [禮讚], to praise/well done, bravo!
        fēntíngkànglǐ, [分庭抗禮], peer competition/to function as rivals/to make claims as an equal
        bólǐ, [薄禮], my meager gift (humble)
        lǐjiào, [禮教], Confucian code of ethics
        lǐràng, [禮讓], to show consideration for (others)/to yield to (another vehicle etc)/courtesy/co...
        lǐfǎ, [禮法], etiquette/ceremonial rites
        lǐyuè, [禮樂], (Confucianism) rites and music (the means of regulating society)
        dálǐ, [答禮], to return a courtesy/return gift
        cǎilǐ, [彩禮], betrothal gift/bride price
        huánlǐ, [還禮], to return a politeness/to present a gift in return

        kuàilè, [快樂], happy/merry
        yīnyuè, [音樂], music/CL:張|张[zhāng],曲[qǔ],段[duàn]
        jùlèbù, [俱樂部], club (the organisation or its premises) (loanword)/CL:個|个[gè]
        yuèduì, [樂隊], band/pop group/CL:支[zhī]
        Lè/Yuè/lè/yuè, [樂], surname Le, surname Yue, happy/cheerful/to laugh, music
        lèyì, [樂意], to be willing to do sth/to be ready to do sth/to be happy to do sth/content/sati...
        yúlè, [娛樂], to entertain/to amuse/entertainment/recreation/amusement/hobby/fun/joy
        lèqù, [樂趣], delight/pleasure/joy
        huānlè, [歡樂], gaiety/gladness/glee/merriment/pleasure/happy/joyous/gay
        lèguān, [樂觀], optimistic/hopeful
        yīnyuèhuì, [音樂會], concert/CL:場|场[chǎng]
        kělè, [可樂], amusing/entertaining/(loanword) cola
        lèyuán, [樂園], paradise
        yáogǔnyuè, [搖滾樂], rock music/rock 'n roll
        yuèqì, [樂器], musical instrument/CL:件[jiàn]
        yīnyuèjiā, [音樂家], musician
        yuètuán, [樂團], band/orchestra
        juéshìyuè, [爵士樂], jazz (loanword)
        lèyú, [樂於], willing (to do sth)/to take pleasure in
        wánlè, [玩樂], to play around/to disport oneself
        xiǎnglè, [享樂], to enjoy life/pleasures of life
        yóulèyuán, [遊樂園], theme park
        mènmènbùlè, [悶悶不樂], depressed/sulky/moody/unhappy
        ānlèsǐ, [安樂死], euthanasia
        xìngzāilèhuò, [幸災樂禍], lit. to take joy in calamity and delight in disaster (idiom); fig. to rejoice in...
        yóulèchǎng, [遊樂場], playground
        yuèshǒu, [樂手], instrumental performer
        yuèpǔ, [樂譜], a musical score/sheet music
        shēngyuè, [聲樂], vocal music
        yīnyuèjié, [音樂節], music festival
        dòulè, [逗樂], to amuse oneself/to clown around/to provoke laughter
        qǔlè, [取樂], to find amusement/to amuse oneself
        Kěkǒukělè, [可口可樂], Coca-Cola
        xúnhuānzuòlè, [尋歡作樂], pleasure seeking (idiom); life of dissipation
        jiāoxiǎngyuè, [交響樂], symphony
        yuèqǔ, [樂曲], musical composition
        yīnyuètīng, [音樂廳], concert hall/auditorium
        lètǔ, [樂土], happy place/paradise/haven
        Lèān, [樂安], Le'an county in Fuzhou 撫州|抚州, Jiangxi
        yuèzhāng, [樂章], movement (of a symphony)
        guǎnxiányuè, [管弦樂], orchestral music
        yóulè, [遊樂], to amuse oneself/recreation
        zìdéqílè, [自得其樂], to find amusement in one's own way/to enjoy oneself quietly
        zuòlè, [作樂], to make merry
        xiányuè, [弦樂], string music
        BǎishìKělè, [百事可樂], Pepsi
        guǎnxiányuèduì, [管弦樂隊], orchestra
        yuèmí, [樂迷], music fan
        zòuyuè, [奏樂], to perform music/to play a tune
        DàiGāolè, [戴高樂], Charles De Gaulle (1890-1970), French general and politician, leader of the Free...
        lèguānzhǔyì, [樂觀主義], optimism
        lèyúzhùrén, [樂於助人], willing to help others
        yuèshī, [樂師], musician
        lètiānpài, [樂天派], happy-go-lucky people/optimists
        jiāoxiǎngyuètuán, [交響樂團], symphony orchestra
        zhùrénwéilè, [助人為樂], pleasure from helping others (idiom)
        lèshànhàoshī, [樂善好施], kind and charitable
        lècǐbùpí, [樂此不疲], to enjoy sth and never tire of it (idiom)
        BóLè, [伯樂], Bo Le (horse connoisseur during Spring and Autumn Period)/a good judge of talent...
        yuètán, [樂壇], music circles/music world
        jīnjīnlèdào, [津津樂道], to discuss sth enthusiastically
        lèzi, [樂子], fun/pleasure/laughing matter
        bùyìlèhū, [不亦樂乎], lit. isn't that a joy? (quote from Confucius)/fig. (jocularly) extremely/awfully
        yúlèjiè, [娛樂界], entertainment world/show business
        tiānlúnzhīlè, [天倫之樂], family love and joy/domestic bliss
        Ānlè/ānlè, [安樂], Anle district of Keelung City 基隆市[Jī lóng shì], Taiwan, peace and happiness
        jūnyuèduì, [軍樂隊], brass band
        ānjūlèyè, [安居樂業], to live in peace and work happily (idiom)
        xǐnùāilè, [喜怒哀樂], four types of human emotions, namely: happiness 歡喜|欢喜[huān xǐ], anger 憤怒|愤怒[fèn ...
        Shīlè, [施樂], Xerox
        húyuè, [胡樂], Hu music/central Asian music (e.g. as appreciated by Tang literati)
        chīhēwánlè, [吃喝玩樂], to eat, drink and be merry (idiom)/to abandon oneself to a life of pleasure
        hélèérbùwéi, [何樂而不為], What can you have against it? (idiom)/We should do this./Go for it!
        qílèwúqióng, [其樂無窮], boundless joy
        hélè, [和樂], harmonious and happy
        ānlèwō, [安樂窩], comfortable niche
        qílèróngróng, [其樂融融], (of relations) joyous and harmonious
        xiānyuè, [仙樂], heavenly music
        mùguǎnyuèqì, [木管樂器], woodwind instrument
        lèbùkězhī, [樂不可支], overjoyed (idiom); as pleased as punch
        qīngyīnyuè, [輕音樂], light music
        Lètiān/lètiān, [樂天], Lotte (South Korean conglomerate), carefree/happy-go-lucky/optimistic
        Lèpíng, [樂平], Leping county level city in Jingdezhen 景德鎮|景德镇, Jiangxi
        Lèshì/lèshì, [樂事], Lay's (brand), pleasure
        lèhēhē, [樂呵呵], happily/giddily
        Měilè, [美樂], Merlot (grape type)
        lèbùsīShǔ, [樂不思蜀], indulge in pleasure and forget home and duty (idiom)
        zhīzúchánglè, [知足常樂], satisfied with what one has (idiom)
        guǎnyuèqì, [管樂器], wind instrument/woodwind
        xiǎnglèzhǔyì, [享樂主義], hedonism
        Kānglè/kānglè, [康樂], Kangle county in Linxia Hui autonomous prefecture 臨夏回族自治州|临夏回族自治州[Lín xià Huí zú...
        lèjíshēngbēi, [樂極生悲], extreme joy turns to sorrow (idiom); Don't celebrate too soon, things could stil...
        yuèyīn, [樂音], musical note/tone
        Lèdū, [樂都], Ledu county in Haidong prefecture 海東地區|海东地区[Hǎi dōng dì qū], Qinghai
        Mínyuè/mínyuè, [民樂], Minyue county in Zhangye 張掖|张掖[Zhāng yè], Gansu, folk music, esp. for traditiona...
        xǐlè, [喜樂], joy
        Chánglè, [長樂], Changle county level city in Fuzhou 福州[Fú zhōu], Fujian/Princess Changle of West...
        lètáotáo, [樂陶陶], joyful/cheerful
        bālè, [芭樂], guava (loanword from Taiwanese)
        xǐwénlèjiàn, [喜聞樂見], to love to hear and see (idiom)/well received/to one's liking
        yuèlǐ, [樂理], music theory
        Lègāo, [樂高], Lego (toys)
        Xīnlè, [新樂], Xinle county level city in Shijiazhuang 石家莊|石家庄[Shí jiā zhuāng], Hebei
        Sīlèbīng, [思樂冰], Slurpee (drink)
        xiányuèduì, [弦樂隊], string orchestra
        Yǒnglè, [永樂], Yongle Emperor, reign name of third Ming emperor Zhu Di 朱棣[Zhū Dì] (1360-1424), ...
        Xīngbīnglè, [星冰樂], Frappuccino
        āiyuè, [哀樂], funeral music/plaint/dirge
        xiányuèqì, [弦樂器], string instrument
        lǐyuè, [禮樂], (Confucianism) rites and music (the means of regulating society)
        Jiālèfú, [家樂福], Carrefour, French supermarket chain
        lèkāihuā, [樂開花], to burst with joy
        shìnèiyuè, [室內樂], chamber music
        tánbōyuèqì, [彈撥樂器], plucked string instrument/CL:件[jiàn]

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