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[離岸] líàn offshore

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Word Compounds

        líkāi, [離開], to depart/to leave
        chī/Lí/lí, [離], mythical beast (archaic), surname Li, to leave/to part from/to be away from/(in ...
        líhūn, [離婚], to divorce/divorced from (one's spouse)
        jùlí, [距離], distance/CL:個|个[gè]/to be apart from
        yuǎnlí, [遠離], to be far from/to keep away from
        gélí, [隔離], to separate/to isolate
        tuōlí, [脫離], to separate oneself from/to break away from/diastasis (medicine)/abscission/abju...
        fēnlí, [分離], to separate
        táolí, [逃離], to run out/to escape
        chèlí, [撤離], to withdraw from/to evacuate
        líqù, [離去], to leave/to exit
        lípǔ, [離譜], excessive/beyond reasonable limits/irregular
        piānlí, [偏離], to deviate/to diverge/to wander
        líqí, [離奇], odd/bizarre
        lízhí, [離職], to retire/to leave office/to quit a job
        líbukāi, [離不開], inseparable/inevitably linked to
        xíngyǐngbùlí, [形影不離], inseparable (as form and shadow)
        zhīlípòsuì, [支離破碎], scattered and smashed (idiom)
        lízǐ, [離子], ion
        líbié, [離別], to leave (on a long journey)/to part from sb
        líyì, [離異], to divorce
        líàn, [離岸], offshore
        mílí, [迷離], blurred/hard to make out distinctly
        bèilí, [背離], to depart from/to deviate from/deviation
        cùnbùbùlí, [寸步不離], to follow sb closely (idiom)/to keep close to
        líhéqì, [離合器], clutch (mechanics)
        bōlí, [剝離], to peel/to strip/to peel off/to come off (of tissue, skin, covering etc)
        shǐlí, [駛離], to steer (the plane) away from/to drive away (from a place)/to leave
        biélí, [別離], to take leave of/to leave/separation
        yóulí, [遊離], to disassociate/to drift away/to leave (a collective)/free (component)
        bèijǐnglíxiāng, [背井離鄉], to leave one's native place, esp. against one's will (idiom)
        líjiàn, [離間], to drive a wedge between (allies, partners etc)
        líduì, [離隊], to leave one's post
        líjīngpàndào, [離經叛道], to rebel against orthodoxy/to depart from established practices
        lítí, [離題], to digress/to stray from the subject
        tiǎobōlíjiàn, [挑撥離間], to sow dissension (idiom); to drive a wedge between
        duǎnjùlí, [短距離], short distance/a stone's throw away
        liúlíshīsuǒ, [流離失所], destitute and homeless (idiom); forced from one's home and wandering about/displ...
        pūshuòmílí, [撲朔迷離], impossible to unravel/confusing
        chángjùlí, [長距離], long distance
        líxīn, [離心], to be at odds with/centrifugal (force)
        bājiǔbùlíshí, [八九不離十], pretty close/very near/about right
        pànlí, [叛離], to betray/to desert/to defect from/to turn renegade
        děnglízǐtǐ, [等離子體], plasma (physics)
        chàbùlí, [差不離], not much different/similar/ordinary/nearly
        guāngguàilùlí, [光怪陸離], monstrous and multicolored/grotesque and variegated
        shēnglísǐbié, [生離死別], separated in life and death/to part for ever
        lísàn, [離散], (of family members) separated from one another/scattered about/dispersed/(math.)...
        líxīnlì, [離心力], centrifugal force
        diànlí, [電離], ion/ionized (e.g. gas)
        diànlícéng, [電離層], ionosphere
        lírèn, [離任], to leave office/to leave one's post
        líxīnjī, [離心機], centrifuge
        diānpèiliúlí, [顛沛流離], homeless and miserable (idiom); to wander about in a desperate plight/to drift
        líxiāngbèijǐng, [離鄉背井], to leave one's homeplace (to find work, flee disaster etc)
        líxiū, [離休], to retire/to leave work and rest (euphemism for compulsory retirement of old cad...
        màohéshénlí, [貌合神離], the appearance of unity, but divided at heart (idiom); seeming harmony belies un...
        ruòjíruòlí, [若即若離], lit. seeming neither close nor distant (idiom)/fig. to keep one's distance/(of a...
        wànbiànbùlíqízōng, [萬變不離其宗], many superficial changes but no departure from the original stand (idiom); plus ...
        bēihuānlíhé, [悲歡離合], joys and sorrows/partings and reunions/the vicissitudes of life
        yánglízǐ, [陽離子], positive ion/cation (physics)
        yīnlízǐ, [陰離子], negative ion/anion (physics)
        nánshěnánlí, [難捨難離], loath to part (idiom); emotionally close and unwilling to separate
        fùlízǐ, [負離子], negative ion/anion (physics)
        zhènglízǐ, [正離子], positive ion/cation (physics)

        hǎiàn, coastal/seacoast
        àn, [㟁], variant of 岸[àn], bank/shore/beach/coast/CL:個|个[gè]
        ànbiān, [岸邊], shore
线         hǎiànxiàn, [海岸線], coastline/seaboard/shoreline
        duìàn, [對岸], opposite bank (of a body of water)
        ànshàng, ashore/on the riverbank
        kàoàn, (of a boat) to reach the shore/to pull toward shore/close to shore/landfall
        shàngàn, to go ashore/to climb ashore
        héàn, riverside/river bank
        líàn, [離岸], offshore
沿         yánàn, coastal area/littoral or riparian
        ànrán, solemn/serious
        bǐàn, the other shore/(Buddhism) paramita
        dīàn, embankment/bank/levee
        Zuǒàn, Left Bank (in Paris)
        liǎngàn, [兩岸], bilateral/both shores/both sides/both coasts/Taiwan and mainland
        kǒuàn, a port for external trade/a trading or transit post on border between countries
        géànguānhuǒ, [隔岸觀火], to watch the fires burning across the river/to delay entering the fray until all...
        XiàngyáHǎiàn, Côte d'Ivoire or Ivory Coast (Tw)
        wěiàn, [偉岸], imposing/upright and tall/outstanding/gigantic in stature
        dēngàn, to go ashore/to disembark
        HuángjīnHǎiàn, [黃金海岸], name of various places including Gold Coast (Australian city), Gold Coast (forme...
        Nánàn, Nananqu district of central Chongqing municipality, formerly in Sichuan

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