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[積存] jīcún to stockpile

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Word Compounds

        jījí, [積極], active/energetic/vigorous/positive (outlook)/proactive
        jī, [積], to amass/to accumulate/to store/measured quantity (such as area of volume)/produ...
        jīxù, [積蓄], to save/to put aside/savings
        miànjī, [面積], area (of a floor, piece of land etc)/surface area/tract of land
        jīlěi, [積累], to accumulate/accumulation/cumulative/cumulatively
        tǐjī, [體積], volume/bulk/CL:個|个[gè]
        jīfēn, [積分], integral (calculus)/accumulated points (in sports, at school etc)/total credits ...
        wēijīfēn, [微積分], calculus/differentiation and integration/calculus of infinitesimals 微 and integr...
        lěijī, [累積], to accumulate
        duījī, [堆積], to pile up/to heap/accumulation
        jīmù, [積木], toy building blocks
        jījù, [積聚], to coalesce/to gather together/to amass
        túnjī, [囤積], to stock up/to lay in supplies/to hoard (for speculation)/to corner the market i...
        jīshuǐ, [積水], to collect water/to be covered with water/to pond/accumulated water/ponding
        jīzǎn, [積攢], to save bit by bit/to accumulate
        duījīrúshān, [堆積如山], to pile up like a mountain (idiom)/a mountain of (paperwork etc)/a large number ...
        jīxuě, [積雪], snow/snow cover/snow mantle
        jīdé, [積德], to accumulate merit/to do good/to give to charity/virtuous actions
        chǔxīnjīlǜ, [處心積慮], to plot actively (idiom)/scheming/calculating
        jīyā, [積壓], to pile up/to accumulate without being dealt with
        chénjī, [沉積], sediment/deposit/sedimentation (geology)
        jījíxìng, [積極性], zeal/initiative/enthusiasm/activity
        chénjīwù, [沉積物], sediment
        jīyuàn, [積怨], grievance/accumulated rancor
        jùjī, [聚積], to accumulate/to collect/to build up
        róngjī, [容積], volume/capacity
        chéngjī, [乘積], product (result of multiplication)
        rìjīyuèlěi, [日積月累], to accumulate over a long period of time
        jījífènzǐ, [積極分子], enthusiast/(political) activist
        jīyǔyún, [積雨雲], cumulonimbus (cloud)
        túnjījūqí, [囤積居奇], to hoard and profiteer/to speculate
        chénjīyán, [沉積岩], sedimentary rock (geology)
        jīcún, [積存], to stockpile
        jīxí, [積習], old habit (usually bad)/inbred custom/deep-rooted practice
        jīyún, [積雲], cumulus/heap cloud
        yūjī, [淤積], to silt up/silt/sediment/ooze/slurry
        xùjī, [蓄積], to accumulate/to store up
        jīdiàn, [積澱], deposits accumulated over long periods/fig. valuable experience, accumulated wis...
        jīruò, [積弱], cumulative weakness/to decline (over time)/degeneration
        chōngjī, [沖積], to alluviate/alluviation/alluvial
        jīfēnxué, [積分學], integral calculus

        cúnzài, to exist/to be/existence
        shēngcún, to exist/to survive
        cún, to exist/to deposit/to store/to keep/to survive
        xìngcúnzhě, [倖存者], survivor
        bǎocún, to conserve/to preserve/to keep/to save (a file etc) (computing)
        xìngcún, [倖存], to survive (a disaster)
        cúnhuó, to survive (a serious accident)/survival
        cúnkuǎn, to deposit money (in a bank etc)/bank savings/bank deposit
        chǔcún, [儲存], stockpile/to store/to stockpile/storage
        cúnfàng, to deposit/to store/to leave in sb's care
        cúnhuò, [存貨], stock/inventory (of material)
        cúnchǔ, [存儲], to store up/to stockpile/(computer) to save/to store/memory/storage
        kùcún, [庫存], property or cash held in reserve/stock
        cúnxīn, deliberately
        fēngcún, to sequester/to seal up (for safe keeping)/to freeze (an account)/to mothball
        gòngcún, to coexist
        cúndàng, [存檔], to file/to save a file (computer)/saved data (for a video game etc)
        cúnzhé, [存摺], passbook/bankbook
        cúnrù, to deposit (e.g. in a bank account)
        nèicún, [內存], internal storage/computer memory/random access memory (RAM)
        shìzhěshēngcún, [適者生存], survival of the fittest
        chángcún, [長存], to exist forever
        liúcún, to keep/to preserve/extant/to remain (from the past)
        cáncún, [殘存], to survive/remnant
        xiàncún, [現存], extant/existent/in stock
        shēngsǐcúnwáng, matter of life and death
        jìcún, to deposit/to store/to leave sth with sb
        bìngcún, [並存], to exist at the same time/to coexist
        dàngránwúcún, [蕩然無存], to obliterate completely/to vanish from the face of the earth
        cúnwáng, to live or die/to exist or perish
        cúngēn, stub
        yǒngcún, everlasting/to endure forever
        cúnchǔqì, [存儲器], memory (computing)
        wēncún, [溫存], tender/affectionate/tenderness
        huǎncún, [緩存], (computing) cache/buffer memory
        cúnyǒu, to hold in storage/to retain/to harbor (feelings)/to entertain (sentiments)/(of ...
        zhùcún, [貯存], to store/to deposit
        cúnliàng, reserves
        yīcún, to depend on sth for existence/dependent on
        cúnkuǎndān, [存款單], certificate of deposit
        cúnhuólǜ, (med.) survival rate/(med.) recovery rate
        qiútóngcúnyì, [求同存異], to seek common ground, putting differences aside (idiom)
        cúnqǔ, to store and retrieve (money, belongings etc)/(computing) to access (data)
        fēngyùnyóucún, [風韻猶存], (of an aging woman) still attractive
        jīcún, [積存], to stockpile
        míngcúnshíwáng, [名存實亡], the name remains, but the reality is gone (idiom)
        jìcúnqì, processor register (computing)
        jìcúnchù, [寄存處], warehouse/temporary store/left-luggage office/cloak-room
        jiécún, [結存], balance/cash in hand

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